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Everything posted by fortunecookie

  1. Hi! I would appreciate if you could recommend me a FS practitioner for my house moving date. Thanks for your help!!
  2. Thanks bro! Will drop by one of these days to check it out.
  3. Hi all! I wish to check any of the bro/sis here saw shops selling something similar to the painting above? I searched a few places but in vain. Thanks for your help!!!
  4. Hi, can view this web for design. Price is rather reasonable and they response very fast to your request. http://www.panggiap88.com.sg/
  5. Anyway my railings dismantled already. My ID thinking of building "bricked" wall as railing for my house. Managed to ask her do for me FOC.. Dunno will be nice or not though......
  6. Hi! I personally feel that if you don't really like the design of the gates/grilles, you need to replace them. I'm replacing mine cause previous owner also choose those flowery design. Even tight on budget also change!!!! manage to squeeze some cash out by cutting budget on other area. **heart pain pain** I can't imagine every day I return home from work and the 1st thing that greets me is this green and ugly door gate/grilles. walan.... will faint.. Also I find it pointless if your house design or reno till swee swee but spoil by the gate/grilles looks. Well, again, it will depend what theme your house is having. Such flowery designs may blend into certain themes but abit hard to swallow for modern/minimalist theme. If really no money, probably can coat the gate/grilles in silver. Somehow it will look nicer......
  7. Well... MaCe, I'm a smoker too but I won't smoke inside the living room or toilets, even before my baby girl was born. I'm not asking my dad to quit, just request him not to smoke in cofined area. I don't see that as applying tremendous pressure to him. And you are right, we have to give and take when we live with our parents under the same roof, but I have responsibilities for my kids too. Being filial is not simple obeying. For example: if my parents are obese, I will accompany them to stroll in the park to keep their bodies healthy, if they have high blood pressure, I will make sure every meal will be a healthy and nutritious meal. If my dad loves to smoke, I'll smoke with him! just kidding. Anyway, he is very understanding and now he is enjoying his puff in the balcony area. Well, I do join him occassionally as I'm currently trying to cut down my nicotine intake. And the part regarding old folks homes, I'm not exactly the perfect son, but I will take good care of my parents till old age. I don't know any people in their right mind would send their parents to the old folks home... that is in my opinion, simply, NOT RIGHT.
  8. Actually I think you should approach your FIL and tell him you don't like the idea of him smoking in the toilet. There is no point hinting or waiting for him to change his habits coz he won't. I've told my dad to smoke in the balcony for the sake of his grand daughter. And he understand and I can see he is trying his best to smoke at the "designated" area. kekeke... Some things are hard to say but you got to say, if not, it is you who will suffer in the end.
  9. Thanks MaCe!!! I am rushing my ID to complete the reno by this month so we can move in before the "Gate" open. Thanks for your advice.
  10. Hi MaCe, If I were to move house in the 7th month, any ideal dates to move? Thanks for your advice!!!
  11. I don't have the grant... Coz HDB said applicable to 1st time buyers buying resale flat..... My 1st flat was at Sengkang. So not entiltled..... As for how much I'm paying.... it is about 1k plus per month...
  12. Hi!! It is not 545k, house valued at 515k, COV 15k = total 530k. i too think the COV reasonable, but the condition not very good....... The previous owner never do much maintenace....
  13. Hi!! You are right about the valuation... My unit was valued at 515k.... COV was 15k = 530k.... My wife and I had searched the area for quite sometime but alot of owners were asking for COV 50k to 100k!!! They must be crazy.... In the end, saw this unit COV was within our budget and decided to take a look. Somemore it is just opposite my parent's place and my mum can help me to take care of my baby while we are working. Initially we were quite worried as we found it strange that the owners were asking a much lower COV compared to other units. Was it a "marked" by Ah-long? Could it be haunted? Did someone died in this unit? In the end, we met the owners and realized they are migrating soon.... All the uneasiness feelings disappeared and I made the deal on the spot.
  14. Hi! The unit was priced at 530k. COV owner was asking for 20k, but managed to cut it to 15k.... I still find the COV high as the condition of the house needs to be re-make again.... But due to the good location, I still bought it. Hope can cut cost on reno now.... not much budget left.
  15. Hi! You got a BIG balcony..... I recently got a quote for overlaying the weather proof wood from my ID, my balcony is approx 3.6m x 1.7m, $1800. I've decided to give it a miss due to budget constraint. Dunno is cheap or not.....
  16. Hi! Thanks for the warm welcome. I'll register in the blog site and will update soon.
  17. Oh... Thanks for your reply! I didn't check with my contractor yet. my budget is around $200-300 maximum. Of course it is better if can find cheaper ones.
  18. Hi bros and sis! Yipee! Finally I've collected my keys for my EM at Tampines, (Opposite Century Square Area). Starting my reno this week, hope can learn and get some advice from you guys here! Not much money left to reno after paying for the house though. But overall still very excited as got more space for my little daughter to roam about when she is older.
  19. Hi bros and sis! Any lobang for replacing the rubbish chute opening? Just received my keys yesterday and upon inspection, I noticed the opening latch for the rubbish chute very old and dirty.... Renovation starting this week and I'm thinking replacing it at the same time. Appreciate if there is any recommendation. Thanks alot!!!
  20. Hi! Thanks for your reply. Guess no choice then, try to squeeze the space out. If i place the altar facing out the main door, the altar will block the passage way to the common room. Really headache.....
  21. Hi bros, happen to come across this from a chinese website. It mentioned that 关帝 has to face outside the main door, but for my house design, it is impossible to do so. Any recommendation or advice for me? Appreciate your help! 神桌应向大门:神桌是应该正对大门,各位倘若不信,请看天下大小庙宇道观,所有神像均是面向大门,便知此言不谬。家中除了某些神像应该面向大门外,其余的则不需墨守成规;举例来说,“关帝”以及“地主财神”是应该向着大门,其他则不必如此。 “关帝”是武财神,龙眉凤目,手执青龙偃月刀,不单威武非凡,而且正气凛然,令奸妖魔望而却步,故此一般家庭大多奉为镇宅之神。若是正对大门便有看守门户的作用。“地主财神”,全名“五方五土龙神,前后地主财神”。在中国传统的社会里,“地主财神”供奉在屋内,与供奉在大门外的“门口土地”,一内一外,作为一间屋的守护神。但现在很多大厦均不容许在公众走廊供奉“门口土地”,因此屋内的“地主财神”便要身兼二职,必须面向大门来阻止妖邪人屋肆虐了!由引可知,“关帝”与“土地财神”是应该面向大门的。
  22. Hi! I believed my ID is fabricating them. I had looked through the designs you showed me, don't think gonna be cheap if custom make. Probably look for doors with the designs would be a better idea. I will be hunting for furniture soon, will keep a lookout for you.
  23. Hi! I'm sorry I do not have any pics on the lattices. My ID just showed me through the computer during our last meeting. Not very complicated type coz I'm of low budget... It will not be what we always see in restaurant or showroom....... She suggested erecting the lattices near the staircase area, all the way to the ceiling. As for the kitchen, she be doing a lattice type sliding door, it will be of wood and glass combination. Cheap but I'm pleased with the design.
  24. Its great to hear that you have such lobang for nice oriental stuff. Unfortunately for me I really have to search like crazy to get the best buy. I had consolidated a few places addresses and will start my hunting soon. Getting my keys next Monday. Excited!!! My ID proposed using bricked wall to replace the existing staircase railing, don't know how will it look like at this point of time. For the rest of the decor, I'm quite satisfied. We be doing lattices in the living room and kitchen. Really add a touch to the oriental factor. I'm thinking of getting lightings somewhere next week. Any recommendations what to get and where to get lightings with a touch of oriental? Thanks!!!