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Everything posted by donut88

  1. Mega Discount store can get u the items that they are not displaying there.... they can just call the supplier and supplier will send it directly to you. you just have to talk to the sales ppl.........
  2. Courts the cheapest????? ARE YOU SURE???? oh man..... your world is very small........
  3. buy from AVS technology. i hope i get the company name correctly. they are at Kallang Ave. they supply such stuff to hotels. they do this type of volume. but u still can walk in to buy. but they only open Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm. weekends are closed. let me find the correct name and phone number. i bought mine from them. they got alot of variety. 1 year warranty if u go see at Hoe Kee shop, they got display couple of wall mounted hair dryers. these are from AVS tech. But Hoe Kee only sell a couple of types. u want other models, they dun have. so u got to go to AVS Tech to see the whole range.
  4. hold on.... they issue a warranty card. let me dig my card and read it first.
  5. thanks for your tips!!! i'm been going to phoon huat every now and then, to look around. i must admit they are the BEST baking shop in singapore!!! they practically have everything and prices are very reasonable!! so my baking experience is only baked fish so far!! ha..... i ever tried baking cookies.... totally CMI!! ha.... it became more like muffins!!! i think i added too much water. i think i will stick to baking food and meat, more than trying to bake pastries. more managable for lazy ppl like me. talking abt the temperature monitor, i saw in IKEA, they are selling the probe type. you leave a wire inside the oven and the device is placed outside. very interesting!! almost tempted to get it at that time, though i dun know how often i will use it.
  6. Go to Mega Discount Store...... small items like kettle, rice oven, you wont save anything lah!!! prices are about the same. BIG items, then u can save alot from Mega Discount Store. Remember that you can bargain there.......
  7. did you ever try Mega Discount Store? Confirmed their prices will be alot cheaper than Gain City and all these stores. Gain City is never cheap, you know. Mega Discount Store's prices can match to those famous neighborhood stores that you know
  8. glossy, kena scratch, its very obvious. if its black glossy, its worse coz finger prints and dust are too obvious... so think carefully.
  9. i wish to share what i have learned today about air con, so that you all will not kena cut throat by other dishonest air con guys. my Toshiba Inverter aircon is leaking from the pipe that is near to the blower unit, so i called the Carrier coz they are the agent for Toshiba and my air con is still under warranty. the Carrier guy came and inspected my air con. there's wrong with my air con. he cut open the plastic trunking and get to see the air pipes and insulations. He on my air con unit and true enough, the insulation is leaking. its condensation of water. he explained that my unit is 13 000 BTU and its more powerful than 9000 BTU. i need to increase my fan speed each time i use. normally i only use 2 bars fan speed, which is too slow for all the cold air to come out from the pipe. 13000 BTU air con will have alot of cold air coming from the compressor. so fan speed too slow, the cold air cannot come out fast enough, it will become condense in the pipe and as a result, condensed water will leak out. also he explained that the roller blower must be kept clean from dust and mold coz dust and mold affects the speed of the roller blower. it slows down the speed and blocks cold air from coming out. this will also cause condensation in the pipe and therefore it will leak out. he explained that air con gas actually last forever. there is no need to do any top ups, UNLESS there's a leak somewhere. so those who hire those air con guys to check yr air cons, please take note. i know alot of dishonest air con guys will purposely say there is a need to top up gas. and they just wayang wayang pump gas in. actually there is no new gas going in and you pay extra for it. last but not least, to prevent mold from growing internally in the air con, each time u want to off the air con after a period of use, example night time u on air con to sleep, then morning wake up, want to off the air con. the best is to switch the mode to "Fan" and full blast it for 2 minutes. this is to blow out all the dampness inside the air con so that mold will not grow. this is similar to yr car air con where the best practice before parking and switching off engine is to turn open the air con dents and full blast it so that mold will not grow inside the coil. i must admit that so far i never call anyone to service my air con system coz it less than a year. still so new, so i stingy to pay for servicing. after today's experience with the agent, i think i will ask them to service my air con. Carrier service is more expensive than outside, but they are the agent of Toshiba and Carrier and i can trust them. they won't run away. the carrier guy even offer to service my air con FOC. he did alot of cleanings, vacunm, check compressor, check the temperature with a gadget. so impressive!!!
  10. call your Daikin agent first. they are best to know their own product.
  11. hi, think u are really an expert in baking!! hey, i need to learn more from you. when i need to preheat the oven to say 180C. so how do i actually do that? do i turn my temp selector to 180C and just "on" the oven? how would i know whether the inside temp has reached 180C? thanks. so far, i agar agar.... what i did was turn the temp selector to 180C, and just "on" the oven for 10 mins. then i just assume that its sufficient. ha..........
  12. they are good, coz they are a manufacturer themselves. not like many other shops where they depend on outsourced factories. i bought a sofa from them. i think its EAST sofa, if i'm not wrong. so far, its been good and so comfy and huge to sleep on it. price is cheap.... i must say price is cheap coz of the nice design and quality. they give 5 years warranty.
  13. i got both laminated flooring and homo tiles at homes... so i'm experiencing both types of floors. lami floors are good coz its so easy to wipe.... in fact u can just use plain water and mop it. no need those detergents, coz lami floors dun get stains. and lami floors always give u the kind of warm feeling when u walk on it. u can even sleep on it without getting cold feelings. the only thing is that u cannot use too much water. its also a good point coz u save on water usage and lesser strength to mop. homo tiles are more troublesome coz u get stains, the grout lines will get get black, u can see water marks on the tiles if u use too much water, u can see some patch markings if your contractor doesnt know how to chemical clean it. overall, i will prefer lami floors.
  14. procedures is one thing. Time is another issue u need to consider if u selling without an agent. anyway, these days u can nego with agents on the commissions.... no more standard 2% right? so, squeeze the agent's commission to 1% or so.
  15. its more for space availability. maybe u can ask your installer or contractor to advise on what type to get
  16. according to my own experience, its better to get agent to sell yr flat. But no need agent to buy the new flat. selling yr flat, u need alot of time to entertain incoming phone calls from prospective buyers and other agents. its not easy. if u have yr own full time job, where got time to answer incoming calls every time? and alot of ppl call u just to ask questions. alot of them are not so serious to come down to see yr flat. then if u are arranging buyers to come to yr flat, u need to know how to stagger each buyer so that they have their own time. you dun want a few diff groups of buyers to see yr unit at the same time. it will be very confusing. if u put advertisements for yr flat sale, u can easily get 30 phone calls in one day. alot of them are from agents..... that's where u get an agent to manage this and pay him the commission for his work. But if u are buying a resale flat, you dun need an agent. u can take yr time and view all the flats u want.
  17. get the multi function oven where u have 8 functions. it has everything u need. top and bottom, top only, bottom only, fan assisted, grilled, etc basically, if u bake cookies alot, the oven must have top and bottom function. fan assisted is more for fish or meat baking where u dun want the meat to get too dried and burnt and to keep the smell/texture within the meat. if u get the 8 multi function oven, u will have everythiing u need. i actually noticed tat all ovens in the market are the same. if its a 4 or 8 function oven, all the ovens have the same funtions. the main difference is the knobs. some knobs are just plain ugly and difficult to turn. The timer knob is impt. Get the digital timer, so that u can key in the exact timing u want. those turn knob timer is not accurate. u cant really see the timing when u turn the knob. more like 'agar agar' timing. All the other gimmicks such as self cleaning and all that, no use one la..... u will end up doing more cleaning I'm just a novice person learning how to bake stuff now..... my oven is EF brand. Italian made
  18. Buy from Mega Discount Store..... they got one branch at United Sq and at Katong Mall they are good with cheaper price
  19. you can go to Alumix.com to see their pole system which can be re-configure in the future.... it beats IKEA anytime in terms of quality and its not that costly. and yes, they have interior wood colour About yr ID charging u more for wood interior.... its a bluff. the reason why white colour is a standard interior colour is because they use PVC material. if you want wood or any other colour, they got to use laminate. so that's why there is a cost. u can press yr ID to give in to you, since u know the reason now.
  20. The 2 main players in the market is NTUC and AHA (AIA) NTUC is cheaper than AHA, of course..... but i think the NTUC coverage is abit lesser than AHA anyway, if u dun have gold bars at home, just get NTUC lah.... I'm on NTUC for very long already.
  21. This is what Courts is notorious for.......
  22. they are ok lah. if not, those shops will not bringing in so many of them already..... your problems will actually come from your contractor's workmanship instead of the tiles!! if yr contractor never lay the tiles properly, u will have alot of problems later.....
  23. yup!! i also got this similiar shoe rack. its not custom made. bought it from a shop from Kaki Bukit tech place. its a shop facing Kah motor, toyota car showrooms there but its not cheap, mind you.... the one in this pic is about $800-900
  24. technically there are price differences to us as homeowners, we cant really see the differences. even the technical specs in terms of thickness, finishings are different. china tiles are cheap, but dun mean they are lousier. some china tiles are easier for workers to lay, compared to example Italy tiles, due to the thickness most tiles are from china these days.... even if u want italy tiles, there wont be alot of varieties for you to choose