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Everything posted by GoalHome

  1. it will be a while before results are obvious and that will require regular intake. used to take it twice a day (morning after waking up, and before bed time) and it was about 6 months before i saw really obvious results... continued with it for years and then gradually got lazier. now having it on a weekly basis. i take the plain unsweetened one. waiting to hear what cindy-monkeybone has got to share after the seminar. the limited knowledge i have is based on personal experience.
  2. My colleague wheel air caps were stolen twice, on two consecutive days. My car was intentionally scratched, looks like key swirl marks. Yes, surveillance cameras is a good idea given that we are being charged good money for the lots.
  3. good quality 燕碎 cost more than nice looking 燕餅 cos they are the loose bits and pieces of 燕窩盞
  4. according to the 'teacher' the best is to tie the orchid plant on a growing tree... wood is second choice... and of cos growing in pot is the only option left if we plant it indoors. i've also spoken to some orchid growers in china (at one point, i was so crazy that i make a special trip just to see the plants... china is known for its orchids), and they also specifically told me that not all charcoal can be used.
  5. When i leased out my previous unit, it was F/Furn.... came with mattresses+bed, pillows, bedsheets, comforter (1 king + 2 single beds, depends on how many staying there), wardrobes, dresser, study table + chair, dining set, sofa, tv, lightings, curtains, cushions, carpet, cutlery, washing machine, fridge, microwave, vacuum, brooms, mop, pails + cleaning stuff. Rest like console, shoe cabinet, kitchen cabinets, cooker etc were all built in.
  6. 5yrs... if take hdb grant 2.5yrs... if no grant, take hdb loan 1yr... if no grant, take bank loan... or fully redeemed hdb loan
  7. ordered a mattress + bed frame for my parents, they called a few days before to confirm delivery date and time. in fact, they were early and had to wait outside for about 2 hours before we got home. they had different group of people doing delivery for different stuff... eg. for my case, there were 2 deliveries. the mattress arrived before the bed frame. no complaints on their service on my side.
  8. the orchid pots are for drainage, ventilation and also allow space for the new roots to grow healthily. if you had noticed, the orchid roots will outgrow the pot very fast. i was told that the bbq charcoal contain salt content and thus not suitable for plants. the above was what i was told during the orchid class i attended at botanic gardens.
  9. ya that's the biggest worry for me. some neighbours or kids may not like you or envy you... no idea what some people can do... it can proves lethal!
  10. my current place is granite flooring. so far no problem with odour, staining not sure cos can't see (or not visible at least) as my flooring is in greyish colour.
  11. use the special pots for orchids, they've holes all round and at the bottom for drainage. can get them from the nursery. secure the plant with rope to the clay pieces and lay it at the bottom of the pot, then cover it with charcoal (not the usual ones for bbq, they've salt in it... no good for orchids). also need some wires to secure the stems to guide them to grow in the desired direction. orchids are hardy plants as they're supposed to grow in the wild. the plant needs to be starve of water, so no need to water them every day. about 2 times a week will be good... water them till the roots turn green (they're white if dry), and underneath the leaves, preferably at night. if the roots don't have a chance to get dry, they'll rot (it becomes brown) and the plant will die of over dosage! the plant will flower about every 5-6 months. need to cut it after the bloom so you'll get a nice next bloom. one main mistake is that most can't bear to cut it. as a guide, the larger leaves orchids are easier to grow. a good place to get orchids is at mandai orchid. if you're interested, there are courses on orchids.
  12. How did you lay the cement screed yourself???
  13. There are different grades on vinyl tile/sheets. There are some that have anti-slip properties. I had it before and found it easy to maintain, didn't have slippery problem. The cost is definitely cheaper than laying ceramic/homo tiles. What's the cost of laying ceramic/homo tiles... $5 psf? Cost of laying vinyl tiles inclusive of materials and labour should be less than $3 psf... depends on what design you want, there are some ready stock ones that goes for $1+ psf.
  14. yup just can't help but fall in love with it the moment i taste it. that's a definitely dish if i visit the market... must ta pau too. had claypot rice at the hawker centre opposite golden mile yesterday. it's great with generous serving of chicken and sausage, much better than the one at maxwell imo. the bah kut teh is at best average only imo.
  15. so far i've only been there in the morning it still taste as good even when it's cold.
  16. planning to install a system 3 aircon for my new 3-rm unit... 2 bedrooms + living. as most of the time, there will only be 1 person in the house... meaning that only 1 aircon is switched on at any same time. in this case, which will be a better choice for me? noticed that the invertor will cost me at least 1k more, wonder if it's worth it. any advise is welcomed.
  17. chinatown market, now temporary at outram park mrt... there's a stall selling glutinous rice. it's white, not the usual brown/black version. can't miss it cos always long q. heard they have the sweet version too, but i've not tried that before.
  18. according to the HDB website, both owners are to share the cost equally. yeah it does make more sense for the upper unit to be footing the cost since it's probably the waterproofing that's not done properly or has worn out with time.
  19. My parents bought the 598 king sized mattress at 1550. They simply loved it.
  20. That's investing in the future. The savings i refer to does not means cash only... Of the amount saved, it would be best to apportion it into investment and cash deposits based on one's risk profile. Generally, it's between 40-60% for investments.
  21. there's no definite must be figures. but try not to take gross pay as a guideline, better to take net pay as a base. for myself, i save more than 50% of my take home pay. for couples combined, it will be good if can save up at least one income. the other income should be comfortable enough for expenses. the above percentage is just an illustration of spending within one's means... as the chinese saying goes 量力而为
  22. it's always good and advisable to save for rainy days. in the case of spending, it really depends on one's earning power. for instance on an expenditure of $500... if you earn $2,000... that's 25% of the salary if you earn $5,000... that's 10% of the salary if you earn $10,000... that's 5% of the salary so it really boils down to affordability based on income level. this is so as after the amount spent, the person is still able to save a considerable amount of money
  23. Yes that's the usual practice. Or you can insist on using your own set of tenancy agreement, and conveniently forget to include in that clause. For my last tenant, I did not use the agent's agreement as i find most of the clauses are not favorable to the landlord. I engaged a lawyer to draft out the agreement and insisted on a higher than normal deposit as my house was new and fully furnished.
  24. Lawry, you mean you level up the bathroom floor to be the same height as the step? Need HDB approval? After doing the level up, is the bathroom floor higher or lower than the kitchen floor?