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Everything posted by chronograph

  1. Can't really remember but i think its about $380 for tiles and workmanship, to me it is quite ex for such a small feature wall. I think the workmanship for tiling is about $3 per piece, u can count the tiles use and compute how much the tile cost.
  2. Yes, those are tiles, recommended by my contractor, i tot it was a pretty good idea so burnt my pocket. The king size bed is already in, i tot to show the complete feature wall without anything blocking. At the moment, very messy so no show of furnishing. I didn't hide the toilet in the WIW because the WIW door will be too small or slanted to one side.
  3. Yes, the WIW door is facing the toilet, but there is a hydraulic lever at the WIW door so the door is always close. Looking from outside, the door is a feature wall, blends in with the wall. Yes, WM same place.
  4. Some updates, pictures taken before i moved in: Master bed room feature wall, behind the wall is my WIW, about 7.5ft. Tile of MBR feature wall, gold floral The partition wall also using matching floral lamination with dark red background. Entrance to the WIW, taken near the MBR main door. Ward rode with sliding door. Taken from inside the WIW. Opposite the MBR feature wall Kitchen cabinet, granite top not up yet during time of capture. Railing painting done.
  5. Oh yes, it is just another pigeon hole.....moving from one to the other...u know what i mean. Will upload some from the WIW without furnishing soon. Not alot, just the vanity top solid surface not here yet, kitchen sliding door, redo TV console cabinet(wrong dimension) and minor touch up here and there. I think should be in these few days.
  6. Just moved in yesterday, very busy very messy. I have taken some pics of my WIW using my mobile camera but no time to upload. Will do so when I'm not so tie up. Yalor, that's can't do the whole wall.
  7. Good morning all, Finally moved in yesterday. Now my house is in a total mess, so many boxes lying around in the house. Met my neighbour living in 10th floor. He is interested in selling his EM, so those keen EM seekers can drop me pm. But i don't know how much he is selling and i don;t earn commission. U will deal direct with the owner.
  8. Drink coffee with the care centre in-charge and if it doesn't help and problem still persist then drink coffee with MYCS.
  9. Thanks. For those that is interested in how much it cost should u want to do it too, emboss ones are $9 psf, too ex to do the whole wall so only go one round for my case.
  10. almost same cos my unit floor plan same as yours so can't really change much. I have got only one entrance door opposite my toilet door, it is also a feature wall. So u won't know there is a WIW inside. IN my WIW, i have a wardrobe with glass sliding door, not open concept cos don't want to collect dust.
  11. No regret at all, if there is, it is myself to blame cos i made the choice. Initially i was thinking of using black cement for the filling between tiles but Zhi Seng think otherwise. They said must use white to bring out the black tiles, which i think they are right. There is another feature wall tiles for my WIW partition wall in my MBR, will post soon once it is up. Can no problem but your pricing must be attractive hor.
  12. Ya... pocket burn one big hole. Original quote was $3 psf but i selected $4.5 psf so need to top up. My tiles are mostly from Italy. Pm sent already.
  13. thanks. Yes look bigger after they have cut the pipe otherwise alot of space wasted on the venting air pipe.
  14. More updates: Wash room, PVC pipping have been tidy up, they have cut and removed un-necessary ones and fit it with a stopper, making the room looks bigger. The darker tiles are brown with marking on it but couldn't capture it due to my poor photo skills. Common toilet, same thing the PVC pipping have been cut. It is black throughout accept for the shower area using vanilla color with a big circle make up by 4 tiles. MBR toilet, shower area wall tiles are white with same pattern. The emboss tiles go round the wall tile like a belt. Will update more once they have put up the shower screen and vanity top.
  15. My contractor quote me wrought iron rail for $2145 @ 33ft run. But i didn't do it, paint only to save cost.
  16. The fixtures must be free gift from Zhi Seng, cheap ones about $30 per set. I remembered buying $60 per set for my 5I but similarly "broken" after 4 years. Guess this kind of toilet fixtures cannot last long unless u buy those stainless steel type. I did my reno at 35.8k, i think u r referring to Jessie who did it at 12k. HDB said my unit got RC so no need to use 6"x4" support.....must change to 4"x4" support. Why so rigid? I tot the bigger the better????
  17. Got hicups lah... the awning got delay because of wrong diagram so rejected by HDB. i have to call personally to get a sample for resubmission, told HDB to expedite already. Hopefully, permit can come tomorrow and they can fix on Friday.
  18. Tank size varies depending on what you intend to keep. If you are keeping arowana or fishes that can get too big, obviously a large tank is required. For planted with tetra/angel, 2ft is suffice but i have seem 6ftx1x2(H) planted tank. I will setup a 6ft tank at my dinning area for monster fishes.
  19. Thanks, finally coming close to moving in my new place. Just my experience with Zhi Seng only; 1) Pricing, very attractive and reasonable without compromising material. 2) Honest, friendly and reliable. Help to work within my budget, no commission make for my aircon and electrical wiring as Zhi Seng let me deal direct with them but Zhi Seng help to coordinate the work. Promise to complete in 4 weeks(whereas other said at least 6 weeks) which i think is on schedule. 3) Workmanship, so far to my expectation(tiling only, carpentry will only come in on this Thursday). 3) Complaint, i have a few remarks(not many only 2) on their tiling work and Zhi Seng replaced without questioning. 4) Design, Zhi Seng has to improve in this area as they are still using 2d and plan view diagram. Not appealing and very hard for customer to visualize. Those are more technical drawing for their worker than for customer. Work is still in progress, hope that they up keep their standard and customer service.
  20. wall tile not white but light beach color with peach hair line pattern, pattern similar to marble.
  21. Went to check work progress last night and managed to take a few shots. Parquet varnishing completed just last night so the smell was horrible and couldn't make way to level 2. So pics show only the living room and kitchen without all carpentry work. Stair Rail, did not change so give the rail a new coat of paint but not complete yet. Living room, 2 ends with 2 different colors according to FSM. Light has been changed to double tube square down light. Kitchen, cabinet not up and floor not wash yet. Wall and floor tiles have been changed. Will update washroom and toilet soon.
  22. U can do roofing/awning to your balcony. Am doing it right now...... still waiting for HDB approval before proceeding.