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Everything posted by Cyn

  1. Hey hey Samantha ! So when you moving in?? I'm still trying to sort out the handing over issue with the seller... sigh... but told the agent my reno has to start on 25th Sept 2008! Handing over, latest by 21st Sept.... Sourcing for IDs now and boy is it tough! How did you manage during the reno?? I'm starting to go crazy now so can't imagine how it will be like during the process... Can't wait to see the rest of your furniture! Will be looking forward to you pics! Cyn
  2. I'm very very impress with Kelvin's service.... My 1st meet up with him- Very nice and friendly person... patient as well cos i was 1/2hr late (got lost among the blocks ) and when I finally got there, he was still all smiley.... Listened to me patiently for 2 hrs and promise to email me the quote by today... And guess what! I meet several IDs before him, all promising to give me by quotes by this and this date... only kelvin kept to his promise... I meet him last friday and as promised, I got my quote today! .... No doubt there's 1 or 2 missing items (Even I can't remember all the things I need to do) but at least I have an idea what's the cost like.... Meeting him this weekend again... Will keep you all updated!
  3. Sorry to hear abt what happened ... thanks for the info!
  4. Hi aves, I'm also checking out all these info... tried calling them the last few hours and no one is picking up the phone Will let you know once I can get thru to them...
  5. Finally realise that I've not posted my floor plan .... Here it is.......... And this is my space layout done by me, myself and I Still trying to rack my brains trying to find a solution to make the walk-in wardrobe bigger... DH don't want the master bedroom to be too small and I'm want a big walk-in wardrobe and the same time trying not to eat into the space where I'm putting my dining table ....... Arrrrghhhh ... Any suggestions??
  6. Will probably go down and take a look.... Thanks for sharing applefreak
  7. Wahahaha ..... My hse not big lor ...... The ID say his brother is using one and from the time he start to shower til he finish, still not hot.... Dun know how true lei......
  8. Hi Samkcy79! Really love your place !! Pls post more pics! Did u install the city gas heater as well?
  9. Am considering to get the special bundle package as well but heard from 1 ID that the heater will take a LONG time to heat up... Approx 15mins... How true is it?? Can anyone pls advise?
  10. Thanks for the reminder Will take note
  11. Thanks Yokine9a! Key collection in Sept only but due to certain reasons... DH has to run the whole show so now doing all the foundation work for him so by then, all he has to do is just coo-ordinate.. Have moved hse 3 times and I have handled everything.. all he has to do is go work from the old hse in the morning and go back to the new hse after work ....sigh... so I'm a little worried this time how he will handle this major reno ...
  12. Hi yokine9a! Cam PM me ur contact as well.... Thanks!
  13. I would really appreciate if anyone could PM me as well Thanks in advance!
  14. Hi aaronteresa! You can check out The Helping Hand... http://www.thehelpinghand.org.sg/services.php My current place is a Walk up Apt and they did a good job...
  15. Hi! Would appreciate if anyone could PM me Kelvin's no... Thanks!
  16. Hi Donut88! Appreciate if you could provide the address as well.... Thanks!
  17. Hi tweetie76, Agents speak to a lot ppl a day they will tend forget what price was quoted... For eg, I was viewing a unit in Bedok reservoir... 1st viewing was told last offer was 15k above valuation.... Follow-up call was told last offer was at 10k above valuation and finally 2nd viewing was told last offer was at valuation... Wow, price seems to be dropping... Another example, I called to enquire about a unit in Bedok North and was told seller asking for COV 40k.. The COV puts me off so I didn't bother to view... Later my hubby called me and said that he arranged for a viewing. Agent say view to offer... When we were there, I realised it was the same agent I had called.. When we were viewing, a call came in for her and she told the prospective buyer 20k COV.... Sometimes I just wish that they were more honest and not try to lure us view the flat with View To Offer and when we are there... seller only have the intention of selling at a high COV
  18. Hi ranger79! Saw that you bought the System 4 Mitsubitshi Starmex from All Best... How much did you pay for it? ur place... All the best for your reno
  19. Hi Sanji! My FS master is actually FOC Cos I'm a member of 'House of Fengshui'.... The membership fees is $25 for a year and you'll get a one-time free consultation... but i went to look for him more than once(need to check beforehand when and what time he'll be there) They have outlets at Great World and T3 but I go to the one at T3.... He will not go down to your place personally so you'll need to give him the direction readings of your main door and from there, he will advice you.... Let me know if you are interested and will PM you the contact Hi Jessie! You bought your place without COV as well I know what you mean.... units at my blk of higher floor are going for at least 30-40k COV so to me, no doubt it's a low flr... I still feel it's a good buy... Yours too Have you decided on your ID? I'm still looking around...
  20. Hi all, Am planning to change all my bedroom doors and Main door as well... Would appreciate any cheap and good lobangs Thanks!
  21. Went to look for my FS master yesterday to check out on the best dates for us to Kai Men and Tong Du. Best dates are 22nd Sept for Kai Men and 25th Sept for Tong du so I don't think I can allow my seller to stay there til 1st week of Oct. And in the whole of December, the only good date for us to move in is 6th Dec which is just nice as it gives the reno a bit more time just in case of any hiccups.... Meet up with Steven from Ideal house today and will be getting my quote in about a week... Can't wait to see how bad is the damage but he told me it should be about 30k++ .... Looking for a few more ID firms this week and hopefully can firm things by end July....
  22. I was looking at that area in April and a 4 rm flat, think it was on the 12th floor was asking for 12kCOV... With the market so unstable now and 5 rms are not as much in demand as a 4rm... And also taking into consideration when was the valuation done as some are very high already... Location not fantastic, not near MRT or any amenities at all. Only a small econ mini-mart there. For me, if the valuation is high, I'll consider offering even below...
  23. Hi lifestyle, Can I have your electrician's contact as well... You mention the switches' trunking was recess with the wall, was it your electrician that helped you to do it? Your place looks great! Cheers!!
  24. Hi Everyone! It's been a crazy few weeks for me cos 1st OCBC rejected my loan and I'm taking less than 50% loan. My girlfriend also had her loan rejected by OCBC... don't know is it they full oreadi... So finally settled with DBS with a fixed 3 years at 2.98%... Then my seller requested for handing over only after Hari Raya, which falls on 1st Oct. Planning our 2nd appointment on 1st Sept cos just after the 7th month. Because he needs to contra, our initial agreement was that if he needs to major renovate his place we will give him 1 month grace, if not about 2 weeks. He got a place which needs minimal renovation but he wants to spend Hari Raya for the last time at this place... I will probably need about 2 months to renovate the place and I'm currently renting so the lease will expire on 15th Nov, so if I agree, I'll need to pay another additional 1 month rent... What should I do ??!! Haven't given him an answer yet but I want to start my reno asap just in case of any hiccups along the way... Any suggestions ? Meet up with my ID, Shealin yesterday and will start planning for my design and reno... So many small little details to look into..... But am trying to enjoy every moment of it......
  25. I'm fine with low floor as long as it's not on the 2nd or 3rd so 4th is the lowest I'll go but i can imagine my MIL is going to say ... why 4 cos cantonese sounds like die...... but my FS master ever told me... Tables need 4 legs to be stable likewise for chairs, cars need 4 wheels, though motorcycle got 2 and still move but not as stable.... so 4 is a good no too... She look so cute in her little house