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No Horse Run

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Everything posted by No Horse Run

  1. Hi there, If you stay near IMM Shopping mall, there is a push cart with Mr Mckenic Signboard, you can purchase a bottle of air con "Choke Clear" which can do the job beautifually. Just proceed there and watch the video demonstration and is as simple as ABC.....
  2. Hi Mr Chong, Got mixed up, your PM is full. Let me know if your PM is available and I will PM again my DOB+Time to you. Thank you.
  3. Hi Mr Chong, 1)I try to PM you but your inbox is full. 2) If you running good luck, toilet in the centre is not a obstacle and you will not seek any Master's consultant. It usually when you are not running smoothly, then you start to wonder and toilet in the centre will be one of the excuse..., toilet door facing bed, etc. Thanks. Hi Mr Chong, 1) Just PM you my bazi. Thank you.
  4. Hi Mr Chong, Thank you for your advise. I need to re-read the books again. 1) I have placed two pots of plant as per your instruction. 2) However, for the sleeping side, I am still sleeping heading east INSTEAD of heading south as per your instruction. Is there any other remedy? 3) Can I seek advise from you regarding toilet in the centre of the whole house? For my house, the toilet is located in the centre of the whole house, I have read many Masters article is to avoid these type of house but did not provide any remedy if happen to stay in these type of house. Seek your opinion on these. Many thanks.
  5. Hi Mr Chong, 1) For 2 pots is it 先天数 二,七? I thought initially the 2 pots is to 生 the 坤卦 of my place. This is because 先天数 二,七 is fire element. Now there is a "dragon", this is something I do not understand. Will it be too tedious if you were to explain here? 2) But I am not able to sleep in the other room facing south. I have to stick to sleeping in the MBR facing east. Is there any remedy for this? 3) 宅的黄泉八煞 is it must aviod at all cost? I mean no activities at that area, if there is window, try not to open the window, etc. Thank you. Regards.
  6. Hi Mr Chong, I would like to learn more about fs from you through this site. I would like to know how you manipulate the Qi in my house, maybe some simple theory. 1) How the two pots of tall plant which you recommned to put outside my main door "works"? 2) Why myself must sleep facing south? 3) If I were to sleep in the other room facing south, I will be sleeping in the "戌山“ 天地罗网 is it okay or is there any other methods to overcome it. 4) Is there any ways to overcome "宅的要煞" area if the occupants have to sit or sleep there? Pardon me if my questions is too vague and taking up too much of your time. Thank you.
  7. Hi Mr Chong, 1) I have attached my furniture layout in the previous post. So if i placed my bed head facing south. There will be no "solid support" behind me. Currently, my headboard is facing east. 2) I have read some books, say it is important to avoid "本命的绝命方“ 和 “宅的要煞“ so for my case my house is 坎宅 so i must avoid sitting or sleeping at “辰戌” 山。 Please advise. Thank you.
  8. Hi Mr Chong, Please find below some of the essential furniture in the house: In the master bedroom, on my left hand side is the built in cabinet. Await your advise. Thank you. Regards.
  9. Hi Mr Chong, 1) I went out the house to take another reading is 196 degree 2) Please enlighten me why I need to put two tall plants opposite my main door? 3) I am sleeping in the far right of my master bedroom because I was advised to sleep in the 艮卦 因为我是西四命 请指教为何我的床头应向南? 谢谢!
  10. Hi Mr Chong, From my floor plan, my kitchen is on the right hand side of my living room, my main door when I walk into my house. So from your reply, i am confused you advised me to sleep in the room beside the main door? You mean to sleep in the room beside the master bedroom? Anyway, I am sleeping in the master bedroom, headboard facing east. Please correct me if I am wrong. Thank you.
  11. Hi Mr Chong, Already PM you the time. Thank you.
  12. Hi Mr Chong, My DOB IS 丙午年 癸巳月 甲戌日 Thank you. Regards.
  13. Hi Mr Chong, Thank you for your reply. As for the door facing the lift, i am asking for my friend. is okay. he is not very particular. he believe in himself. Regards.
  14. Hi Mr Chong, View from my front corridor downwards: View from my MBR: Compass reading: at front door: 205 degree 3 steps beind front door: 194 degree **** hall window: 207 degree centre of the living hall: 196 degree Thank you.
  15. Hi Mr Chong, I got the information from books, 禽星穿宮,當先明二十四山入中之星,巽角木、辰亢金、乙氐土、卯房日、甲心月、尾火、寅箕水、艮斗木、丑牛金、癸女土、子虛日、壬危月、室火、亥壁水、乾奎木、戍婁金、辛胃土、酉昂日、庚畢月、觜火、申參水、坤井木、未鬼金、丁柳土、午星日、丙張月、翼火、巳軫水,各以坐山所值之禽星,入中順佈,以論生剋。但山以辰戍分界,定其陰陽,自乾至辰為陽山,陽順佈;自巽至戍為陰山,陰逆行。星生宮者,動用與分房吉,星剋宮者,動用與分房凶。 流年之禽星,則以值年之星入中宮,陽年順飛,陰年逆飛,而修造之休咎,於此可考。 I am trying to figure out how it works but lead to nowhere. Would appreciate if you let me know a bit. Thank you.
  16. Hi Mace, My day is 乙卯日,please kindly direct what stuffs do I have and how to apply on fengshui on my house. Thank you.
  17. Hi Mace, May I know how to apply 年命纳音 on the house fengshui? My year is 戊申年。 Thank you.
  18. Hi Mr Chong, Just to add on, my house sitting is 坐癸向丁 198 degree. View from my door to the left View from my door to the right Do I miss out any information which you require? Do let me know. Thank you.
  19. Hi Mr Chong, Would like to consult you on 1)禽星穿宫、则当先明二十四山入中宫之星? 2)其流年之禽星、则以值年星入宫飞方 May I know how do I apply this on feng shui? This is because I do not know where to get the 星? i only know when to 阳年顺行。阴年逆行 Thank you.
  20. Hi Mr Chong, Do find attached my house floor plan from one of the FSM Front view front my front door This is testing. Mr Chong, are you are able to retrieve the picture? Thank you.
  21. Hi Mr Chong, I have taken a picture of my floor plan from a FMS through camera and use imageshack. Are you able to retreive it. Thanks
  22. Hello Mr Chong, Thanks for your help. I do not know how to scan my floor plan to link to this site. I do not have scanner at home. Further to that I do not know how to link photos to this site, too. 因缘不足 不必强求 I think have to 船到桥头自然直 Just have to forge out money again to engage another FS Master. I have engaged three FS Master already for the past few years and all give different opinion. That is to say, I have shift my house furniture three times and there are three sets of FS items in my house. Think I can set up a forum here. Ha Ha. 谢谢
  23. Hello Mr Chong, My house orientation (坐癸向丁) is a piece of land (south) in front of the block, although this piece of land is not wide but because underneath run the North East MRT line. behind(North) my block is car park, east side of my block main road, right side of my block is a small road that leads to car park. How do you reckon whether is this a favourable position? 这个格局有什磨办法可以改进? 请多多指教。
  24. Hello Mr Chong, If base on Classic Feng Shui, may i know what is the remedy for this case? Of course moving house is quite impossible. Thank you.