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Everything posted by chronograph

  1. U must be very excited to have created another thread for it. Anyway good luck.
  2. Judging from what you said, it must be the improved type. My ex-5I kitchen area also very small. Look at it this way, small kitchen u can reach anything easily. We cook everyday, it will take time to get use to. 2 persons in the kitchen will seem crowded but do u need 2 to cook? Family that doesn't cook will prefer a smaller kitchen, effective area can be given to living room bed room etc. I think the concern is direction, more west can mean hotter evening which i cannot tahan. 1% is normal, but can bargain like no need to pay GST? If your agent has exclusive rights to the unit he/she is marketing then it will be a little tough.
  3. Company with biz revenue > 1 mil can register for GST. However, some parent company will deal with you all the while but use their child company to sign contract with you. That's how they absorb GST. So better check with the ID/Contractor.
  4. A floor plan will probably solved your problem. NW facing is not too bad, only evening time a bit of sun only i know cos my previous 5I NW facing. Where is it? And good luck.
  5. Why do u want to take measurement? The unit is not even yours? Are you confident that u will get the unit? Why not leave all the measurement after when you have bought over, plenty of time to do whatever u want. What u should focus is direction, ask the agent or check the val report should be stated or bring a compus, NS facing doesn't have direct sun. Check for leakage at the toilet ceiling, check for illegal reno, all these can be corrected before u take over, or paper agreement that owner should rectified before your take possession. Commission wise u can bargain with the agent. But never sign on anything unless u are sure, especially not signing on blank form. U need to find out whether there is any potential competitors. During the bargaining process it depends on who breaks first seller or buyer, can go either way. Sign on the OTP, pay $1k, within 2 weeks exercised OTP pay another 4k. But yours is under val so not sure if u need to pay the $5k. Agent to submit OTP to HDB and wait for 1st appointment, 2nd appointment, collect key.
  6. Hiera, your EM level 2 is parquet? I remember ceramic tiles on level one, should be blue based but covered with dirts making it like brownish blue. Yes, somewhere around that price. When i was looking, 12x val was between 420k to 470k. I saw one at 120, 14th val 465k, seller asking for nothing less than 550k. It is designer reno. Wonder if it has been sold.
  7. Oh, the val went up 40k over 6 months, fare enough. At that time, they wanted 90k cov, how to buy? If it is 400k val, i will be torn apart from BB or my current EM, to choose move in cond but no view and no wind or to choose high floor with view and windy? Ha... never mind, already bought my. But i must said the buyer is really lucky. Frankly i like the reno so much that i offered straight 40k before the val is out. Too bad it is not fated to be mine. Yes, better save now, sorry to say that your EM is not maintained by the ex-owner and also alot of things need to go...... est your reno cost easily 50k. At the time i'm hunting no.
  8. Yes it is the prime time, we were also party animal in the past, smoke/drink like no tomorrow. Have my first child at age 30, wife was 29. Good for your to quit smoking, i'm still smoking, when need be, trying to smoke less 2 times a week. Hope you will announce good new very soon.
  9. Are u and partner > 30 or < 30? Age plays a major part in making babies, once you cross 30 everything inside go down hill, female cannot ovulate even with aunty coming regularly every month, male's close brother cannot produce strong bullet all weak and half dead, making things worst work stress lah, junk food we take lah, smoking lah, drinking lah etc. Weigh also, fatter people is 3 times harder, so best way is to keep your diet in check and also keep fit, go gym go jogging etc. The above my wife gyne said one not me hor. Next thing, very important, if the one up there don't give, do everything also useless. I have many friends, heavy smokers heavy drinkers father 2 kids.
  10. Phwee phwee, your MBR Ang Kong Kong. Win liao lar.... Chinese New Year no need to deco, save u a lot time and $$. Almost done already, take more pics when move in and with furnishing ya, definitely will look great.
  11. Yes, i'm aware that it is near MRT, most probably up by 10 to 20%. It has been a while when u lasted viewed the 555 val must have went up for both. The thing is why the 40k is to break even. Just like your EM, when i last viewed it, it was val at 375k + cov 50k = 425k, and few months later you bought it at 425k? That's the price the seller needed to break even lor. I gave your unit a pass cos the amount of cash involved is just too much, 50k + 18.75k(bank loan so 5%) = 68.75k cash, not forgetting agent fee and reno $$, est about 120k. U inviting me to your place? Yes, there were a couple of units on sales on the same floor. I viewed them all. I have made offered with 360k val + cov 43k for the corridoor unit as it was well reno and maintained, marble/granite flooring and parquet. Basically move in. But the seller wanted 450k.... so i passed. Is the unit still on sales?
  12. If your seller obtained permit(approved by HDB) to hack the store room then you will have to accept as it. Railing is going to cost you, most material use are WI(2.8k), stainless steel(>4k) and concrete wall(no idea). I did not changed mine, just paint over with WI paint, looked as new. But if you have the budget, go for stainless steel. At the time when Hiera viewed the EM probably 6 months ago, it was val at 360k + cov 40k = 400k, the only difference is your don't get to fork out cash, everything take loan. 400k could be the price the seller needed to break even. At time like this, some units are selling below val, the seller would be very happy to sell at 470k.
  13. Your shortlisted 5 ids/contractors, IMO that's a lot. Usually it is like not more than 3. They do need to take sites measurements, that will give u a more accurate quotation. For experience ones, the revised quote after measurements should not differ too much. If there is a huge variance, something must be wrong, either they does it deliberately so as to be shortlisted by u or ??. Another thing, to see if there is any additional/alteration/modification required due to the structure. Most will take 30 mins to an hour. 12 to 5 pm just nice for u to arrange one hour/contractor. Good luck ya.
  14. The above is really "GANGSTERS". Did u inform them of your intention to escalate the issue to Small Claim Tribunal? If u did and still get this kind of reply/attitude, wait no longer, go Small Claim Tribunal to file a compliant.
  15. Wow neighbor, your reno really fast. As for the awning, yours already done up. Imagine spider man at work when they installed mine. Dancing along the edge, 14th stories high man. Your lighting looks familiar, agreed that extreme lighting has got limited design. But their pricing is by far one of the reasonable one. Post more pics once it is completed ya.
  16. If u can, wait for another couple of months. Many said it is going to come down for 5 Rm and bigger unit.
  17. You can sue your buyer as well, but whatever is it, it will take a long time to close whether u sue your buyer or your seller sue u. Now, to prevent being sue by your seller u need to complete the buying transaction. The worst scenario is that u will have to take whatever loan HDB can offered for your new unit after depleting your CPF. Which means u will have 2 units. Of course that will not be allowed, HDB will allow u to sell your old one in 6 months time. During this period, u will have to service both loan through CPF and top up cash if necessary. It is going to be tough during this time until u sell your old unit, fund return back to CPF and used it to refinance your new unit. The above is assuming you are getting loan from HDB. If u r getting from bank, the bridging loan will kill u.
  18. Jackpot. I think it was open balcony before with those WI grills and the awning was added later. Just wondering why the the awning did not extend all the way to the edge, that way part of the WI grill can be removed.
  19. aiyo, what have u been doing? How can u miss the unit with half awning and half open balcony? Go see harder... hee hee
  20. 1) Depends on material cost, better ask for quotation. My time was between $9 to $18 psf. 2) 3k to 3.5k 3) Didn't do it cost wanted bigger space. It depends on what u want, compress wood, solid ply, feature wall? cost will be different.
  21. My main door is slanted. However, it was not done by me, it was done by the 1st owner. Actually, i save on this as my FS master said slanted is good for me, he would recommend slanting if it was not already done.
  22. My case, it took about 2 weeks starting from the day where my sales completed, the fund credits into CPF and from CPF to pay back the bank. Bank will only stop charging interest till the $ is received. One tip, call up the HDB(the officer in charge of your case) to expedite once the sales completed. At times, HDB needs some pushing.
  23. Oh yes, i did have some ding dong with HDB but in the end i still have to give in. They even put it in very nice way blah blah blah and the conclusion was i will have to fortfiet my 5k deposit if idon't accept their terms. If u want a flat u got to play by their book. HDB very strict on this. Cannot bend their rules, they can't be making this exception for u alone. U got to look for alternatives, consider renting a flat?
  24. Does it mean that u will not ROM if u cannot get a flat? You problem is easily solved, get ROM and u can buy flat. No matter how u will have to produce COM when buying. If u go to MP, the gov will find u ridiculous, actually u r making it difficult for yourself.