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greenbunny last won the day on September 8 2018

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About greenbunny

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  1. Nope. It didn't obstruct my lights. Maybe the location of my track lights and ceiling fan didn't interfere with one another. P/S: Pardon me for those grainy/off-color photos due to my old phone which I had to use temporarily while my current phone is being serviced.
  2. Actually i used 56 inch KDK (W56WV).. I tot it might be too big but KDK FB said it is doable after looking at my floor plan based on my intended fan location. I guess it depends on where you would put it and the width of living room area. I put it in the very centre of my living room so that I can feel some air breeze from either my dining-work table or sofa.
  3. sobs.. so it means i am unlucky lol.. Maybe I kept pushing HDB to hand over keys to me so that's how I got such defects Oh.. of course, still better than nothing. Two bus stops are really not that bad as long as there are no traffic lights all the way to station. Taking 180 from my place to Chinese Garden MRT station along Bukit Batok Road (3 bus stops away) is still a PITA because it is on main road and each bus stop has main traffic light junction My ID did help check some of the things especially if got any hollow tiles in kitchen/bathroom and bathroom doors too. He made a quick scanning of the whole house. Then I did the rest. I am told that PD is a brand/company name so the general term is actually slide and swing door. My ID obtained such doors from another brand/company but technically yes "PD door" that uses same system. $340 per door. Nope I didn't narrow the door width because if I were to narrow entrance width, it means I would have to pay for partial sealing.
  4. @Vinz Ok now is my turn to see my previous post being hidden.. Now I understand how you feel when seeing your post being hidden (light pink background) lol.. Well, I don't know why it is like that. shrugs..
  5. Yes yes quite a lot.. don't faint at my feedback list lol.. Pardon me for unclear description of some items. During fabrication/measurement, I "sweet-talked" the carpenter to give me free shelves for DB box and he gave me "OK" sign immediately haha.. Actually, mirror door was added in at the last minute when renovation was about to end I reckon that if i were to ask for mirror door in the beginning, shelves would be automatically included. You and @mmoh are well-informed about JRL.. Of course, I was pleased to know there would be MRT station (Tengah Park) nearby but N.I.N.E years to be ready?? oh well..
  6. Nope. I am aware that HDB proposed layout shows TV area at the long side of the wall but like what @mmoh said, we don't have to follow it. I chose to put TV on that wall so that my sofa would face a better view outside - can watch TV and Tengah blossoming at the same time =P. Some ppl put TV console table at the household shelter wall (dining area) which I once thought of. Actually, my TV wall is a parition wall (not concrete type). TV bracket installation guys said no issues as long as I don't use BIGGER TV. Mine is 43" inch. Yes original white doors (with obvious white shade inconsistencies thanks to BSC recifitication guys after I reported comestic defect.. sigh..) have been replaced with tic-tac mirror doors (same concept of particular wardrobe's front mirror door) for $580. At first I wanted full door but my ID-contractor discouraged it because such heavy door would warp as time progresses. something like that. That's how half-half mirror doors were born into my house =)
  7. Since I opted out of OCS, there was no swing door at all. So I just installed sliding door instead (after removing door frame). Yes after key collection at HDB Hub, I went directly to Bukit Batok HDB Branch (specifically your precinct's nearest HDB Branch) to apply for cement screeding. You have to provide your lock number (preferably - can be used for renovation guys) or lock key when filling the form out. They won't accept original house keys. I will PM you about my ID Thank you for your kind words =) haha luckily i don't have toooooooooooooooooooooooo mannnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy things with me.. Maybe I am trying to be minimalist so I discarded unnecessary things though a bit painful to part with before moving into my new house! Actually I put other stuff into household shelter, bed headboard storage and coffee/console table. Now I still want to continue discarding unnecessary things According to my quotation, my L-shaped wardrobe is 9ft. Not sure what you mean by the right angle but i assume that you are referring to the left side of my bed? Yes smaller space but no issue. I can push bed all the way towards the window but i chose not so that both sides can have bedside tables. Thank you =) Oh i forgot to add.. $380 for L-shape cabinet base and $480 for tempered glass backing. So it totals up to almost $5K. I included glass backing at the last minute just for easy cleaning after cooking.
  8. Thank you so much! Looking forward to seeing your renovation pics as well. Yes I also thought that I was just lucky to come across my ID-contractor because I managed to convince him to throw in some freebies such as shelves for kitchen What's more is that they are building their company brand so it could be the reason why they gave me such a low quotation. Thank you for your kind words about my house. I just want a cosy home that make me want to stay at home! *whispering* I used wallpaper to cover main door haha.. mainly to match my theme.. Not easy to DIY like that. Oh i installed curtain between living room and foyer to contain air (from either ceiling fan or air-conditioner) inside living room. Secondly, it acts as "kitchen door" while cooking.. 3rd reason is for privacy when i open main door during daytime for ventilation. Still testing it to see if it, esp 2nd reason, works or not. At first, I asked for sliding partially-frosted glass door enclosed inside storage cabinet at that spot but I dropped it since it costs about $4K. I may install just sliding door ($1.6K) in future if necessary. haha I love your description for my text displays
  9. Alright folks.. Here are my pictures of my simple house. The theme is more like Nordic Minimalist. Feel free to correct me if u think it is another theme instead =) Kitchen: Before Kitchen: After Mini Laundry Area Bedroom: Before Bedroom: After Living Room: Before Living Room: After Work-Dining Area: Before Work-Dining Area: After Foyer: Before Foyer: After
  10. Since I had to save $1400 quoted by private contractor, I got HDB contractor to do it instead for free. Well, I waited for O.N.E and H.A.L.F months because many residents also requested for cement screeding! sigh.. luckily I was not in hurry to move in. I collected keys in end Oct 2017 but because of long wait for cement screeding, renovation couldn't start until first week of Dec 2017.. Renovation took about 2 months including end-year holidays and CNY blackout. I moved in officially in mid-March 2018.
  11. Deposit 20% 30% Upon Starting 45% Upon Confirmation of cabinet 5% Upon Handling Over At first i thought that 20% deposit is kind of too much but luckily my ID-contractor didn't run away till the end
  12. My reno cost $16K. Yes I will share more pictures soon. Oh waving hello to my fellow BB resident! Which precinct? Yeah shower is slanted to give me more horizontal space. 70cm wide from shower wall to the glass door. haha good for you to be so hardworking - part of exercise.. ouch at your perspiration.. so turn on a/c first before starting to clean? Oops you right about that gray pipe - i must be lousy at counting which picture (5th).. Yes it is from the aircon. Exactly! Overlaying of the floor tiles to adjust slope issue is the only way but I chose not because it would be level with kitchen floor (then more more seeping water into kitchen) and I was trying to cut costs. Once waterproofing warranty expires in 3 years, I may do another renovation including hacking only for this bathroom. If only my pocket is too fat and need to shed some "weight". Yes I opted out of Optional Component Scheme so I did my own flooring - correct, it is vinyl. Vinyl flooring is part of my ID-contractor quotation. Vinyl flooring including skirting costs me $1900. The kitchen costs are as below:- -To supply and install Laminated kitchen cabinet with abs trimming 15ft $ 1,980.00 -To supply and install laminated full ht cabinet cover pipe and dish rack 3ft $ 330.00 -To supply and install kompac plus tabletop single profile 15ft $ 1,425.00 The standard price is $288 but as a kiasu person, I grabbed Lazada voucher to purchase it for $254 =)
  13. Thank you for your kind comment! haha of course you are welcome to copy that too. I copied ideas from others here too! Like what mmoh said, sharing is caring =)
  14. After looking at your floor plan, you can make concerte box (also can be used as shelf for shampoo, shower gel, etc..) to cover/hide outlet, then extend to the kerb, and then hide inside kerb towards basin on the opposite wall. Something like that. And you are lucky that you don't have to add in extra piping for basin/shower unlike mine. Which piping in the fifth photo? Are you refering to "hook" pipe on the left side on the accent bathroom wall with black tape? I am told that it is to connect storage heater's drain point to the drain pipe. The hole in the shower kerb is just to drain water (including soap and even hair) from the wet area to the big floor trap besides WC (dry area) because of the floor slope. That's why small floor trap near shower wall is almost useless.
  15. Thank you for your lovely comment on my bathroom. Oh my ID-contractor ordered bathroom doors for me. I will ask him where he ordered from because my friends also want to know. Then I will let you know. Yes it's instant water heater but actually it is multi-point, not conventional (single-point) type. Hence besides shower, I can have hot/cold water at basin tap mixer as well. It works like storage heater (hot/water piping) but no need to wait for preheating. You may refer to http://www.bennington.com.sg/faq-on-iemwh/ for more information =) So far, it works so fine for me.