Hi! my family used to stay at a top floor unit, 25th floor to be exact. This point block was erected on a hilltop, so just imagine the view, the lovely breeze, etc and mozzie-free even. The living room faced the north, whilst the kitchen faced the south, so generally, the rooms were nice and cool. No heated ceilings, and no leakage or seepage. Two bedrooms had windows facing the west - the hot afternoon sun, but that would have been okay still. Unfortunately, HDB had the outside walls (of the bedrooms) painted in ..... dark chocolate colour. Despite complaining and explaining to HDB and town council then that dark colours retain heat, they still painted the same outside walls in the same dark colour when they did the repainting, though the rest of the exterior walls were painted in white! That was like more than 20yrs ago and we didn't have aircon, and every evening we had to spray water on the walls, using spray bottles, to cool them down. Bottom-line, my 2 cents' worth, don't forget that the paint-colour of the outside walls play a part, no matter which floor your unit is on.