Hello Renotalk members!
I am part of UXDesign team which consist of a few professional web developers & designers that is looking for opportunities to further our team's professional portfolio. (For our future potential clients)
We’ll be happy to create a full WordPress website for your business/endeavors for FREE! (E.g personal blog, photography portfolio, company website)
If you’ve ever wanted a running website for any purposes but didn’t know where to start, We’ll help you with it
Yes, you heard me right, you’ll not have to pay us a single penny
If you’re interested, make sure to contact us via Telegram/Email (Fastest) or send me a private message (Slower).
Telegram: UXDezign
Email: UXDesign96@gmail.com
Please understand that this is a free offer that we are providing, everything comes on a first come, first served basis :) Priority is given to those without any web hosting & domain online yet.