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Everything posted by CutePinkElephant

  1. my gal good at this one only, plus some creativity,arts and some jungle act but academic very poor arrrr
  2. today is parent teacher meeting for my galz.....and the teacher feed back is all negative about my girl AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA............... ya lor very stress to see them stress, but hor some say u must gv u kid some stress so when they ar at primary they can adapt lor
  3. so niceeeeeee where to buy ya?
  4. i mean this one ,very full of art, the tiler must be the best in town
  5. 18month still ok lor as long as only go to playing club and meet some friends, the horrible one is teach the 6 month baby to read if i not wrong schida method same as my gal, from her to sleep until in the end i pretend to sleep lor... hahah good idea too, but now she very like to call on the phone, so to put the phone on her room just like put a candy on a table, to make her want to sleep alone nia haiwhawiawi so nice ler hv teacher mummy ur girl must be very happy at school and at home ya lor i also dun want my girl too stress, so only go to chinese enrichment class, no choice because i dont know chinese some of my friend hor, when their child at k2, their child go to many enrichment class ler...chinese,math,preparation for primary, music,swimming and budget for her son is 2.5k-3k perterm
  6. all daddy are the same, my hubby also fall asleep first before my daughter ask ur girl to design her room that she like lor...and company her until she sleep after that u can run away to ur room liao lor...me also do the same and i put a telephone in her room and write down our handphone number, so in case she hv a bad dream or afraid she can call us in the end...every morning especially weekend we always hv a morning calllllllllllllllll
  7. very BIG living hall! and the floor tiles is so cute ler hahaha
  8. Yes....this also what im thinking...but only dont know how to say my engrrrishhhh is very poor ar 3 gals talk then daddy just a statue like everytime when me and hb want to discuss something and ask girl2 quiet, and she said "not fair...children just like a statue" good daddy talk about cost of living me only one, k1 fee+ chinese enrichment fee + transport fee already very headache lerrrrrrrrr cant imagine other child still can go to ballet, math class, music class,science class, etc etc................very envy lerrrrrrrrrrrr ......i only can afford chinese class ya if i can i also want 2 lor, but im beriii afraid failed to teach my kids, and in the end she failed and im failed as parents lor
  9. a good mom 5 yo is starting for headache liao, for their homework etc etc preparing for P1 ya ya if u hv own idea better choose hobee, last time actually i've no idea about my reno and design de, but when the times come, or the capenter ask u what design u want ,ur design and idea will imidiately come out liao er yes, the most important thing is u feel comfort and trust ur contractor/id...so u not feel dissapointed
  10. me also the same one already headache but hor sometimes ...she will said to me like this ler...papa mama so happy always together, can sleep together, can chit chat and laugh together...me always alone! and need to sleep sleep and sleep.. :~ haiz....sometimes 2 kids is more perfect....but im veryyyyyyyyy afraid fo the responsibility as parents
  11. i get it from indonesia, whole house plus 2 king and single quilt cover ,sheets ,pillows bolsters arround 3million++ rupiah or arround $600++ here is the add Tivoli 155 Perniagaan phone (061) 4560807 only 1hour from singapore to medan and ticket fare only arround $300++ two way whuahauahau.... so cute ler got two hor let them fight , laugh ,play together lor , and u can relax with ur wife ...but me only hv one ler..... everytime must play play with her first...after that too late and tired to chit chat with hb liao and everybody sleep lorr.... eh , so lucky hor u r the only boy boy at home, means you be the HERO for ur 3 gals ler sooooo nice!!!! wakkkk....then choose aircon lor....but u must know the brand the the electricity using lor. usually free one they will gv u cheap one and not really good one lor.....just make sure the brand lor... yeah bun bun is right nothing is free in this world hawuhawiahwiaw
  12. Mr.Chong try to find the similar topic but i cant found may i know what i need to do when sleeping? close the toilet door and the toilet bowl? many thanks
  13. Hi maybe im too kepo.... i just say what i've learn from this forum, im not saying ur stove so sorry about that........ next time must :X liao
  14. if for me, and if i hv money in my hand i will do it now, cause do it now or later the diff is not much. but only do what u can afford.
  15. pinkitsch, u tell mrs.quek lor to do re quotation plus 3 aircon haha but hor....u must check properly the quotation id gv u or other contractor lor...smal smal thing also means alot lor. example, isit ur quotation include -labour for toilet bowl,labour for water tap, labour for hood, hob, sink,light,shower ,swiitch ,socket,water heater etc etc etc..........last time i really cant imagine if i use other contractor maybe i will kena chop chop till i dont know and LL must pay liao, but lucky i use hobee and i check all the price they quote me and reasonable loh and the important is all include in my quotation already loh... so just like what u see what u get loh . imagine if they gv u quotation very cheap but in the end all the labour fee like i mention above havent include and for the electricity u also need to know the price , and need to write down lor.. good luck for your reno yah ))) she is 5yo liao..now is the time to echo everything i ask her to do loh haizzzz she is 5yo already bunbun ya lor when she is cute i feel im the happiestttttttttt and successful mom but when she is naughty feel i better go back to work
  16. hahahah aluminium one also ok larr but if i hv extra cash hor i will use the solid type lor... now i also use alum one ler....bo pian no money to change hahaha... pinkpetter, if for the balcony...hmmm i also prefer no grilles ler...maybe u can just put half grilles lor..dont put full grilless, if u put full cant feel the balcony ler so nice hor..house hv balcony
  17. hv grilles but no glass window? so cute ler raining then how ler? for me windows grilles is a must lor, but the solid and stylist one dont get that aluminium
  18. yeah bunbun, i hv the one and only cute lil monster daughter...even only one but i feel like hv 4 daughter
  19. as long as the stove not facing the entrance can liao means when u cooking ur backside not facing the entrance lor
  20. i bought all my clipsal switch and socket at chanhuat
  21. Hi mr.Chong in general fs, how about if the bathroom door in a right hand side of my bed?(means bathroom door facing my bed) i need to use the toilet often or better not? thanks alot....