Dear all,
Need some advice. The current airwell serves not much purpose in my opinion and are located outside the bedrooms for each leveI. I would like to cover it up on my 2nd, 3rd and 4th level and convert it as expansion to the family space (sample image shown). Do I need to inform and get BCA's approval, structural engineer to sign off, etc. to do those works??? Or can I just get the reno contractor to do the works without BCA's approval? Any contractors to recommend to do these kinda work (including some other reno & simple ID works ie. wardrobe, kitchen top, cabinet doors, painting, awnings, balcony railings, vinyl flooring, etc.)?
- knock down low wall (including the glass) of the air well
- cover up air well, levelled flooring (parquet finishing)
Any advice & suggestions are greatly apppreciated.
Best regards.