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Everything posted by Hana79
Hi Redwyrm, Wil do, Tks! : ) Same here, din do too much to my plc. When Toshiba announced plans 2oso exit DVD mkt, paving way4 Blue Ray technology, our orig plan for TV feature wall oso changed. 47" TV became 42", of course save $$ & we tot maybe change in a few yrs... _________ Hey Shivan, Dun wori, my current(old) hse oso unsightly & worse, I avoid "packing" reality & went shoppin(cramp space) instead! When hubby & sometimes, brother oso travel, I "tk holiday" put packing aside & go hi-tea/meals w frens/aunties (Headache 2c mess@ home), haha but => Procrastinate! Ok, wil drop by ur plc when more "jian de ren" : ) ________ Dear Meowie & hubby, Sushibabe & Congee, Congratulations !!!
Hi Redwyrm, Envy right? Me too! I was@ 79 today but tight timeline or it'd be great 2visit ur hse. Luk like a nice1, tho I only caught a mere glimpse tat day. Oso hope to visit Shivan's after his carpentry is all done. U guys' proximity/hses amost like Meowie's & mine (but not so near tat I can hang a basket 1 flr down & shout "Here's da salt u want! Hey, can borrow sugar ah? I got guests..") Get da (lazy) idea?
Hi Alister, I rem u told me authorities gonna flush tank & u oso placing a white pce of cloth over tap.. Based on yr pics, I'm shakin my head over da poor water quality there. Luks like water filter is da way to go, v. unhealthy esp hses w kids. Hmmm, must contact authorities to ask them to do more.
Depends on 4 or 5-Rms, owners hv to pay Both -> $800/$1100 for loading sand, etc.. AND $170+/$180+ for haulage & removal of debris@ blk. "Town Council tryin their luck" - Huh?? Rockey, ur contractor wud know there r two fees 2b paid. In my case, letter went to my contractor/ID so they pay for me 1st. Letter was dated very beginning of my reno so presumably, Howlupjac's ID forgot to bill@end of reno.
Hi Redwyrm, Can I hv them? Hana79
Hi Meowie, My TV is set up so based on ur info, I suppose my splitter is intact. Contractor oso relocated my SCV points in hse. I can get TV signals incl. 2 M'sian channels but no broadband/cable tv (decide after shift in). Ya, last wkend, we oso went shoppin (tho heaps to pack, shoppin is less stressful & escape frm current 'messy hse' reality, haha). _____ Zincy> Tks for ur splitter info. Now I know how it luks lyk Gui> Hope to see ur hse too 1 day : ) Cheers, All !
Thanks, Jacky. I'll go tk a look, sounds appealing! If big somemore, best! If not, his shoes, rendered by lack of space, gonna end up on cheap rack os hse
Beats me. As I told Meowie, dunno where it's located. Jus gonna luk4 any jut out wires/'skeletal like' device (pretty much like skeletal/ frameless.. doorbell, post theft). If nothin's amiss, wil ask Meowie (haha, paise) or my contractor to confirm If smthg amiss, add to Meowie's "bear paw" curse!
Hi Meowie, Shivan visited my hse tdy & missus mentioned my neigh's missing doorbell. I said kena stolen... she asked if it's only lower floors (easier access to thieves) which are affected. I recall now tat when my hubby 1st reported our missing db to Bldg Service Ctr a couple of mths ago, they say many hses kena stolen, can't control theft... if want one, may report as faulty & wait for replacemt. We were surprised but too busy to bother till our recent final stage reno. TV splitter - I was@ new hse tdy but unlike all our contractors who know how to use card2-open method, I reckon I wil bring key & check nxt time I go there.. hope not stolen as well Tis a busy mth but when I got time, oso too lazy to pack@ current hse. Maybe wait till after final touch up : ) We stil lookin4 shoe cabinet (tho we cud settle for a standard elegant dark1/ glossy white & (chosen) color laminate type). Checked on wine chillers tdy but din buy.. got two brands, 12 vs 15 botts. Cheers,
Dear Meowie, Dun tk it so hard la. U know my door bell oso kena stolen & I saw tat my neigh's too. Since we're one 1 flr apart, da thief just 'sweep up' all our DBs. I hvnt even checked tat TV splitter thingy u mentioned, dun even know where it's located Jus imagine when u finish packing.. Wow, w tat bar counter, all tat vast wardrobe space... envy2 ok? Do nothin but shake legs & watch big screen then! Tension, Wow, $700 vs $400, tats heaps! Good on u! Meowie, Oh dear, if it's os maybe mine's gone too. Must go & check. _______ Shivan, Many Tks for showing me ur hse tdy. U certainly did lotsa carpentry, must look awesome when all done up!! I like tat glass-hse area/study too : ) Oh.. & do tell/sms me cost of yr kitchen door when ur not so bz later, can? Tks!
Hi Ryuki, It's ard there. I got an entire wall hacked for a built-in wardrobe & PE was $450/- so ur not short-changed la.
Yeah, CONGRATULATIONS to Meowie49, Bonkitty, Gui99 for hvg moved in tdy! No small feat, man! I got countless things esp clothes, books & shoes... stopped when I fell sick, now dunno where 2start packin again... And if I rem correctly, got a couple more ppl moved in.. Tdy a good day ah?? I never consult any books, moons, stars... most grateful if can finish packing liao!
Hi Liana, Do u mean near-white? As u hv seen, mine's beige color. But tat day, we saw so many hses we prob forgot, hee. I'm meetin piping ppl@ 79 tis Sat 2-4pm (I asked them 2call me 1hr b4 so, if wanna drop by, can sms just make sure I'm there oredi).
Hi Red Crystal, Tis is da 1st time I hear abt da green apple-like fruit, sounds interesting, a natural deterrence Ye, it's da eggshell method i read b4 but I was too lazy & it's too messy to try so I never knew... Medicated oil & Listerine r new to me too Gotta camp comin up in June, maybe can try out : ) Tks again!
Hi Meepok, Tks4 da Shieldtox info. Yeah, I hv used those sticky ppr traps, it's indeed a yucky disposal : ( I got tis Blackhole mozzie buster/zapper frm Home DIY shop, Advante brand but hv yet to use. Maybe use@ new hse. P/s - These 2 days M1 broadband got maintenance on their 3G syst so they asked me to switch to 2G, slower but hope they done w it so I can switch back.
Hi, Anyone here got solution so tis pest can stay away frm our hses? I remember reading abt some hsehold solution (non-chemical) but forgot wat now. BTW, those frequency controlled plugs/electric gadget to deter insects, bugs.. any1 uses them & r they effectv? Tks in advance!
Hi Liana, Can sms me contact oso, Tks.
Alll very swee2 la, Jacky I missed RedCrystals' cos I went straight to Liana's, maybe next time? Liana> Tks for showing me yr hse & impressive kitchen cabinets. Hope u settled da blind thingy. Tks 2 ALL who open hse tat day - Liana79, Yeoman, Toppie, Meowie49, Babymaro, Tension... did I miss any1? Some I saw b4 so it's a progress update : ) ____________ Meepok, Seaswirl... my tub is $1,700+ There r prices ranging a few hundred $$ below/ above or, high end. Made of cross-linked acrylic frm Japan & pump frm Australia. I wan plain, hubby wan posh.. so bet contractor's quoted $1.1k & hubby's desired $3.3k tub, we settled on mid ground I oso saw some white porcelain kinda tub, deep & seem 2gv a good soak but most dun hv our HDB bathrm measuremt or way too expensive, oso v.heavy (n case I nid2 shift a bit for cleanin purposes).
Jacky so funny... but I shall not reveal tat man belong to which categ : ) Jacky>> if u follow Korean drama, check out da latest looks of Bae Yong Jun, ok? (better not say more/ tmr, blks 79 long queue of women... I can't even get2 Liana's hse) BTW, I'm from 79C.
Yeah, where u ppl meetin ah? I oso wanna join (unless I get held up then, i join Babymaro ard 3pm - wanna see her carpet & racks). Liana> Tks for open hse tmr : ) Jacky>> Very kind of u to drop by tdy to gv comments b4 my handover. Tks for yr useful advice & pointers! ______ Jus want to highlight that I hv experienced Camaraderie -> Frenship n Trust in tis neighborhood. I help a neighbor w comments on her hse 1day & another came to help comment on mine. At primary level where the authorities fall short@ times, be it in enforcement/ security..., @secondary level we can help each other. Give u 1 example. Recently 1 evening, we saw a man from afar, wearing jersey, stumbling backwards then collapsed onto a path. I walked a couple more steps then it occured to me he might need help. I turned around, hubby oredi calling authorities. A woman on tat path just walked around guy on floor. Guy then gettin up, hubby walked nearer but I stopped him as guy walked twds garden area. Hubby jetlag frm travel & I was sick so not much defence. Guy didnt appear 2hv injuries but walk zigzag, swayin like a drunk & finally sat on bench among trees. Hubby suspect he high on drugs. Hubby later got call fr authorities & gv more directions. 1 can be like tat woman who just walked away/ confront?/ try alert some1 in position to do smthg? We dunno if he robber, druggie or nid help.. if he nid help, police can followup - if druggie/robber, he may harm some1 so if u fold ur arms, he may harm ur kids/old folks 1 day. If u find it too troublesome to "mind/jaga other ppl ('s backyard)", yr own (backyard) cud be ruined 1 day. U got choice 2b a hermit/ a neighbor. U decide.
Hi Alister, Tks4 da info. Water samples frm yr tap has been filtered (u jus cleaned/replaced yr filters) so I wud assume it's prob gonna meet some min. std, hopefully reassuring4 yr family. I missed tat bit jus now...Wat?? Cloth brown oredi after 2 wks? Yikes! I jus tink they shud hv taken water samples frm any of the unfiltered taps ard the blocks for testing. While I'm likely to buy a filter syst, there're families which may not (Hb oso not a firm believer in filter systs sayin govt provides drinking quality water). Hope these families hv members readin tis forum & go get some kinda filter. Good 2know tat they're at least gonna do a tank flushing but I wonder if & how they wud get rid of any sediments. Tk care!
Hi Alister, Tks4 ur reminder on tv licence & hse content insur. I'm@ final stage of reno but a bit slow lately cos busy & yet2 arrange4 some deliveries. Heard reception there's good, got many channels so, mayn't nid2 subscribe2 cable, wil decide later. Ru da 1 whose water filter had much rust in it? Any reply frm da authorities yet? Frm wat I c, water quality leaves much 2b desired, how2 drink?? Tis is unlyk some countries we went where we gotta drink bottled water all da time (HB who went thru reservist even rinsed mouth w bottled water).
Dear Meowie, Nothing wrong w my floor tiles. I Hana, u tot I Toppie izit? My unit is v.near urs, rem? Meepok jus mentioned jacuzzi, haha. U see too many hses oredi liao!! Better recover soon, ok? 4D MC, wow! rest up!
Hi Meepok, No, dun rem costing a bomb. PM me if interested, i go dig invoice cos we looked@ several models (saw diff prices so can't rem) & had2 find 1 tat fits our bathrm length, @same time not too cramp for my height. "Built-in jacuzzi" price is cheaper but u nid ur own/engage a contractor 2build tile wall. Cos I had invoice longer (b4 our last min. ditch4 jacuzzi), I rem my contractor quoted us $1100 for normal bathtub (incl supply & construct low tiled wall), wch I tink quite reasonable. He even ordered the color 2match. Generally we trust his tiling work cos contractor in industry almost 2 decades liao. Oso did many of HB's frens' hses. So far my floors luk ok & tat day while waitin, I mentioned to him some units hv uneven/hollow flrs, he say he hadda spend $100+ a container of (special?) adhesive4 tiles (carpenter arrived so i no time ask wat/nid how many container). He say some contractors not willing to spend xtra.. Guess he assumed no inexperienced/careless tiler. Ei, u made (full) glass screens for bath oredi rite? If u make tub, gotta saw 1/2, man! I oso gotta live w da ugly blue & orange colors, jus cover up >sore-eye space only. If not, wear shades 2bathe lor, stylo mylo ah! : ) We all wait 3 yrs la, then do nice2 (maybe immune 2 sore-eye blue & orange by then, hahha!)
Hi Meowie, Heard u sick ah? Oh dear, me too... doc gave me 2 days MC for fever. I suspect it's cos I been buildin up a sweat everytime I go2 new hse & then, either get into aircon car, eat in aircon restaurant.. I guess u been hangin ard dusty place w ongoing carpentry work & aft tat, didn't u go shoppin? I been running ard in tis HOT weather & if we never drink enough water, lack sleep, sure down 1! Speedy recovery, ok? Luk fwd 2c u agn if there's any hse hopping Fri aftnn/Sat, do let me know. But we dun hop so many hses la, hop a few, get a drink, hop agn, okie? Tk care! : )