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Everything posted by GoalHome

  1. Re-look at the earlier signed contract. Usually the agents will have a clause stating that commission is due to them is contract is renewed. That of course, provided that the agents do check.
  2. Better double check with HDB cos if it turns out otherwise, you'll be liable for the works. Hmm rarely does owner change from sit to squat pan, funny.
  3. the ID firm really thought you're a carrot!
  4. oh dear can't find any pics. but i remembered seeing it somewhere and find the effect looks good. much cleaner cut than the shower kerb... furthermore, my experience with shower kerb is that water don't flow out well or fast enough.
  5. yes, but some comes with key and pin number access too. with these other options to open the door, i think it's ok to consider. good thing if you've guests or pt-maid, so won't need to duplicate keys or change lock.
  6. Hi jeddie, Yes same... the toilet bowl is on a step. For me, i prefer to have a recess shower area rather than a shower kerb. So i'm exploring this idea. But not sure if HDB will give approval.
  7. Hi jeddie, if you're level up and recess shower area... please do update me here as i'm planning on doing the same.
  8. I'm also thinking of installing the fingerprint lock. Did some research and found prices ranging from $600+ to more than a $1000. One thing good is that some comes with an alarm system. So you'll have a built-in anti-burglar system in the lock too. http://shop.techsvg.com/door-lock.html http://www.utouch.com.sg/pricing.html
  9. Called them up to enquire, and this is what i understand... $99 nett inclusive of item, dismantling and installation. For HDB original chutes (those ugly 45degrees type, no need alteration). If alteration is required to fit, extra $30. Yes, it comes with self-locking device and rubber lining.
  10. Exploring some ideas... Is it possible to level up with the step (where the WC is)... and thereby creating a recess in the shower area? This way can create a nice wet and dry area. Will this option be approved by HDB?
  11. My going-to-be new home is even smaller... 3S unit. Probably i'll be keeping my 29inch fish tank since i'm planning to keep my teak wood tv cabinet. A real beauty and simply can't bear to discard or sell it. Can help save some $$$ too.
  12. Bought my set of beautiful wares from Robinsons during their sale. Tangs & Takashimaya have nice designs too. Get it during sale as it usually goes at a fraction of its original price.
  13. Guess should be BEFORE reno works start. Not sure if it comes with lock and lining. Please update us here if you enquire with them. I've not started my reno yet but this is one source i'm exploring since all reno quoted me $180 for the chute... that's like 200% of the price! Furthermore its easy to co-ordinate for simple matters like this. The current wall where the chute is has no tiles... and i'm glad cos i don't like tile. Prefer to keep it simple.
  14. You can get it installed by direct supplier. $99 nett. http://www.ambsingapore.com/index.html
  15. How much $ was charged for the floorings for living/dining, and kitchen?
  16. You can purchase it from HDB for $5.
  17. She's really a nut case. No lawyers will allow their client to hand the letter to you. Let's see how she's going to respond to the letter of demand. She may react differently now knowing that you're serious about pursuing your legal rights. If matter drags on to court, she will then be liable for the legal fees as well. Don't see how she's going to benefit from this. Either way, likely she or her father will have to bear the damages.
  18. Using Daikin at my current place, inherited from previous owner. About 12 years and still going strong, no problems so far. http://www.coolserve.com.sg -- They carry Daikin aircon too.
  19. Was around the area this morning at 10+, and gosh traffic tails back to ECP rochor exit.
  20. Riding on your thread... Between copper and stainless steel pipes, which is better?
  21. GoalHome


    All-Well Timber Ezy Deck Bargain Garden Wood Floor Tile You can also get it at some teak wood furniture shops. Do take note of the dirt and other creatures that might linger below the tiles if left untouched for long period of time.
  22. Came across this website on house painting Painthouse Webpage
  23. Bought a 3S unit in Macpherson... very old and small (about 60sqm), 1970s... for COV $14k. Need a total transformation though cos really in original condition. How about you... Where's your unit and how much $$$?
  24. I think so too. Likely she and dad is trying to pull a fast one for more $$$. Never give in to such unreasonable demands. It's a willing-seller willing-buyer contract. The unit which i'll be buying... the seller kept telling me what a good price i got (not really IMO cos COV is about market rate, but valuation is definitely the lowest i know in the area... by about 10k cos original condition)... so keeping my fingers crossed that all will go smoothly. Waiting for 1st appointment next month.
  25. I understand that once the seller cashed the cheque that you paid them for exercising the OTP, they are bound legally to sell to you. As such, double check if they have drawn the cheque (assuming that you paid in cheque). The lawyer will help you... but there may be a small fee involved. Any legal letters sent out is chargable. You can probably negotiate for a token fee, or get your bank's rep to assist you on this. If not, you can wait till this friday before taking action. My guess is that she knows the legal implications but just trying her luck to see if you'll give in.