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Everything posted by Dracula

  1. Oh ok ok. If melt i bring the receipt to you and claim ok. Hahaha.... Neighbours are ok is the most important ah... lata keep complaining also sianz....
  2. My guess is you kena the kind of "newbie" and wanna be "garang" kind ah. In These sectors there are those whom just took over the position and wanna show he/she can perform to that standard so must go by the book loh. Even my place just finish reno also never inspect by sp services. got re-wiring, conceal.
  3. Hmmm... hehe then like that must be extra extra careful ah. Think they targeting your neighbour ah.... waiting for the chance to bring home some good stuffs. Better warn them before its too late ah... if u dun like them, then dun care loh... Hey anyway how long was the power shut down? heard its only about 30mins... is it the same for you? I afraid my ice creams will melt lah... Hehehe....
  4. I think this one is there to collect empty carton boxes, i may have seen them at my block lobby before, but dunno is it the same ppl. Just becareful and anything can always call our Mr MIB to check the areas. This one is it the uncle doing the gate hinges? Hehe.... Wah.... new tactic ah... never hear before leh. Sometimes it is hard to reject such ppl, so the best is dun open the door and carry on with your own stuffs. If they really in need, can always seek the help from Mr MIB again. If they want to borrow sugar and salt, can go Ang Mo or NTUC and buy... Hehehe.... Will take note of the issue.... Thank you
  5. Out of Topic for awhile... Our kitchen window not only there is no Sun, not even the rain can get into the kitchen. We can only rely on the wind (if there is any) or the vastly promoted CityGas clothes dryer, when we are told to save the environment, and yet you are encouraging us to use the clothes dryer which burns off more gas then cooking. Back to the sky garden issue... That was his Million Dollar answer to the situation. Actually we shouldn't be saying that the 12th level sky garden has design flaws, but rather we need to enhance the already flawed Hong Kong Architect design which only applies for Hong Kong and not Singapore. Too many hidden pillars and doors covering the staircase. If you try walking the sky garden at night, its rather scary that you may get robbed any moment or get whacked by thugs and not a soul will even know what has happened there. Somebody should start getting off their big fat arses and walk around the sky garden to assess the situation rather then sprouting rubbish when even the cleaner auntie knows more. What a full load of turds when you say that "The sky garden adopts an open concept that is seen easily from the surrounding blocks". Which surrounding blocks can see the sky garden? Maybe they should take a photo from that "surrounding block" and see which part of the sky garden can be seen. I think they got mixed up by 12th storey sky garden with the 8th storey MSCP garden. Too much good life till dunno how to wake up their bloody ideas. Still thinking that since Singapore is a safe country, we can R&R and wait for more serious stuffs to surface then we talk again. Haiz..... A disappointed resident of HDB (but what can we do again?). Shut up and continue with our pathetic peasants lifestyle and wait for more $$$ to drop from the "sky".
  6. Overall the design and workmanship is ok, but i still think they can improve on the materials used for the kind of $$$ paid for their WIW's. Using Chipboard instead of plywood seems to be cutting cost leh...
  7. Jacky, Lazy to post ur reno progress ah??? Hehe.... Looking forward to wat's install in your own home..... sure very powderful ah...
  8. Yo! Yo! I am back in here. Have you completed your reno? Looks like it is almost done.... Hehe....
  9. Wow... if i see them use fishing rod or bamboo or even their hands through my door, i will slam the door in their face and hopefully break their nose. Hopefully i dun see any man.... Meepok, maybe we should gather all the guys and sit at the 12 storey garden at night where all the smooching and petting are happening and enjoy the show ah.... That would be fun.... Haha....
  10. Hi, Have not seen Ah Long workmanship, but hopefully its as good as Ah Keong's ah. All the best and happy reno-ing
  11. Yeah actually i saw a student being handcuffed and brought to the petrol car a few weeks back at 79C in front of the bus stop. My guess it could be one of the glue sniffers or "Michael Fay" wannabe graffiti artist. Should ask them to read between my lines man..... Hehe... The Straits Times seldom publish "Gossip" news ah, normally its either TNP, TODAY or LHWB loh. ST only publish the Bull & Bear, Anwar, $$$ not enough issues and who giving $$$ to who next lah. Where got time to entertain news like Blk 79 TPY?
  12. Clearer highlights! Hehehe....
  13. Benefit for those whom did not buy the papers We got the famous Meowie49 and Jacky777 in the news! Click for a bigger picture Quote of the day! "When the HDB guy came, we asked if he can take the neighbour's (doorbell casing) for us first. He checked and said theirs was stolen too." - Forum writer meowie49, whose TV splitter and doorbell casing were stolen
  14. Maybe you have heard of the story of a Primary 4 Vietnam-born athlete which came to Singapore when he was 2 years old with a Singaporean Father recently in the news in July 2008 that was boo and hurled with insults of cheating? So how do we as Singaporeans explain that kind of actions? Recommended or total disgrace to the human race? How can one excel in sports or any other stuffs when Singaporeans for one are exceptionally "Uniquely Singapore"? When you are good in somethings for example sports, we as Singaporeans start to doubt if he has the ability. We are too engrossed with paper chasing and career climbing till blinded by our own actions and beliefs. When one excels in studies, ppl will clap and cheer. When one excels in sports, parents will boo and insult the child. What has this little island turn into? There is an old saying, "Try throwing a stone in the public and you will sure hit a Degree paper holder". Jobs being shunned away, taken up by our cheaper FT's. Sports being the last choice for Singaporeans, taken by our FT's too. Maybe we should start to look at ourselves before judging "the others".
  15. Wah! got reporter somemore? You building a golden palace in your home ah? Hmmm..... Lata become Blk 79 Showroom ah. Hehe....
  16. Why dun you go and look for Ho Bee? I know they changed carpenter already but Mr & Mrs Quek service is good as I have heard from my fellow neighbours and there is a topic on Ho Bee too. Go check it out. For Ho Bee is different, before you sign they will just answer watever queries you have or may even forget to quote you because too busy, but after you signed up with them then its different already. They will update you of the progress, give you your $$$ worth of carpentry and service. Closet Design the service is ok, but their materials used is definately not worth the $$$. If you still wanna use them by all means, its just my opinion
  17. i think the schedule is 20th Aug 2008 - 79C 21st Aug 2008 - 79D 22nd Aug 2008 - 79E So today is 79B??? Hmm...... I think you have a whole load of stuff in your fridge to move ah.... better get someone closer at 79B or 79D ah... hopefully they wun take 6 hours to start back the power... if not dun know how many Arowanas, discus will start floating....
  18. There was another saying not long ago too leh.... "Kiang Jiu Ho, Mai Ke Kiang!" Translate (in singlish): Clever can already, dun act extra clever Hehe....
  19. Frankly in my opinion i think its about "China-Chinese" rather then "FT". We have other many FT in different sports and games hidden amongst us but none are mentioned and rather about the famous trio. If for example the Susilio had won the medal instead, will it be such a hooha whether he is from here or some other alien planets. Getting the Silver medal or any other medals is just an "advertising" step for Singapore to be known to those who still dunno about the little island hardly seen on the world map. Same goes for those F1 night race, Singapore Flyer, Casino, etc... Well, it all boils down to why Singapore brought in FT in the first place? Maybe we should start to see why are there so many "cheaper" FT's in Singapore? Nobody wants to get their hands dirty and nobody wants to have a stained career, not because they purposely want them to come over but its rather we Singaporeans do not want to get involved in these "other" career paths. These can go on and on..... some born in Singapore are not proud to be Singaporeans, gave up citizenship and travels to some other alien planets... Afterall we are just 1 race.... Humans (Wait till the Artificial Intelligence arrive, more will be said)
  20. That i also dunno why they never inform via mailbox.... It is at the noticeboard of the lifts from levels 1 to 20. I only saw it last night at the notice board waiting for the lift. Maybe to save $$ or the "environment"?
  21. Hi, My reno was not done by them but my walk-in-wardrobe is done by them. My recommendations are that you can get better quality with the price you are paying. First of all, ask them what kind of wood they are using. Is it Chipboard or Plywood, their workmanship so so only and not the kind of fantastic work which we are paying for. Anyway its just my recommendations
  22. ATTENTION BLK 79E RESIDENTS ONLY! There will be a Temporary Power Shut Down on 22nd August 2008, Friday from 10am - 4pm. So remember to clear your fridge of food that can go bad or ice cubes which will melt. Buy battery pumps for your fishes, torch lights for toilets (only applicable to those at home). Hehe....
  23. Yeah man! Thanks Hana for the time taken and effort to talk to the RC Chairman regarding the concerns of Blk 79 safety and security. Hail Hana! Hail Hana! Hail Hana!
  24. _______________(cut & paste segment below)__________ - Proposed Meeting w NPP, 2b arranged by TPCZone2 RC - Time: 3pm, Sat 6 Sept* OR, Sat 13 Sept*. Pls indicate if u wish to hv dialogue w NPP* and/or Town Council* - Agenda: i) burglaries, suspicious characters@ fire escape stairs (info & preventive measures, advice) ii) recommendations on unbecoming conduct of students/punks loiterin@SkyGdn..(graffiti, litterin, intimacy..) iii) dangerous acts eg. sittin on railing, ball flyin over railing onto passersby/ vehicles below, water bombs...) iv) any other (residents'/NPP/TC*) observations & comments 1. Hana79 - Blk C. NPP & TC. 6 Sep (13 Sep ok but earlier better) 2. Meepok & Babymaro2003 - Blk E. Sat 3pm 3. Khim & missy - Blk D. Sun 5pm 4. Stay79 & hubby - Blk E. Sat 3pm 5. Dracula & Wife - Blk E. NPP & TC. 6 Sep (my agenda will be mainly i & ii)
  25. Hana, How about a game of TPY 79 Bowling competition @ The Sky Garden, maybe even stone throwing competition (who can hit the most Punks). Frankly, i doubt "THEY" can do anything ah.... but its worth a shot and try.... after all, there are dozens of them flocking over daily and more will migrate over as time passes with a rather distinct flavor of colors, art and design @ The Sky Garden. Lets hope for the best ah.... Hehe... ------------------------------------------------------------ _______________(cut & paste segment below)__________ - Proposed Meeting w NPP, 2b arranged by TPC Zone2RC (Sat 3pm* OR, Sun 5pm* - Date 2b confirmed) - Agenda: i) murder, burglaries, suspicious characters@ fire escape stairs (info & preventive measures, advice) ii) recommendations on unbecoming conduct of students/punks loiterin@SkyGdn..(graffiti, litterin, intimacy..) iii) dangerous acts eg. sittin on railing, ball flyin over railing onto passersby/ vehicles below, water bombs...) iv) any other (residents'/ NPP) observations & comments 1. Hana79 - Blk C. Sat 3pm 2. Meepok & Babymaro2003 - Blk E. Sat 3pm 3. Khim & missy - Blk D. Sun 5pm 4. Stay79 & hubby - Blk E. Sat 3pm 5. Dracula & Wife - Blk E. Sat 3pm