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Everything posted by donut88

  1. the most impt question is how much have you paid to the ID already??? if u paid quite alot already, then u better start to worry alot.... Yr ID may just disappear if you havent pay alot yet, maybe u may just threaten yr ID that u are going to another contractor to do it.
  2. no worries. you will be safe from any legal proceedings. let the seller find out himself abt the new valuation. update us after yr 1st appt.
  3. maybe the TS is trying to chalk up number of postings under his nick...... posting all these rubbish stuff. he should start to engage this company first and show us pics of his reno before telling us to try the company.
  4. this is a bloody US company.... why are you showing us this? what's the purpose?
  5. some of the yard area in new flat are really really tiny..... for example toa payoh blk 79 ones. dun worry abt the drilling part. they will drill 4 holes in the ceiling using those normal drills. sure got dust, but not too much. can easily clean up.
  6. please lah.... just use a bit of common sense and creativity and some colour co-ordination, you can buy everything on yr own.... no need for ID to spoon feed and hold yr hands. i just dun understand abt all these "follow ID to buy this and that". ID is not your parents nor best friend. he's just an overrated contractor waiting to chop yr head. i know most of forummers are 1st time home owners. very excited and blur about house stuff. Must always remember to have your own idea and concept FIRST before talking to any ID or contractor. Not the other way round. DECIDE on your house theme, all colours, all furniture, all features FIRST. The only thing u seek consultation from ID or contractor is on technical aspects of your concepts.
  7. dun worry abt it. you all have excesised the OTP contract with the earlier price. you got nothing to worry about. let the agents deal with the seller abt the new valuation their own way. Agents will, with all means, follow thru the deal coz they want their comissions. You as the buyer will just act blur and keep yr mouth shut. And during yr 1st appt, just act surprised if the seller ask u about the new valuation. just say that you also just knew abt the new valuation and looked helpless. you may think that its unethical and blah blah..... well, u cannot be 100% ethical in everything u do in life.
  8. Go for Toshiba..... its super quiet with 4 ticks energy savings and its under Carrier company. Made in japan.
  9. Toshiba is very quiet. its so quiet that u cant even hear the compressor working, even if u open yr window and stare at the compressor face to face....... u ever hear toshiba compressor working before? Go for toshiba. its under Carrier company and best of all, its Made in Japan. How wrong can you go, comparing to other brands?
  10. Pls use Toshiba. It's Made in Japan. Win over every other brands already....... And dun buy Mit coz u are paying for that Jack Neo's advert only. Stupid right? and another thing abot Mit. its easy to clean, but if u break those easy to clean parts, the air con unit will not work. you got to buy spare parts from the agent and it wont be cheap!!! i'm not sure whoever bought Mit air con knows about this fact.
  11. if u want, i can refer u to my contractor. i gain nothing from the referral. my home reno just done up and i'm happy with the contractor. Of course, we all must learn how to manage and talk to these contractors. then only we will get the most out of our budget. PM me for more details
  12. donut88


    Go see Extreme Lights shop at Balestier Rd...... they are good. no damage in the delivery and price is cheap
  13. where did u get the price of $4.80 from? can PM me the contacts? thanks
  14. i got all my lights from Extreme Lights.... Good!! Service and delivery is great!! i think all prices in most shops are pretty standard lah... you cant get any lights really super cheap in one shop compared to other shops, coz i believe all lights come from the same wholesale supplier. its how u bargain with the shop. and how u can squeeze from the shop. i'm not sure abt light arcade. Extreme lights is good. you talk to that short guy in the shop. think his name is Gary. Delivery is prompt and nothing breaks.
  15. hi, if i'm been using a too strong shampoo, which i never used before, and realised that i'm losing hair. when i switch to my regular 'lighter' shampoo, will my hair grow back or gets better? I'm getting worried........
  16. Hi all, anyone knows where to get cheaper price for DURO gate locks? I'm looking at buying both the gate lock and main door lock, that i will only use one key to open both locks. I went to Home Fix and another DIY shop, they are selling at the standard price ($188 for both locks), and they got no stock now. any other place that i can buy at cheaper price?
  17. Home Fix shop at Marina Sq selling these finger print type locks..... good brands. you can go and see first. Door Plus shop also selling these type. i think its similar brands as Home Fix
  18. no one knows anything about leather?
  19. $15 psf is pretty ex...... is that about $150 per window panel?
  20. old flats still can conceal wirings. this one must depend on the layout of the flat itself, the skills of your electrician/contractor and where are the electrical points. some points happened to be able to draw wires from the other side of wall. so u will only see the sockets and no external casing. some points or air con truckings can be concealed using boards and patch up nicely to blend on the wall. But no matter what, for old flats, sure got some external wires casing you can see somewhere. No way can be 100% all concealed.
  21. yup, its true the rod is connected from top to bottom floor. and by removing your part, it will affect the whole connection. if you remove, then how the below neighbors gonna to use the antenna? the rod will be disconnected if you remove, that means the below units will not receive the TV signals. not everyone is using SCV cable connections. alot of homes are still using the old TV antennas.
  22. Hi, What is Bycast leather? Difference from PVC or PU Leather? How to tell the difference? Is there different grades of Bycast leather? I have seen Barang Barang bycast leather sofa and other 'no name' shops bycast leather sofa or PU leather. i can tell the difference between Barang Barang's and other shops by feeling the sofas Obviously Barang one feels more like leather. i can even scratch the sofa and marks are left on it. But other 'no name' shops', it really feels like PVC or whatever, i cannot scratch it with marks. Any advise?
  23. yup. this is the $398 hanger from Home Niche. 6 poles this light is pretty common. most light shops are selling this.
  24. i still cant post pics here. anyway, here's the link to it. http://s290.photobucket.com/albums/ll273/donut88_photos/ Look for the rack system hanging from ceiling
  25. How do i post pics? i tried and keep getting the below error msg "Sorry, dynamic pages in the tags are not allowed"