After seeing the video on how unsafe invisible grilles are, I sent an feedback to HDB to check whether they have done any testing on the invisible grilles.
To my surprise, the HDB officer told me they didn't conduct any testing for the invisible grilles. I asked the HDB officer do you think after seeing the video on the invisible grilles, whether it's safe for the public, I couldn't get any good answer from the HDB officer.
If a 6 year old girl or an adult can slip through the gaps in the invisible grilles easily, then what's the point of installing the invisible grilles?
Anyway, the HDB officer told me he will submit my feedback to his management, and hopefully they can conduct their own testing on the invisible grilles, so to ensure it's really safe for us to protect our kids
Perhaps if more people can feedback this safety issue to HDB, their management can take a quicker action to test out the invisible grilles