oh..and, abt kai guan. hm..planning..on kai guan in the hse. One of my frend bro is a monk..but charge $288 for kaiguan...whereelse we need to prepare fruits..and so on. hm..this pricing is it ok?.
hi, i visit this webby http://www.chinesefortunecalendar.com. and go to the find the lucky element.. well i type.. its say i'm balance. Is it gd? but say my lucky element is wood. heard is..what you lack of. I will be staying in a room with my mama..who lucky element is water. oh n its balance too . so what do put in the room? or..any advise?
hi all. Can i ask.. because my house layout..the main door is facing a wall. beside e door is the window. hm..in the living room..half of it is facing the window. but..have a store room. my question..is..er.. To put a altar, is it based on the ba zhi of the owner?. how am i going to check it.? And..altar put near store room, or link to store room is it bad?