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Everything posted by AshRinz

  1. AshRinz

    Curtains Help

    Wow, 1K for all those is very cheap. Will give them a call for the next set of curtains. by the way, whats their number?
  2. Can anyone explain on how to delete of fingerprint profiles from the gateman sb740 please? Thank you.
  3. AshRinz

    Curtains Help

    Thanx all. Jeeezzz....i was shocked to see my curtains prices along with the rods and rails.
  4. AshRinz

    Curtains Help

    Thanx pup_ewan. Will drop by TKC this weekend. Any idea how long they take to get it ready?
  5. AshRinz

    Curtains Help

    Hi all, My reno is about to complete and I'm now looking into curtains for the hall and rooms. The problem is, I'm not sure how to go about measuring the width of the windows to install the curtains. 1) For the rod length, do i measure from wall to wall exactly or have to minus off a few cm to accommodate the end stoppers? 2) And also, for living room, is it necessary for full length curtain (ceiling to floor) or half length covering windows only will do? 3) If i want to have day and night curtains for the living rooms, how many rods do I need to install? Thanx all for the kind help. Any info is appreciated.
  6. Thanx Vince for the infos. I didn;t know there's a Yammy 863. How much does it cost?
  7. Hi all, I love watching movies. And listening to my iPod too. And playing PS3 games. I had actually decided on the off-the-shelf HTS from Panasonic Model SC-PT865 mainly due to its Viera link with my Panasonic Plasma and rear wireless speaker capable also and iPod dock built-in. But after reading a few thread on HTS, I'm now contemplating to venture beyond the off-the-shelf units. Ok, here's my considerations. Hopefully I can get some help before my false ceiling is up. Budget wise, quite flexi $2-3K but hopefully dun have to break the bank account 1. I'd prefer small but yet powerful speakers. 2. Prefer wireless for rear so that I can have option to move them around in future. 3. Capability for future upgrades for the amp to support better speakers in future. This is what I have in mind. 1. The Yamaha RX-V663 -> How much? 2. What speakers being small but still powerful enough for watching movies that can be coupled with the Yamaha? 3. Should I get wireless speakers for rear surround or wired ones? 4. Anything else i need to know about the above items? Like additional items for them to work flawlessly? Thank you very much.
  8. Hey, i'm interested to know too. can someone pm me the contacts too? thanx.
  9. Thanx all... I'm still undecided whether to go for the 42" or the 50" Plasma. Looks like i'm waiting for thenext promo to come by before deciding. Hopefully by that time, new plasma will be out, thus my choice plasma's price will drop. Hahaa....keeping my fingers crossed for now.
  10. Ya, but the promotion is already over. Only that the redemption period is until end of this month. Not sure if its ok to do so. Scared later they ask how come so late then come and redeemed and then refuse to give the vouchers. What i mean is, is there a period between purchase date and redeem date that i should take note off? Furthermore, warranty card should normally be posted within 14 days right? Thats another issue.
  11. Hi all, I was looking at Panasonic Viera Plasma and was told the qualifying period for the free vouchers is over. So the shop will have to backdate my purchase (if i buy the tv) in order to be able to claim the vouchers from Panasonic. Is it advisable to do that? In a dilemna cause scared skali next time got better promo, then I lose out on a better deal. Anyone knows if there's going to be any new Panasonic promotions soon? Thank you.
  12. The ones i saw only 2 tubes inside. Can you pm me the place where you got ur lightings? thanx.
  13. I dunno the pricing. Was quite shocked when i saw your price. eh, but yours got remote right? the ones i saw dun have. By the way, the shop i went is oppsite royal fanco at jalan besar.
  14. Thanx all. I was quoted $165. But i'm sure its it can be nego further. My only worries is that it'll spoil easily.
  15. Sealed the deal for the aircon today. SKM series. System 3 with 16mm drain pipe, Class 0 insulation & stainless steel bracket for just under $2.9K.
  16. Yup, my quote is inclusive of installation. Installer just called saying he's using Class 1 insulation material for the job. Looks like i'm going ahead with it. Thanx tommy.
  17. Thanx tommy78. I was worried they'd give inferior insulation material and copper piping for that kind of price. I check C**L Se***ve webby, its about $2792 for the same model with SS bracket. So i'm contemplating to just let my ID settle it. He's only doing co-ordination. One of great worries is the workmanship of the installer. Any aircon specialist to recommend for the installation?
  18. Hi, i just got a quote from my ID for a MHI System 3 inverter model SCM60ZG-S / 3 x SKM28ZG-S with half inch piping and steel bracket for $2900. Is it expensive? Was or am still at a lost given the fact that there's too many models to choose from with varies pricing.
  19. Hi, the one i saw is something like that too. But the shop didn't say got remote or not? Mind PM me how much you got it for and where please? Thank you very much. By the way, is the night light bright enough not to the extend of being glaring while sleeping?
  20. Hi all, Went to some light shops at jalan Besar yesterday and was recommended a so-called 3-in-1 light. LEt me describe. It used longish type fluorescent tube for the day light, then got L.E.D light for the night light and also a color-changing L.E.D for the fancy look. 1 switch to control all function. 1st click-daylight, 2nd click-nightlight, 3rd click-color light, 4th click off all. Looks quite fancy to me. Thinking of getting for my 3 rooms. Anyone use these type of lights before? Do they spoil easily? Thank you very much.
  21. Er...Jack Lalane power juicer? Been using that for about 3 years. Very good and silent.
  22. Yup, its Full HD. Kuro is HD ready? Tot its full HD too.
  23. Hello everyone, need help to make a decision on my TV choices. I've been eyeing Pana Plasma for a long time now. Used to want the 42PY700 but now its discon and replaced with the 42PY800. Checked the details and compare, it seems that the newer PY800 series dun have some feature of the PY700. Instead, most features of the PY700 are being incorporated into the 50PY850 instead with a lil bit of other extras. The Plasma is for living room and mainly for watching HDmovies. Other shows are watch using other TV. I can't decide between the 2. Pricing wise the 42PY800 is around $2.3k while the 50PY850 is around $5.2k Can anyone using the above 2 models share their comments please so I can make a sound decision. Thank you very much.
  24. OMG!!!! Mitsubishi made in Thailand? which model was it? All of them?
  25. Congrats on the W-Class. By the way, is it 3 ticks or 2 ticks? Cause I once saw the Titanium Stainless W-Class and they put 3 ticks on it when all the while I've ben seeing 2 ticks on the W-class for the other colors.