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tomasulu last won the day on September 12 2014

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About tomasulu

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  1. I’ve successfully appealed for no set back in rebuilding my previous place. That house was built to the boundary.
  2. I got a Spanish counter current system. When it was working the swim wasn’t very comfortable. Especially if your pool is shallow. After a year it broke down.
  3. I’ve terrible experience with outdoor lighting for my pool. Doesn’t matter what the ip rating or brand, water seeps through. Worse than changing out the lights is the water will short the circuit and black out the house. So I turned off the power to them and put up solar outdoor lights from Taobao. They work really well.
  4. I successfully applied for setback exemption for a end terrace.
  5. My 25x3 costs about $250 a month maintenance. Twice weekly cleaning.
  6. I'd stick to your design ideal and go with the metal frame. I did ALU doors myself - didn't know better - and yes the frames are thick and not as nice. I have a metal gate for outdoor and it doesn't rust. And even if it did it's just a simple paint job to cover it up.
  7. very cool, not many have the opportunity to build their own house in singapore. do you have any 3d sketches? looking forward to your updates. this is quite an undertaking. I tried and gave up on a rebuild years ago when costs quickly escalated beyond $1m. sold the property and bought another which just required a reno. a quick question, you mentioned there is an option to top up the lease... is that specific to your property and in writing or just a general policy of ura? also you mentioned this is a refab? i didn't know we have such a thing... please say more.
  8. I've also routed the circuit that supports the appliances with the highest power requirements to another. So maybe that helped too.
  9. I've a terrible case of power circuit frequent tripping too. Often it happened after a heavy downpour. I've done so many things but what worked was changing some of the items inside the db box to higher resistance ones. I can't remember what the electrician said but essentially it's to raise the threshold before the circuit trips. Not sure it's safe to do so but at least it helps reduce the tripping.
  10. I think a 60 yo cluster house won't be an easy sell. And even if it's you won't realize much cap gain on this purchase 20 years later. I'd go with a fh terrace.
  11. Mitsubishi 8 compressors, 2 cassettes (28k btu I think), and 6 blowers (including 2x 24k btu). 3 storey installation. $15+k by nation cool.
  12. Id home plus was the contractor for my lap pool and I am happy with their service. I'm sure they do repair works as well. Don't have his number with me but you can google for them.
  13. Commiserations. I had to change my polycarbonate roof because it leaked. The new polycarbonate roof leaks too but much less and only during very heavy downpour. What the workers did was to support the aluminum structure with metal pillars. The structure could support a couple of workers that way. Next time I will go with glass roof which I suspect contracts and flexes less. Also had to apply sealant to the main roof (clay tiles) due to leaks. Thankfully it's been good since then.
  14. http://www.apswater.com/article.asp?id=198&title=Alkaline+Water+Hoax+It+is+Simple+Science I've also read articles that claim purified water is terrible for you. I've been drinking it for years. Don't trust everything out there.