Thanks BlueFly , Your ID contact received with appreciation. Will contact him when I get a little more sorted out on my layout. It was indeed most helpful especially after viewing the pictures in your blog. I had very similiar intentions although my intend was to demolish and move the store further into the kitchen. We are looking more towards a dry kitchen as we have no intention to cook now or in the near future. So forgoing space in the kitchen is not really an issue ... at for the near future. One thing I noticed was your drain pipes in your kitchen and the sewerage pipe in the toilet. Did you have them redone. Is it costly to get this replaced by a plumber? An indicative pricing would be helpful. Btw, did HDB give you the go ahead to modify your toilet window? What I want to do for now is just hack walls to open up the flat. I want to see the play of light ( both sun & artificial ) before deciding on the actual placement layout. Anyone has a contact of a hacking person/company for a decent reasonable sum. ID not required for this stage surely. Once I know what I can do and what I need, then perhaps the ID can help bring forward my ideas to another level.