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Everything posted by meepok

  1. HDB: We've got the flats. You've got the cash. LET'S MAKE LOTS OF MONEY! http://www.hdb.gov.sg/bp13/bp13005p.nsf/WIHOct08?OpenPage
  2. Yes sir, our master is the best! They're morally upright, selfless, honourable, gracious and honest leaders indeed. Let's serve them till our last breath and contribute our blood money at their every request without questioning. Let them import more "talents" to flood this little dot and boost the economy at the expense of the Sinkie Heart, Soul & Spirit. We, the true-bred citizens/peasants are even prepared to be downgraded to 2nd or even 3rd class citizens after the "imports" and "elites" for we are not worthy. We have absolute trust & faith in our leaders! Why? Cos they are the best gahmen money can ever buy. Who else can write an official condolence letter with such flair and wit? Only the best gahmen in the world! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDOLENCE LETTER FROM PRIME MINISTER LEE HSIEN LOONG ON DEMISE OF JB JEYARETNAM 30 September 2008 Mr Kenneth Jeyaretnam Mr Philip Jeyaretnam Dear Kenneth and Philip Jeyaretnam I was sad to learn that your father, Mr Joshua Benjamin Jeyaretnam, has passed away. Mr JB Jeyaretnam was a Member of Parliament for Anson constituency from 1981 till 1986, and a Non-Constituency Member of Parliament from 1997 till 2001. He used to engage in heated debates in the House. Perhaps it was because he and the PAP never saw eye to eye on any major political issue and he sought by all means to demolish the PAP and our system of government. Unfortunately, this helped neither to build up a constructive opposition nor our Parliamentary tradition. Nevertheless, one had to respect Mr JB Jeyaretnam’s dogged tenacity to be active in politics at his age. However, our differences were not personal. In 1993, one of you (Kenneth) wrote to Mr Goh Chok Tong, who was then Prime Minister, to say that you found employers in Singapore reluctant to offer you a job, and your only explanation was that the employers felt the authorities would not welcome your employment because of your name. Mr Goh replied with a letter which could be shown to prospective employers, to say that the government did not hold anything against you, and that employers should evaluate you fairly on your own merits, like any other candidate, because Singapore needed every talented person that it could find. Mr Goh had previously made the same point to your brother Philip, whom he had invited to lunch. I am therefore happy that both of you have established yourselves in Singapore. Please accept my deepest condolences. Yours sincerely Lee Hsien Loong
  3. Yes indeed. For Sinktel subscribers like myself, we literally screwed. Without a fixed land line point, our modem is as good as dead. For all you know, Stuckhub may be raising their prices soon... knowing that both are actually "related" and will no doubt be in cahoots in times of looting the peasants. Sinkies must brace themselves for more inflation and "justified" increases from the gahmen in the days to come for the gahmen coffers & our CeePeeF have been bled dry by the "smart" investments of our Mdm Temasick. But will our million dollar ministers take a pay cut?? Your guess is as good as mine! Next GE??? You think they won't redraw the GRC boundaries to their advantage? I can confirm they will merge Serangoon Gardens with Marine Parade in 2011, you think they'll still let it be part of Aljunied after the recent fiasco?? Don't forget about the pre-GE ang pows from the gahmen which "buys" back a certain percentage of the voters or the promises of upgrading! "People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."
  4. SingTel to raise phone rates Mon, Oct 06, 2008 AsiaOne SingTel fixed-line telephone customers will soon have to pay an additional $10 a year in subscription rates. The revision, starting from 1 January 2009, will represent an increase of 83 cents a month. This is the first rate revision by Singtel in 18 years for its fixed-line telephone subscription and call charges. With the revision, residential customers will now pay $110 per annum and business customers will pay $160. Call charges will increase to 0.8 cents from 0.7 cents per 30-second block during peak hours and per 60-second block during off-peak hours. To reflect changes in call traffic patterns, peak hours will also be revised to 9am to 7pm from 8am to 6pm, Mondays to Fridays. Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays are off-peak. The new rates will translate to an additional cost of not more than $1.50 a month for most customers. Mr Allen Lew, SingTel's CEO Singapore, said: "We have held off rate revisions for 18 years despite rising costs. Over the years, the two main cost components, manpower and materials, have increased substantially. The recent rapid increase in utility costs has also pushed up our running costs." Mr Lew stressed that with this adjustment, SingTel's charges still remains one of the lowest in the region. To help households that need financial assistance and cushion the effect of the rate revisions, SingTel will provide $1 million worth of $10 credit vouchers. Residents who need assistance can approach their Citizens' Consultative Committees or People's Association grassroots leaders. In addition, fixed-line residential customers who sign up for both SingTel's electronic bill statement (www.singtel.com/myBill) and GIRO before 31 March 2009 will enjoy a one-time $10 discount on their annual subscription. “We cannot control prices. If there is an upward pressure on prices, we have to live with it.” - Minister for National Development Mah Bow Tan on price control despite rising food costs, 21st April 2008, CNN
  5. I think they should demarcate the lower levels strictly for season pass holders only, like what I've seen in some other MSCP in other estates. I suspect there could also be just as many car owners who are 79ers as well, filling up the lots fast every evening. Seen many cars displaying the RFID tags, but we can't tell if they're really staying here since the tags show no details like the old tags. But I've also seen some cars displaying coupons for long hours, even night parking coupons. I fear the day will come when we need to park at the 7th level! The drive down and up is simply a waste of precious fuel! The parking wardens are pretty on the ball during evening and now night times... not sure if they "visit" the MSCP during the early hours between 12am to 3am like in my previous place?? But as usual, the gahmen people will tell you there are enough lots to satisfy the residents as we still have about 2 empty levels at the end of each day. Asking us to be patient and observe till a later date when most residents have moved in before deciding what action they'll take. LPPL for now.
  6. I don't think the RC people can do much, they're just as tied up as we are. after all, they are not working directly for the gahmen... in fact, I believe some of them don't even like their masters! The same goes for those in civil service.... as typical kiasi Sinkies... they'll still vote for the gahmen for fear of losing their rice bowls! We should instead direct the karma to the real leechers and bloodsuckers sitting in their ivory towers!! Read the following for more insight into SP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As with the Public Transport Council (PTC) and ministerial salaries, the Energy Market Authority (EMA) is using this ridiculous formula to justify price increases. It's really shocking how the EMA has gone to the hilt to defend the price increases of the company they are supposed to regulate. But on closer examination, it's not all that surprising: - Singapore Power made $1 billion in 2007, much of it from Singaporeans' electricity fees. - SP is in turn 100% owned by Temasek Holdings (as are the two other power companies, PowerSeraya and Senoko Power). - Temasek Holdings is owned by the Ministry of Finance. - EMA, the energy market regulator, is a statutory board under the Ministry of Trade and Industry (as is the Competition Commission of Singapore, which is supposed to prevent cartel-like behaviour). I think everyone is having a jolly good back scratch, except us ordinary citizens. Something is seriously amiss when a power company can make $1 billion in profits and still raise charges by 22%. It is a classic example of the profit-driven culture that our government is run on. I really don't know how much longer Singaporeans are going to stand for this kind of nonsense.
  7. Hey Drac... these buggers are worse than bloodsuckers! (pun intended) Read the following stuff... seems like Privatisation is just another scam from these bloodsuckers... make profit still wanna suck the peasants dry! State Times and all the other propaganda crap papers are also increasing their price... talk about robbing the house on fire! Time to boycott these so-called newspapers not even fit for wiping dog excrement! Come GE2011... let's hope karma pays them a visit... in memory of The True Son of Singapore, Joshua Benjamin Jeyaretnam. --------------------------------------------------- 'Is this about the relentless pursuit of profit?' MR HARVEY NEO: 'Instead of using the price of oil as the reason for the increase, we should first ask whether a monopolistic energy company has been accumulating losses in providing electricity. If it continues to be profitable, why increase the burden of citizens? Is this about the relentless pursuit of profit in privatised enterprises? There is a limit on how much electricity households can cut down. Perhaps there's merit in nationalising energy providers. One common argument against nationalisation is that service standards may drop and the company may become inefficient. But there is little scope for standards to deteriorate in providing electricity, or, for that matter, improve. How does one measure service standards in providing electricity anyway?' 'In retrospect, the glare of the Singapore GP's high-powered lighting seems ironic.' MR CHUA SHENG YANG: 'As I watched the splendour of the first-ever Formula One night race and read the accompanying plaudits the next day, I could not help but notice the news that electricity tariffs would increase by more than 20 per cent. In retrospect, the glare of the Singapore GP's high-powered lighting seems ironic. Shouldn't power and water remain nationalised and made available to Singaporeans at the lowest cost?' 'Why peg the rate to the oil price, when 80 per cent of our electricity is generated by natural gas?' MR WILLIAM WEE: 'The Energy Marketing Authority (EMA) stated that the main reason for the increase is the rise in the price of oil. However, 80 per cent of our domestic electricity generation is from natural gas piped in from Malaysia and Indonesia. And the price of natural gas is about 20 per cent of the oil price. Furthermore, the price of natural gas we get from West Natuna was part of a 22-year deal at a price much less than the current price. Why does the EMA peg the electricity rate to the oil price, when 80 per cent of our electricity is generated by natural gas?'
  8. Please send my thanks & regards to the relevant people who made this happen in such double-quick time. Good job to all involved! Hey bro... just ignore this irritating son of a motherless goat lah... always popping in to disturb the peace and targetting certain people. And the sad thing is he is mouthing some nonsense which no one else understands! Maybe he is happy that the inflation rate is going sky high and electricity bills will be increasing this month. He has too much $$$ from his CPF mah... nowhere else to spend mah... donate & enrich his Master's dynasty loh since he's such a loyal dog! Or maybe can go to Chinatown and "donate" to the many PRC aunties there for a "meaningful" relationship! Now even got handsome young PRC dudes if he's into "backdoor" activities! some people just don't know when they've overstayed their welcome...
  9. Every 5 years, we are given the chance to do something. But sadly, 66.6% of Sinkies prefer to have their behinds violated by the ruling party again and again. It has always been the same scenario before & after every election. The Emperor should be laughing his head off now that his nemesis has kicked the bucket. "You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
  10. They really "kill people without batting an eyelid" these greedy leechers! "Forward fuel oil price" is just another con job to collect $$$ first, talk later. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely indeed! Oil falls Friday awaiting bailout call September 29, 2008 - 7:24AM Light, sweet crude oil fell just over $US1.00 a barrel on Friday as an US financial bailout plan remained stuck in legislative limbo. Light, sweet crude for November delivery fell $US1.13 to settle at $US106.89 on the New York Mercantile Exchange, after earlier dipping as low as $US104.25. In London, November Brent crude fell $US1.06 to settle at $US103.54 a barrel on the ICE Futures exchange. The prospect of the financial bailout being scuttled or delayed rattled investors who were counting on the capital infusion to steady the teetering financial system. Weak US demand for fuel has helped send crude down 27 per cent since the price surged to a record $US147.27 on July 11. Friday's losses were limited by tight global supply, especially in the US where the impact of hurricanes Ike and Gustav is still being felt on Gulf of Mexico oil operations. Oil companies are redeploying workers to Gulf platforms and rigs after the storms tore through the region, but most production remains offline. About 57 per cent of crude output, and 53 per cent of natural gas production was still shut-in as of Friday, the US Minerals Management Service said. The Gulf area is home to one quarter of US crude production, and 15 per cent of its natural gas. In other NYMEX trading, gasoline futures fell 3.22 cents to settle at $US2.6651 a gallon, while heating oil futures fell 3.09 cents to settle at $US3.0174 a gallon. Natural gas futures fell 30.3 cents to settle at $US7.628 per 1,000 cubic feet. The October contract expired at the end of the day, adding to volatility. Gold prices briefly jumped above $US920 an ounce on Friday as a stalled plan to bail out the US financial system unnerved investors and prompted a flight into safe-haven assets. Silver also rose. Gold for December delivery rose as high as $US920.10 an ounce on the New York Mercantile Exchange before easing back to settle at $US888.50, up $US6.50. Other precious metals were mixed. December silver rose 22.8 cents to settle at $US13.503 an ounce, while December copper fell six cents to settle at $US3.0745 a pound.
  11. Right hand give you, left hand take back... before elections give you a bit more, after that take back double or more... what else is new in Republic of LEE Inc? That's the problem with only 1 supplier... some more controlled by the gahmen. Win win situation for them only. Too bad they know we are an obedient lot and our threshold for pain is pretty high! Or maybe we're just plain stupid, like what a Taiwanese political analyst once remarked??? So now it's 2 legs good, 4 legs bad.
  12. EYE IN THE SKY CCTVs installed in and around the 12th level Sky Garden and lift landings area. Good job!
  13. Households to see average rise of about 22% in electricity bills from Oct By Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 29 September 2008 1035 hrs SINGAPORE: Higher oil prices have pushed up electricity prices for this quarter by about a fifth. SP Services said on Monday households will see an average increase of 21.46 per cent in electricity bills, when average electricity tariffs go up by 5.38 cents per kilowatt-hour. On average, all SP Services customers will face a 21.89 per cent increase. For the period from October 1 to December 31, tariffs have been pegged to a higher "forward fuel oil price" of S$155.14 per barrel. This price is 38.06 per cent higher than the S$112.35 per barrel in this current quarter. The electricity tariff is reviewed quarterly and adjusted in line with fluctuations in the cost of electricity, and approved by the Energy Market Authority. At a news conference on Monday, the Authority's chief executive Khoo Chin Hean said that the increase is the highest so far this year. How much do you want? Do you want three meals in a hawker centre, food court or restaurant? - Dr Vivian Balakrishnan
  14. Haha! Mr Birdman is back to excrete his nonsense in the forum again! He don't need to experience lah... no hair, botak head cut what hair? cut bird hair meh?? LOL By the way, remember to check your bank statement end of the month for any double charge of that said amount. By right should have given you a receipt stating transaction error. I think u kena $100 is cos that area not only double-yellow but supposedly restricted area for fire engine or something... if not should be $70 for double-yellow... Maybe try to park under the void deck area loh, got so many columns just hide behind any loh! Nowadays these carpark wardens allowed to summon all offences liao, not like last time only can summon parking lot offences. Or just park in the MSCP and tear minimum coupon loh... at least won't kena summon so much mah. Now very hard to eat the gahment liao, only they eat us until never blink eye! Yeah still walking the sky garden these days... noticed fewer gangs of youngsters gathering there nowadays liao... at night mostly couples... could be due to the increase in the lights there ... now at night so bright like SG F1 night race also hard to create trouble! Even want to romantic also don't have the ambience liao! LOL If I'm not wrong, some of these so-called empty units are reserved by HDB for future "uses"... like for their "own kind" or for the gahmen-linked people... people with gahmen connections. Or the Chinese racial quota is full, so they hold on to it till "further notice". Yeah.. Massa will lead the race tomorrow! Hamilton is just so over-hyped! LOL
  15. SKY GARDEN UPDATE Passed by the 12th level Sky Garden and saw some workers installing additional lights and lamps around the place. Probably to brighten up the area at night and deter would-be trouble makers.
  16. That's a good one! Thanks for brightening up the weekend!! "You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
  17. Interesting contraption seen in 79... wonder if it's approved???
  18. Saw this signage at TPY Blk 148
  19. Heard from the grapevine that the TC/RC has taken notice of our concerns. They are aware of the on-going nuisance and will be coming up with some measures to hopefully resolve the situation on the Sky Garden. Let's hope for some good news in the coming weeks. I'll rest my case for the time being.
  20. For the benefit of fellow 79ers who did not buy yesterday's TNP... Break-ins, thefts, murder... Cops & residents patrol high-rise Toa Payoh blocks Thieves hit units under renovation By Celine Lim August 21, 2008 TOA Payoh Central's soaring, new HDB blocks have been attracting attention lately. Not just for their imposing 40-storey height, but for some unseemly goings-on. This year, Blocks 79A to 79E, which were completed last year, have seen break-ins, thefts and even one murder. Some residents, who were part of the selective en-bloc redevelopment scheme, moved in at the end of last year. For some, the death of Block 79C resident Koh Sam Hong, 73, who was found stabbed in the chest on 31Jul, was the last straw. They e-mailed The New Paper with their concern at what they saw as the 'large number of crimes... break-ins, car break-ins and even a murder' in the new estate. The police, while unable to provide crime statistics for the blocks, are aware of the residents' concerns and are educating them on crime prevention measures. A crime prevention advisory, posted in the lift lobbies on 18Jun, mentioned eight cases of thefts-in-dwelling at Blocks 78 and 79 between January and June. The culprits usually hit units under renovation. They would tamper with the locks or cut the metal chains used by contractors to secure the main door. Items stolen included refrigerators, DVD recorders, home theatre systems, ceiling fan lights and cables. Furniture Stolen A couple living in Block 79C said the furniture was stolen while their unit was being renovated three months ago. A Housing Board (HDB) spokesman said nearly two-thirds of the 1,158 units in the five towers of Block 79 are now occupied, with more expected to be filled from next month. Some residents reported the crimes through an online renovation forum. In one posting on 17May, forum writer meowie49 said her TV splitter and doorbell casing had been stolen. Two days later, she posted: 'When the HDB guy came, we asked if he can take the neighbour's (doorbell casing) for us first (as they had not moved in). He checked and said theirs was stolen too.' Another forum writer, jacky777, said the electrical switches and socket outlets in the Block 79 flats were stolen as they are 'a well-known brand'. Madam Ryane Lim, 25, a bank executive, said a decorative marine bell hung outside her flat was stolen a few weeks ago. She said: 'I went out for an hour and when I returned, it was gone. My husband bought it in Germany and was upset.' But not all residents are worried. At least 10 residents whom The New Paper approached said they had not heard of any thefts or break-ins. A 72-year-old retiree, Mr Chong, said: 'I think it's very safe here. Nothing has happened to me or to anyone I know.' Others shrugged off the incidents. Mr Titus Chia, 38, a musician, said: 'I think the crimes will stop once the delivery men and contractors finish their work.' Loiterers But one thing that's unlikely to change is the people who loiter in the sky garden late into the night. The sky garden, the first of its kind in an HDB estate, is a 12th-storey landscaped path linking all the blocks. A resident who lives next to it said people are there 'at all times of the day'. The sales executive, who wanted to be known only as Madam Lum, 30, said: 'In the day, there are people studying and playing their stereo. At night, I've seen couples petting. 'My brother-in-law has seen people vomiting. They had alcohol with them.' Some visitors to the garden do not live there. Madam Lim said: 'There's been graffiti - words sprayed or written on chairs and tables. But it's a public garden. We can't stop people from using it.' The HDB spokesman said: 'Security factors are carefully considered in the design of HDB flats and precincts. 'The sky garden adopts an open concept that is seen easily from the surrounding blocks. Carparks are built at easily accessible locations with decks and staircases that can be viewed by residents.' But residents themselves need to be vigilant, the spokesman added, especially if the precinct is new and residents are moving in progressively. Additional reporting by Melissa Tan, newsroom intern http://newpaper.asia1.com.sg/news/story/0,...,173861,00.html?
  21. Dear Ms Celine Lim (cellsf@sph.com.sg) and new readers to this forum via The New Paper, You may wish to note the following rebuttal against the anonymous HDB Spokesman in your article. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The HDB spokesman said: "Security factors are carefully considered in the design of HDB flats and precincts. The sky garden adopts an open concept that is seen easily from the surrounding blocks. Carparks are built at easily accessible locations with decks and staircases that can be viewed by residents." But residents themselves need to be vigilant, the spokesman added, especially if the precinct is new and residents are moving in progressively. Dear Mr Anonymous HDB Spokesman, I refer to your comments featured on 20 August in The New Paper article "Thieves hit units under renovation". It seems that you may not have a clear understanding of the structural design of the 12th level Sky Garden at Blk 79A-E. The only visible section of the Sky Garden are the unsheltered adjoining area between the 2 adjacent blocks. These are the only area which can be seen unobstructed from the higher units of the adjacent blocks. For your information, these area were not vandalised nor were they the gathering spots for the aforementioned trouble-makers. The bulk of the vandalism & illegal, noisy gatherings occur in the sheltered area below the 5 blocks. Visually blocked off by the walls on the 3 sides, there is no clear view of these "hidden" areas. Not even from the units above, let alone from neighbouring blocks. Unless you're talking about the view from HDB Hub using binoculars? Or were you talking about the 8th level garden above the MSCP which has a 360 degree unobstructed view from the blocks behind? The 12th level Sky Garden now bears the scars of such acts of vandalism. Uneven paint work patches can be seen all over the walls in a bid to cover up the graffiti. Burnt marks are still visible in certain corners on the floor. Trust me on this, more of such artworks will appear in no time for you to clean up. It is time to find a solution to this nagging problem instead of over-relying on the boys in blue to help patrol the area or by asking the residents to be vigilant. Pray tell how should the residents be vigilant about the shenanigans on the Sky Garden? Are we supposed to patrol the area every hour? Set up a security clearance booth at every entrance to the garden? So please Mr HDB Spokesman, can you for once admit that the 12th level Sky Garden has security design flaws instead of constantly pushing the responsibility to the residents and sadly, telling half-truths to the media and public? It is only right for the HDB to rectify this flaw and help prevent the further deterioration of the Sky Garden into a cesspool for vandalism, illegal gatherings, glue-sniffing, killer littering and other acts of public nuisance. Thank you. Yours sincerely, Meepok a concerned pigeon-hole peasant
  22. Haha onz lah! But must have at least M18 or R21 standard leh.... if not, waste of time to see NC-16 or PG stuff! Actually I don't mind them getting intimate on the Sky Garden, as long as within the legal OB markers... kiss kiss hug hug ok lah... Singaporeans very cham leh since gahmen destroyed all the "catch monkey" places! Too bad no budget hotels nearby... nearest also Balestier! So I suppose they will proceed to the 'hidden' staircases for the 2nd act then?? What I'm more pissed about is the vandalism and gathering of trouble making punks! Someone mentioned 10 to 20 punks gathering in 1 location??? I expect the "ang chia", MIBs and mata dogs to flood 79! Or do they only mobilise them when a certain Opposition Party member organizes some non-violent protest???
  23. I think the MIBs are doing what they can to control the situation... I know that they're short of manpower, etc. So kudos to them for trying their best to safe keep the neighbourhood. The real issue now is what needs to be done to control the happenings on the Sky Garden? Restricted access is definitely a brilliant idea but I suppose cost would be an issue with the HDB/TC. Since ours is the first Sky Garden for HDB flats... the relevant authorities should study and think of ways to prevent it from being eroded by acts of vandalism or crime. I guess they never expect such notorious acts when they designed the place in the beginning. The 8th level garden above the MSCP never has such problems. Maybe because it does not have walls to hide and shield the trouble-makers. They can't depend on the MIB to patrol the Sky Garden 24/7 can they?? Acknowledge the problem and think of a solution instead of passing the responsibility to the residents! It is time to stop all these acts of Tai-Chi so rampant within the Civil Service. * Undesirable Comments ahead We're paying you First-World Top Dollar salaries... of cos we demand nothing less than World Class performance & results!
  24. Don't need scared lah... you were only telling the truth mah... never knew they caught glue sniffers and still got Residents on Watch (ROW) some more! yeah... measures & actions are being taken... like real... show me??... just paint over the walls and put up banner telling people to secure their flats only... or maybe i'm expecting too much again??? I'm sure these reporters will read between the lines.... maybe only those from New Paper... not too sure about those from State Times... I mean Straits Times.... if only they had reporters from The Monitor... wah i tell you... it will be **** on earth now! So still need to meet with the TC and NPP people??? Now that the **** has literally hit the fan.... what more don't they know???
  25. Finally, public awareness of the situation! But it seems to focus more on the thefts rather than the on-goings on the sky garden. But it's a start. The HDB spokesman said: "Security factors are carefully considered in the design of HDB flats and precincts. The sky garden adopts an open concept that is seen easily from the surrounding blocks. Carparks are built at easily accessible locations with decks and staircases that can be viewed by residents." But residents themselves need to be vigilant, the spokesman added, especially if the precinct is new and residents are moving in progressively. Got said like never said like that... in short, I think he meant "You die your business". I wonder which surrounding blocks have a clear view of the 12th level sky garden??? HDB Hub?? S'pore Flyer??? Or they expect those 13th floor units next to the sky garden to be their 24/7 security guards??? If it can be clearly seen, then why so much vandalism and mayhem??? I think a primary school kid can tell a much better 'story'!