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Everything posted by fifteenmay

  1. Carpentry in progress part 2 Top hung cabinets installed in kitchen My extra cupboard is also here. thats fast! Master bedroom cabinet-seems like they just finished pasting the laminate. Cupboard in between living and dining room also installed. No pics of living room cos want it to be a surprise! Lol..cheap thrill..
  2. do ! do ! do! lol.. we need more resales house blogs..
  3. i asked my id already. he say that those 45 or 90 degree casings that has holes tt can be seen, its foc filled up with silicon. Kitchen carpentry also is SOP to fill up with silicone but applying silicon to seal up gaps due to uneven ceiling and wall for electrical casing is not SOP,tt s why must top up. he say he will apply silicon top,bottom,left and right everywhere that carpentry doesnt cover. i think silicon not expensive but labour is
  4. if it really bugs you, then better ask them to change for peace of mind.. but to change it means to take out the whole cabinet right? hope you resolve it soon!
  5. I think that's what I m paying for them to do. apparently, it's not within e scope of the electrical pple.
  6. U all know my citigas saga right? By right, citigas was supposed to lay pipe before carpentry came in but due to the taichi here and there, was only laid after carpentry came and measured. Citigas also lay the pipe in e weirdest place ever, right next to the wall line so even if ask them to redo the whole Tall cabinet, the cabinet wldnt be flushed agst the wall Liao.. Anyhoo, accepted their suggestion of top cabinets cos more storage is always welcome!
  7. the carpentry measurement was done before citigas came in with the pipe placement.so cannot say its their fault also cos citigas was the one who placed the pipe outside of the box...i think a unforeseen circumstance..
  8. money flowing out again! carpentry is being installed and it hit a snag this afternoon. u all remember my citigas saga? so citigas came and drilled a hole to let the gas pipe into my house. today, we realised that carpentry came and measure before citigas fixed the pipe,causing this to happen so id came up with 2 options for us to consider 1st option-id say foc but he say will look very out of place as this area can be viewed from outside through my glass panel... 2nd option--must pay money--install top hung cabinets to hide the pipe. he also suggested if we do the top hung cabinets, to move our fridge into the space below it to enhance the kitchen flow... BUT electrical point had already been installed so id has to create a new point there... i can see where he is coming from and it makes sense to move the fridge there however pple would see the side of my fridge when looking in,not ideal but...le sigh.. money has to be spent... Also, after painting and electrical piping went up, we realised that there is alot of small gaps between the electrical pipe and the walls cos walls is not even, resulting in black lines around the house, which was unsightly to me.. couldnt take it and ask id got any solution?? he say got, but must pay money.. bo pian, cannot unsee the black lines so have to spend money to make sui sui.. Tonight going up to see progress and will update!
  9. i also had a hard hard time choosing colours. i pondered over it for a long time! i sort of can see your vision of a green wall and where you are trying to achieve..very chic if you are able to pull it off! or maybe try a aquamarine green? more blue in the green? like @Ken Lam s daughter's south seas colour in e room. as for the pink bomb shelter, hahaha... would it clash with your blue cabinets?? are you thinking of a pink blush or a peachy kind of pink?
  10. haiz..but i only got one mirror to buy hahahha.. not worth it right?
  11. your tb forwarder ok to ship mirrors? i was using ezbuy and they dun ship mirrors.
  12. Rubine rainshower set was $249. Let me know if you want my shower set! i give u discount hmm.to me it seems bright enough.
  13. ya old house must plaster.. my id insisted on it and after it was done, i realised that it s neccessary.
  14. i bought sink too! really cost saving if it reaches here intact! once its installed, i will post. after polishing it, it really looks different! i had no feeling for it until i saw it polished!