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Everything posted by missyling

  1. Hi Alexter Saw from your posting that you actually place your storage heater inside the common toilet comparment. But how cum other are placing it in the kitchen or inside the toilet? Cos i also want to place inside the comparment so not sure if size of the heater play apart anot?
  2. Hi Applefreak I notice that your ceiling does not have any trunking for your ceiling fan with light kit. May i know is your wiring also conceal by HDB. Cos i enquiry abt this and they told me i need to run another wiring outside if i'm getting fan with light.
  3. Hi Hi I'll also like your sofa. Where you got ur sofa from?
  4. Hi Simple, Your curtain looks nice especially with the day curtain. Can PM the contacts and how much did u pay for ur L shape sofa? Tks.
  5. Hi dino77 How much did u spend it total for your lightings? And how much is per downlight selling over there.
  6. Hi Ckoonyin May i know what is the brand of the parquet wax cos i'm find my flooring very dull looking leh not shiny at all. And how much did u pay for ur LG fridge? Tks ya..
  7. Hi jjican You've got a very nice feature wall. My ID also planned to have mirror for my feature wall but is those normal mirror. But after seeing urs, going to let my ID know i also want black tinted mirror. And so envy that you got such a big wardrobe. Mine is so small compare to yours.. By the way, what is the difference between single bulb downlight and double bulks arh?
  8. Hi, May i knw how does the Automatic Switch work?
  9. hi missyling, o so ur budget is the same as ours? hee !! mayb we can try to source ard together for an ID who can keep to this budget. ic.. so u've already got the quote from them.. how do u find their design btw? so they are able to work within this budget.. we'll b meetin up with them so c wat he can offer. my frn cum neighbour did his for under 11k too. but too bad duno wat prob his ID is facin now.. we waited for his quotation for nearly 3 wks but he hasnt got back to us. haiz. guess we gota look for others already. hmm.. i din know they're not registered.. but i tink there might b some forumers who also done theirs with companies not registered? mayb can share a bit on ur experience? but do u know whether they have a license..or does not registered means they dun have? !! Hi shutiao06 I've sourced for a few ID but their are the most attractive among the rest. Didn't really get to see their design gallery. And i'm also meeting them again this week to confirm some items on the quo. Actually, how i know they are not registered with HDB is that, i can't find their company name in HDB website. Anyway, will check with them on this.
  10. Hi All TPY Kakis Need some advise or feedbacks from all. May i know if anyone has engage Substance Interior for your house reno. Any feedback or review on them? Or anyone who has approached them for quotation are also feel free to share your view pls. The reason i'm asking is because i'm considering of getting them for my house reno but really want some feedbacks before i commit. Thanks alot !!
  11. Hi shutiao Actually i have gotten quo frm the same ID house as raven. Indeed, they are able to work out based on our 10 - 12K budget. And if we really go into price comparsion, think they are few ones who can offfer such attractive package. But i heard that their company are not registered with the HDB. So wonder will there be any issue anot.
  12. Hi Does anyone know that the pricing for the window grilles going to increase? Cos heard from one of the ID that the pricing going to increase on this thurs.
  13. Hi neighbours Finally, just submitted my defect list. Now waiting for them to arrange for joint inspection. Can someone pls tell me if my wall got this very deep joint line, can i include this in my list or anyone wall has this prob too?
  14. Hi Hi I'm checking on behalf of my friend. She would like to know when u guys hack one of the wall for your WIW, do you have to engage a PE or the cost for hiring one is already in your ID package?
  15. Hi lawry May i know how much you paid for your Rinnai Hob & Hood?
  16. He just told me normal materials and if i want to have better materials, i got to top up $240 more. Mind telling me what type of materials shld i be looking out cos really nuts abt air con and even though i hv read up all the posting that u guys posted but still not very sure leh..
  17. Hi, I've received this leaflet stating that for Mit E : System 3 Inverter - $ 2499.00 inclusive of instatlation & gst. May i know is this worth buying?
  18. Me haven even confirmed my ID. Now still sourcing around. Anyway, we have not check our defect yet.
  19. Thanks. Will give them a call to chk out.
  20. Hi Any commend or feedback on this company? Cos i'm consindering them for my reno but wish to know more abt this workmanship and if there are any hidden costs on top of what is stated in quotation? And lastly, and commend on ID Leonard?
  21. Hi jjcian Welcome!! I'm from 678C. So what's the status of your reno? Have u start?
  22. But do they hv the buddha's painting?
  23. Hi Paiseh, I'm abit Sua ku. May i know what timer switch are you guys talking abt? What is the purpose of this timer?
  24. Me too also like painting of the Buddha. Any body know where to get such painting? And may i know who is Master Fu?
  25. Hi haroldism Like your living reno. Very nicely done up. Mind pm me who's ur ID?