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About jesc

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  1. week 3 - 4 craft bricks arrived and went up the wall~! ordered 15 cartons and they came repacked in 8 bigger cartons instead. my sink and its legs
  2. week 2 aircon up, but realized i have to change the placing of the aircon versus the first placing decided for the fan coil blower (which turned out to be a blessing in disguise or else cannot open wardrobe door ). also had to decide if the trunking should go inside or outside of the rooms. i have never made so much decisions in my life. at the same time, wall is being flushed with calcium silicate.
  3. hihi, yes! is punggol thank you and we went through a lot of headaches for the house. most residents realized that the corridor is too near to our service yard (any spiderman wannabe can just jump into my unit from the corridor), so all the resident contactable came together and sign a petition to do up a privacy barricade to prevent burglary and unwanted attention.
  4. Fast forward another 5 months, my house is almost complete with furniture set in. we collected our keys in july, but only started the renovation in august due to changes and whatnots. My threaded blog is so neglected that I had to do a search for it. *shame on me* I shall do a week by week, the reno was not very extensively done, but I now love my new house. We will be moving in by the 1st week of November. week 1 some re-wiring and ceiling works. shifting the powerpoint plug if not it will be directly above the stove, dont understand why hdb does this kind of designs. living room dining area cove lights kitchen bases and tiles done up by end of week 1 brought along my little daiso chair, so that i can sit whenever i have to spend too long a time in the dusty, empty house.
  5. Hi all, not sure if this has been discussed before. Tiler and ID had advised to paint the brick wall but we decided to keep it the way it was. Now, we see cracks on the grouting between the bricks. What can i do to rectify this?
  6. Hi may I ask how many down lights did u use to light up ur living area? Thank you Oh and also, may I ask if the milo tin.lights are from modulux too? If theyare from taobao, may I ask how do I look for them in mandarin?
  7. What a cozy place. May I also ask for the fan brand and model? Thank you
  8. Dining Lights? Spoilt for choices!
  9. Lights, lights, lights! Lights for the children's room is fairly easy, but for the rest of the rooms, toilets and walkways, I'm lost. Here are some of the lights I like. Should I use this for the corridor? This is tentatively for the study area Isn't this so pretty? Guest Room
  10. Oops, hubby say title should be "OUR first home" instead of "My" but I don't know how to change. We decided that it's ok as whats mine is his and his, mine. Alright, I have questions that I hope forummers can help me. We want a brick wall and decided that one piece of wall will be done, however there is this part of the wall that goes in, i dont know how to explain but will attach pictures below. How can i get rid of this dented part because I want my brick wall surface to be straight. Thank you for your help.
  11. Kitchen Hanger in the service yard One of the common rooms Fast forward 8-10 weeks, I got my HLE approved yesterday!
  12. Well not literally, but this is first time the hubby and I buy something so big and it belongs to us, not our parents. We feel like adults! LOL This is the floor plan. We chose a 5rm since both of us come from big families, have 2 daughters and another baby on the way (just got to know ). We haven’t collect our keys but sneaked into the construction site one fine Sunday because the main gate was left open wide. We were so skeptical that that new HDB houses will be very small, however we were quite pleased when we saw the actual product. There was a china man cleaning our windows that day because there would be an inspection the following day. Gate Living Room Views from different corners
  13. hi jaykr, i love your craft and brick walls may i ask for the various contacts? 1) alan 2) cross border transport 3) JB town tile shops thank you so much
  14. Hi, really like how ur brick wall and tiles are coming. May I ask where can I find the pendant lights in the first picture?