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Everything posted by wuga98

  1. anyone has any experience using their hoods, in specific is their suction and also the sound level of the fan? Thanks.
  2. yes, only 1 time? and how did you get it?
  3. max, i was in balestier looking for marble and found this shop also sells hansgrohe and grohe, they do have a promo on certain series of the handsgrohe, was not paying attention, it's better you call them and check and compare price. I think the promo one is last sesson stock, but sill go wat. The company is Home & bathroom Building Products Pte Ltd Tel: 62534655 Look for Lily Pek.
  4. How can you tell the origin of the marble being offered and not be sucker with an alternative form a cheaper country. eg. Greece or italian marble substituted by china ones. Any experience? Thanks
  5. One think i learn about choosing toilet bowl is really 2 things; 1. Ease of cleaning 2. Comfort For pt #1, depends on who cleans it , probably will have the loudest say. I have seen some of the bowls that has a step structure and that is quite difficult to clean, if you have one that is flow thru', easier in my opinion. For pt #2, this one very personal, depending on your habit on what you do when you use the bowl. Some people read and spend quite a bit of time sitting on it, so it got to be comfortable. Insure you have the right size for your behind and also the height of the bowl. The height of the bowl also helps on your feets, you can tip top or have it flat on the bathroom tiles. Best for #2 is to go the showroom and sit on the toilet bowl see if that suites you. So far, i am not very brand concious but really based on my earlier 2 requirements. Hope this helps you serach for your "pot of gold". p/s: There are bowls that is fixed to the wall instead of the floor, as you don't have the toilet bowl legs on the floor, this also help to clean the behind of the toilet bowl but then again, it depends on weight and plumbing as well to determine what you need. !!
  6. sorry, i read thru all the threads on handsgrohe and grohe and it seems you need to be careful on the water pressure or you may not get the intended effect. Do check with your plumber.
  7. you are correct, some of the parts in Grohe is plastic encased in chrome. I was at their distributor in park mall, level 1 and the sales person mentioned that to me. you also can try No 69 Mohd sultan rd, next to mercier. They have a very nice showroom there, i was there late this afternoon. If stock is not available, you may need to wait something like 3-4 mths. Another thing is that if you purchase >=$5k, got 25% discount, that's the max they will give. I just got brochures for my wife to decide before commiting anything, i suspect i will exceed the $5k as i have to buy for my whole house. If you can wait, maybe we can MO.
  8. i had some time on my hand and manage to google and found a site that has quite a few pic of marbles that can help you maybe shortlist on what you want to see physically when you go down to the shop. http://www.findstone.com/matph.htm Hope this helps. Thanks.
  9. anyone knows the references of marble on what is the highest grade (eg. country etc) to the cost estimates, the marble from china keep coming up in some of the folks i asked. And also, have been even offered marbles from greece. Thanks
  10. Thanks all for the suggestion, we will be checking them out.
  11. do you have tha shop name? Thanks. Thanks yoongf, will check it out this weekends.
  12. chunky: we are using fascina for the whole house as well, and we got a quote something like $60k for it, expensive? and have never heard of bestview aluminium, do you have a contact for us to consider. Thanks.
  13. Chunky: Sorry to hear this, are you using an ID or architect for this A/A? I totally demolished my house instead of doing a major A/A and i hold the architect very very accountable to the main con. In addition, i also appointed separate subcons for my plumbing/sewage and electrical and this is manage by a M&E company owner by my classmate. All work is done by main con coordinating with all sub cons, but my architect is sort of my only contact but sometimes the main con also contact me. At this pt, we are doing pilling and also some digging. As for additional charges/cost, this is something that cannot be determine at early stages of the discussion and it will come when they started work but whatever quoted needs to be validated and check for sanity. On and off i do get surprise bills eg. redirecting main electric wires etc. Currently, i am compiling a jotter book full of information from this forum, magazine, newspaper on what we want eg. cutting/pasting or even writing, describing etc. Hope this helps to limit any changes in the future. Hope we can share on some of these findings as we are quite similar as i need everything starting from scratch. quote name='Chunky Monkey' date='Nov 2 2007, 10:35 PM' post='233806'] It's a Black Friday for me today. I am aghast that there are dishonest contractors around. Firstly, I required my City Gas pipes to be relocated because I am going to have an island in my new kitchen. The first contractor found by my main con quoted me $1200 to do the job. I was totally shocked and I called City Gas to verify; only to be told that they have now outsourced the jobs to the private sector. So basically consumers are at the mercy of ridiculous pricing. I asked the customer service rep if she knew of the ballpark price of such a job, and she said it should be in the range of a few hundred dollars. That answer made my blood boil. I asked for another contractor in their approved list, and he went down to my new house to meet my main con. I was then told that the gas pipe cannot be concealed under the kitchen floor tiles. And so for the purpose of my kitchen design, I should not use City Gas but to fall back to using a gas cylinder instead. Wait a min, I thought. So the 1st guy was going to do an illegal job of concealing the gas pipe and then charge me double the price?! I was also told that submission to City Gas is needed for alteration of gas pipes. And I thought to myself, what was the 1st contractor going to submit? A false submission?! Enough was enough. I told my main con to seal off my City Gas pipe, and that I am not going to use it. Still fuming. Second bombshell ... we have an existing solid wood cabinet which we would like to move to our new place. It has a width of 142cm. And therefore, we asked my main con to build an enclave of 145cm (this is in the door way), so we can fit this cabinet in. After the brick wall's up, and plastering done ... guess what, the actual space in this enclave is now 140cm. Looks like the workers placed the bricks at exactly 145cm, without making provisions for the thickness of cement and plaster. Duh. Do I need to kill somebody, or what?! So what do I do now? Get the contractor to chisel out some part of the beautifully plastered wall? MAN! Such wasted efforts and energy. Why can't people get it right the first time! Thirdly, I asked for a quote to install a set of 3 pieces of top-hung, frameless glass partition, separating the living room from the kitchen. 1 fixed panel + 2 pieces of sliding glass panels. 70cm (width) x 280cm (height) x 1cm (thickness). And how much was the quote I got? 5 bloody thousand! Daylight robbery! Why do people do this?! Just because it's a renovation boom market right now? It does not give them the right to fleece homeowners or be there to con them! I must be a dinosaur who still believes in honesty and integrity. Doesn't look like these people have it anymore. I have no choice but to call and ask a few glass merchants directly myself. And I am going to fax them the dimensions and get a quote by fax in return. I cannot let them quote based on site visit. My mum tells me that the moment they see that I am overhauling the whole house, contractors will want to fleece me. I am disgusted.
  14. cane with a cushion inside, you know where to get?. Thanks.
  15. Thanks for the sharing, any different to what to ask for in terms of what sort of timber, did you ask for the burma or indo? and is there a particular brand i shd be looking out for. Thanks.
  16. anyone heard about using teak timber flooring for the bedroom? My ID person recommend this to the normal parquet. Any one here got experience in this?. Thanks
  17. bro: which dect cordless have these functions, would like to check it out. Thanks.
  18. hi: my wife is looking for one of those egg looking swing that we can hook on to the ceiling. I have seen it before but just cannot remember where, it has some little cushion in it. Pls help?. Thanks
  19. ok, so everyone has their opinion and pt. and for one i have none but is a sucker to be influence. Pls tell me what are the brands/models to consider and i can do some research on them and decide what to buy. I would need one irregardless how 'clean" sg water is. Preferably something hidden below the sink. Thanks Thanks all for the education and chemistry refresh.
  20. anyone know how to convert per square meter to per square foot, someone quoted me $100 per square meter, i am not sure how to compare this to the psf. TIA.
  21. not yet but i have gotten some of their quotes which i am still evaluating. I think their security and also some automation is fine. The curtain stuff is a little too much, motor etc. Do visit them and bring your floor plan and they can give you advise on it. Thanks.
  22. Thanks bro, will pay them a visit. Is the white onyx a kind of quartz, not marble correct? and any advantage to marble or granite. Thanks.
  23. for cisco system will they sent someone to the house if the alarm is triggers? or is thst mthly service that needed integration to their network that can be included? Thanks.
  24. my M&E person also asked me to consider pabx but i am not sure why and what is the advantage. Couldn't a cordless phone do all these eg. paging, transfer etc. Can someone enlighten me on this. Thanks