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Sam Lee Poh Huat

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Everything posted by Sam Lee Poh Huat

  1. Nothing much, just elaborating how nowasday FS seem getting to be like a myth whereby it only helps most to strike 4D or earn a windfall in their business. IS that what FS is all abt? As mentioned somewhere in this thread by bepgof; 人运,地运,天运. What i believe is how one's life capacity holds (人运), some had his/her success follow duly thru their hard work and while some others with a sliver spoon in mouth. Along their life, some "Master" comes along and might plays along with it- to enhance it or flow with it. As usual I have question myself, was it really a must to do a annual or quarterly audit? Isnt it that a job for a accountant instead? And how geninuely the application or method used be most original and effective? Does it mean annual renovation is really feasible?
  2. Is FS a religion or has it been over the years whereby people of different religion group had insert their own religion belief into it? Personally, i believe it has nothing to deal with religion neither was it a myth to make $$ out of nothing.
  3. I've just started to find out more abt this chinese ancient science and no, i am not a FS master but sorry for saying this; i'm abit skeptical abt this annual FS auditing. Questions to yourself kalimantan; Any changes/improvements/results after the very 1st audit or difference after subsequent audit or specifc result you expecting for certain problem? Why is there a need to carry out annual audit; Was it personal doubt or self assurance? Does ornaments or colours makes wonder or is it the individuals who's persective varies? How much have u understand abt this Chinese Metaphysic? I've the above questions to myself and hopefully by getting a practitioner in this field would clarify some doubts of mine and hopefully this science will prove me wrong. As advised by my practitioner:," if a person is earnest in seeking and has done his/her homework, then the door must be open for such ancient science and is not the possession of a ‘privileged’ few ' ". I'm learning and I hope master nong would be the one clearing your doubts otherwise we should find out more for ourselves isnt it? Just my 2nd cents worth
  4. Not wrong to suggest a more detail and prudent financial planning. It is just dreadful to know that some don't even know the kind of commitment they had taken up. Rem we dont work for 99 years, work span of a person is always limited. Whereas if we over commit and dumping in high COV + high valuation like no body business. We are basically stepping onto a mine field; stepped on it will left you ultimately in pieces or with few pieces missing.
  5. Both L's wld have problems captain our boat if the americans cant sort out their own backyard. Slow and steady as i hope so too and it wld be interesting how we combact inflation.
  6. Seen more recent HDB classified adver's with low cov or cov neg lines. This is a contrast differences when only a few month back 100k COV is a norm. As what bepgof mentioned earlier, this comparative valuation method/Market data approach could be a double edge sword when people starts to sell below valuation. I guess those who bought their unit with 80-100k of COV wld be counting their "paper-loss" now or ponder what's their new unit next selling price to break even.
  7. I'm not too sure the interest rate will stay forever low... check this->Bernanke Asset Purchases Risk Unleashing 1970s Inflation Genie
  8. Prob for most pple on buying spree nv even realise whats their housing budget and not to mention their limit on raising interest rate. Take a dip on PM latest interview with reuters, more measure if prices cont to raise after this wait and see period.
  9. But again, I think our horse did something right this time rd to put some brakes on this escalating COV. Right to mention that low interest wont last forever. Currently, guess some of us here might already overstretch themselves to 35-40% of gross nett income on housing. And this will further add on stress on families who r not prepare for a raising interest rate of.. say.. 5% for the next few years. At the same time, it will be not advisable to agonise most owners with drastical drop in prices and therefore, high valuation with low/zero COV shld be able to pacify both camps.
  10. BTO's or market forces all depends on how well/bad economy goes, yes its really hard to predict. Its always easy to paddle thru the waves but whats left on shore when the tide subsides is left to be seen. Riding against the wave needs some experience and experience could be the best/most expensive teacher for some. Just make sure u are wearing a life jacket while paddling your sampan and keep near to shore.
  11. Low tide is good esp we only hv sampan to paddle our way thru heights of cov wave.. let it be corrected so that the mass and horse can breath alittle better.. my guess is +0 or -1%
  12. In my resale hunt, I've encountered agents who rebuked me that they can always get their colleague to represent us even though we claimed that we are direct buyer and refused to pay their commission. This is especially obvious when we show great interest in the unit we'd view. So buyers beware and come 15-11-2010, let see if they are still persistent in their claims which is, whats "NORM" in HDB transaction.
  13. Horse also admit busy brainstorming with his panel of scholars to reduce surplus of new HDB flats then. I wonder in his tmr TODAY's column would he comment abt going back to "5 or even 10" years.. what would he do to combat globalisation.. Hmm..
  14. Agreed, agents' are not our financial consultant. But in term of mere housing financial advises, I'm just highlighting that these are some basic professional ethics that is currently lacking from some housing agents'. Its a brief but yet mandatory procedure which should be highlighted even without asking, isnt it? Going back to the topic, can see that HDB is really coming hard to correct the market before the election.
  15. Seem like our white knight always comes with arrows behind their shield. Measures introduced are so pro-gahment and this latest one seem to tell cpf to keep as much, sale proceeds, as possible in the light of finance prudence. I don't see any agent going thru the resale checklist diligently (introduced in 2008) but rather they are more diligent on their commission forms. Agents wldnt be bother also with prev measures in checking on whether PR owns a pte overseas properties and as long as they complete their sales and with commission in pockets; PR buyers caught after completion dates is not their probmo. Questions is rather than only "educating" the public, shouldnt they be penalising those errant agents and respective agency? I wonder why CEA is taking so long to hatch. Seem like they taking ages to build up a new nest ard their golden hen -property industry, rather than hatching the egg that gave us a rooster that protects and pluck all the worms from the ground.
  16. Thanks alot bepgof~! U know how tricky it is when it comes to timing for transaction in contra mode. Will take note of on the details u provided. Thanks again
  17. Hi guys, Just to hijack this thread. I was thinking to do a contra in my next flat purchase and I have been told that if some agreements cld b deal with the sellers; Sellers to sign reno permit on behalf (approx 1 mth before completion date) so that I could start the reno earlier and move in immediately upon completion of Enhanced Contra Facility mode. Concerns is, is it illegal as understand HDB wld assign inspection of selling flat before 2nd appointment?
  18. It's more like 高薪滋贪,贪得无厌. A S$1.6 million Lamborghini speaks up this guy greed. What makes him choose to stay in sg and cont looting our tax $$. We shld seriously audit all govt sector...
  19. Great publicity stunt for next year GE but i guess on the wrong end..
  20. On a 2nd thought, there's no way for seller agent to send in their partner as long as direct buyer has not sign their commission form AFTER exercising OTP.
  21. Thats why i said it could be a double edge sword when the art of negotiation overtakes by greeds. But even as a direct buyer (like myself), I was always held ransom by some seller agents who wants their commission from me and yet offer only a few grand discount off COV.
  22. Something similar like co broking, rite? As a direct buyer, i've recently encountered a agent whom i called out to find out that she will be representing me instead of the seller on a co broke basis. Not all against it but it can be a double edge sword at times; hurtful.
  23. No bills yet in stopping seller agents from getting commission from buyers, rite?
  24. Hi, i thought that the HDB resale prices are a reflection of resale prices agreed and transacted 3-4 months back. E.g After 1st + 2nd appt. Therefore, what reflected in SEPT are prices agreed in MAY/JUNE and all was before measures introduced on 30 AUG. Come NOV and DEC we may see the actual corrections in both COV and valuation prices. Personally, I felt that recent measures could give valuers a breather as excess liquidity in the form of COV are blocking us to see market's true valuation.