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Everything posted by wuga98

  1. don't quote me on this but we were at the sg kadut branch some weeks back and the sales mgr there mentioned that not all the branches carry the same stock on display. I think the one in furniture mall carry more of the premium range. Price guarantee is something that you may need to make sure they honor, it's within their control if they are selling their own brand exclusively.
  2. sorry, i may have mistaken how you want to place your chiller, Mine is not inside the cabinet. I actually left an empty space under the corian top and push in the chiller, like a fridge. I would suggest you do not put this inside a cabinet as it can get quite hot, chiller is really a small fridge something to consider when you look for chillers; 1. anti UV glass door 2. layered glass for anti condensation 3. odour filters 4. Humidity boxes rule of thumb, #1 is the most important. layer glass, depends on individual, if you don't like condensation on the glass, you may want layered glass. The rest, good to have. Some people is also particular about the shelves design and angle, again it depends on what types of wine you are keeping. If you are the new world lover, where they use more metal cap, then this is not important at all. If you have a lot of wine in corks and worried about it drying up, then...you may want to watch the slope of the shelves. Again, many of these do not kill the wine, sometimes may just create some inconvenience.
  3. I have 2 chillers, the bigger one in the Home shelter, and the smaller one below my bar counter top, the last time i measure mine, it's something like ~H850mm. Do select the model first and then get the dimensions for customization. some popular brand, europace, kadeka, EF .... etc If you want dual temp, that is going to cost you and the other thing is that if the capacity is small, it does not make sense to have 2 temp. One tip is to place your white on the lowest shelf of your chiller, cold air settles, thus it will be colder on your lower shelves. Hope this helps.
  4. there are a few thread on this topic , personally i have not been to all that is on that list. Try Goh Ah Bee at Hougang and Everjoint in AMK. Both is good.
  5. kitchen culture, tiong bahru/alexandra rd. not cheap, i think the last time i check ~$20k.
  6. if the repair guy can tell you what is happening and it's associated cost to repair, that will help you also decide better. Electrical consumption is across the board increase if you have non-inventer or old appliances unless you intend to have all of them changed out. 2 days ago, i have one aircon compressor giving some loud noise and also not cold and when the repair guy came to inspect it, he wants $400 to have it fix . I was considering replacement or repair, finally took the repair route.
  7. Cannot help but also add to this thread, if all these are true about "life story", isn't there something out there to protect the consumers?, other than CASE>? These bunch of people is out to cheat, nothing more!!, they take your money and either go bust or delivery to poor quality product and not wanting to replace it etc... This cannot be happening in SG. ROC must have records of people that is dishonest and keep registering companies with the intention to cheat!!! I personally am a "safe" shopper, i spend a lot of time reading and assessing and hope not to meet shops like above. It just drive more stress for me. I am lost on what i can do to help and hope that someone with some background either with the Sg Law or Co Law to provide some options.
  8. Thanks Yonggf, was talking to the contractor and here is what they told me, they have screed the floor, the plywood is to receive the timber strip to prevent any un-eveness and also like what you have mentioned here, the feel of hollowness under the timber strip if you do not have the plywood. Thanks.
  9. gnee hong is also in eunos ave 5, i did not manage to get their biz card, do a google and you will find. Just FYI, both company is bringing in furniture from china, so don't expect fantastic quality. That also goes for lush as well, we were there yesterday as well.
  10. Thanks yoongf. If it is the standard practice, then it is fine. When you mentioned the hollow wooden flooring feel, are you saying there are other types of way to do this? I did a google on screeding and i guest it is also to insure we have a even, level & smooth surface. As to the type of wood that they use, is that "ply" wood? and will this invite termites?. Thanks
  11. you can try gnee hong or comfort, i was there with my wife yesterday,they have some good selection.
  12. just found another way is to use acrylic doors.
  13. anyone has experience on how they do this, i was at the house today and i saw my contractor nailing a piece of like "ply" wood onto the concrete floor with nails and then paint something on it. My understanding from them is that they will then lay the timber flooring strips on top of the "ply" wood. Is this normal? and what is this "ply" wood, will it invite termites? Thanks.
  14. the crystal is not even swarovski. If it is strass, will take immediately, not even spectra...so how, carry on the search.
  15. Hi: i am looking for professional company to check the quality of work provided by my contractor, i used a company in my previous life to do all the checking as the warranty is usually a year and would like to have all these corrected before we move in. I have sonehow misplace the company details. Anyone has use this service before and can recommend? Thanks
  16. anyone can suggest some place to go and test them out. Bought a dining table from life storey yesterday night. Those selling at LS is about ~$1500 per piece, would like to view & try a few more before deciding. Thanks
  17. Hi: i think the premium for ici is their "All in one", which i think is pegged towards the nippon odourless. I did not go into details on others as i am quite adament about them giving the "all in one", i do have some walls painted using the 3-1 if i cannot get the color in "all in one" One way to gage pricing is on their website, they do sell "online" but don't buy online, they are costly. <<contradicting to the believe I call one of their retail at upper serangoon rd and they give better pricing. As to the question about "better", i actually felt both is good, if you are gunning for their premium and if you have very specific unique requirements eg. young children that may want to be creative etc. then you want want to choose something else on their product lines. If the price is acceptable, i would think pay a little premium and worry less about it and it may be able to last you a few years. I hate the idea of repainting every year with furniture needing to be moved around, staying at home to "jaga" the place and also the "smell", oh boy!
  18. wow ~$500 for a chandelier is cheap, i have been quoted ~$4k for it. Austrian crystal as well.
  19. I cannot tell you the price but i have seen dulux and ici having a promo now, use their paint and also they will recommend their appointed contractor to do the job. It comes with warranty. I saw a table with some std pricing but have misplace them, wud suggest you tell them the psf, room, etc and see if they can meet your budget. Hope this helps.
  20. 2.5 storey, the attic open area is consider GFA as well? i think not.
  21. Hi: I am in the final phase of completing my rebuild. What is you land area if i may ask? to get to a GFA of 4500sqft with all the setbacks, i think you need quite a big piece of land. The price of your contract really depends on what you required them to do, if you have similar tender documents farmed out, then all your tenderers shd cluster around a cost which could be the market rate. The ones that is either too low or high will most like form certain outliers which you may need to be careful in your selection. All contracts cannot get into the details and also the specificity of design, materials, quality of work...etc. My suggestion is to shortlist and then visit their previous projects to gage, if possible talk to the current owners in private. There are just too much to write here, my rebuild took me close to 2 years from concept to what it is today as i am the fussy kind and i broke the contract into multiple pieces to manage it myself at a high level. Again, no right or wrong but it really depends on your time you want to invest in it. I took time to use the best (in my perspective) in their field and huddle them into a project team to work with the builder. In essence, the builder is nothing more that the structural team. I broke my contract into:- 1. Structural 2. Aircon 3. Electrical works 4. Plumbing & sewage 5. Koi pond 6. Windows Believe me it is hard and it took a lot more of our time than we initially thought. As we are in the final stages, i kind of look back and smile. The ride is rough be prepare but the reward will be sweet.
  22. Thanks Jeddie, just bought the sofa from them, got the 3.5 or 3.6M cannot remember and one ottoman.
  23. Can try door's plus. Have been offered but i am still old fashion and prefer the key. I have seen good reviews on door's plus and have met James the owner and we have also bought all our iron mongeries from them. As we did not shop around to compare price, really cannot tell you if they are cheaper or not but one thing for sure is good service, knowledgeable, patient and humble.
  24. yeah its quite expensive, just could not find the designer or this brand online, anyone can help?. Thanks