Cheats. Liars. Heartless cons. If only you all know the pain they have caused me and my family. Do work halfway and then disappear (especially in the last month). We called again and again and did not respond. I happened to meet 2 poor victims- young parents with small kids in the same position and the response is the same. Now all of us- at least 5- have NO MORE MONEY TO CONTINUE because most have been given to them. To all victims- DONT KEEP QUIET. Make police report like many people in FB (also victims) has suggested to us. They cant be on the run forever. Don't keep quiet.
To Sharline and Andre, I know you are reading this. Remember that you have so many children. Whatever people curse you will come back to you or your children at some point- arent you afraid? Return what you can to your victims. The whole world knows what you were capable of and how you cheated people years ago- don't act like you are innocent. Puteri Sherie... I challenge you to response to me here since you are so good at fighting back as if you are innocent. You have NO IDEA what people are talking about you both.