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About shutiao06

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  1. Hi neighbours, Long time since i posted hee... how's things going? hope all of u have settled down in our estate hee. time flies... come nex mth, we would have shifted in for a yr already.. WOW... Juz wondering if there's any tutors out here... i'm looking for English tutors ard our neighbourhood... nt tat i want it for my kid (no kids yet ) but looking for someone who's keen to teach Eng at my premise hee.. if u r interested, do PM me and we can discuss more abt it
  2. hi all... juz wondering whether there'll be anyone in the same tour group heehe... lookin fwd to our holiday! any advice as to wat to shop for, look out for, where muz go, wat food to try etc etc from any korea experts here?
  3. hi junxian! wow.. finally move in huh? hee. muz arrange a time go down c ur beautifully renovated place tink i saw from ur t-blog it's so nice! oops... knew there was a deadline to submit the feedback but din know it's so soon haha. then mayb gota submit online liao popeye gal.. long time no c u in here already.. so how's everythin goin? u shifted in permanently already or stil over wkends? hee. hmm din know there's prob wif the storeroom ceiling.. muz do a chk tmr already..
  4. o reali? haha ok but me very noob and slow one leh haha. if u all dun mind then no prob juz started learnin abt 2-3 yrs back oni. kena influenced by hubby haha
  5. haha yap, till now haven drill it. reali nua ha. no la, partly oso cos hubby usually quite bz so no time to do these. hopefully wil have time to unpack all the things which haven been unpacked and do the necessary to our home this dec hee. another prob is he's afraid he might not know how to drill as it's the first time we're using the elect drill.. cos if drill wrongly, tat's it.. these goes our laminates cos i dun tink we'll b able to get the ID back to redo for us we haven submit the form.. but guess it's more of complain too haha. yap, i tink i know wat u r talkin abt.. toilet has quite a few leh. then kitchen sometimes have it too. and do u find our place very dusty? aiyo.. after i finished cleanin up the whole place, nex day dusty again.. haiz haha yap.. actually wanted to borrow from helen but tat was quite some time back...so when i visited ur place recently, asked u abt it too haha. but like wat i've mentioned... we have some concerns. reali afraid might spoil the whole laminate if we use it wrongly..
  6. wow din know there's post in my t-blog. haven access it for so long hee. no updates though.. except now my house is much more messy haha. but finally we've got the storeroom rack done! thks shanabb.. but juz make sure ur ID can complete the disk rack or watever u're doin to the recess area for u. cos mine din and he juz disappeared. it's a gd idea but too bad it's half done anyway, all the best for ur reno hi rachelgoh, haha the mj table was a housewarming gift. but so far we've oni used it once during housewarming no mj kakis here
  7. hi neighbours, wow long time din login.. after shifting in not so active in here liao hee. glad to c so many new neighbours and hope everythin go smoothly for those who r havin their reno! so any updates so far? hmm i tink they've done some improvemt to our estate rite? and anyone of u filling up the survey form HDB sent?
  8. Hi junxian, gemini06 and rumi, roseberry has arrange with the uncle to come down to give us a quote. pls chk ur PMs
  9. welcome, neighbour! ok wil keep u guys informed. mayb we try to arrange a day for the person to come down take measuremt n quote. wil let u all know the quote. gota check with roseberry. remi-i'm not too sure of the quote yet. wil update u after i find out. junxian- hmm dun tink i see anythin in our mailbox today. but there's always flyers for these racks. so far those i've called to check range from $180 to $200. i tink they can customise the racks as in no matter u wan L shape or straight one, they can make. comes in a few diff sizes.
  10. Hi Junxian, yap, i stil have ur no. ok wil let u know when we've arranged everythin hee. u not in a hurry to do the racks rite? muz b more aggressive to bsc ah.. else when they can "siam", i tink they'll try to siam hee. all the best for ur reno. eager to c ur reno pics!
  11. hi neighbours, juz to find out whether anyone of u wana get the storage racks for the storeroom? cos roseberry and me both keen to get the uncle to come measure and make.. so wana ask if anyone interested too, then perhaps we can get a better discount hee PM me if u r interested
  12. hi helen, no prob.. thks for buyin it from us hee. btw, how is it.. hope ur con said it can b fixed? thought of smsing u later today to find out hee. it's ok.. guess it's kinda late. pai sei.. din know u were waitin for my sms. cos i thought i asked whether u could come at 10 so was expecting u to come by already hee. guess u guys quite early one? nvm got chance we can visit each other again. haven gone to take a look at ur place too then we can intro ourselves hee. hmm duno is it due to the weather. this few days very warm. and durin this time of the yr, seems like no wind from this direction in the living room... or perhaps could b due to cove lights too... we've got no downlights. ur place not as warm ah? cos i tink we're facin roughly same direction..
  13. mine also facin temple.. hmm i'm not too sure how many such events there are in a yr.. if there's only like 1 or 2 in a yr then it's ok.. but stil, i feel tat there shld b red lots for season parkin holders.. although i also thought the temple is usually rather quiet and not tat crowded, i heard from my MIL tat her frns said the temple has been there for a long time and it's very "accurate" one. even my uncle and colleagues said it's famous in this area too! i guess tat's y they has such a grand event and yes, the bids were reali high... hubby heard the biddin and kept tellin me wah this and tat item bid for so high. hee. o they not doin 7th mth.. but i guess the noise level stil wil b quite high. heard from my colleague stayin here tat 7th mth comin, gota bear with the noise.. but well, i tink it's a matter of gettin used to it ba commando - yap, it's reali very frustrating and caused a lot of distress to me. and affected my work too. haiz. but wat to do.. already learn to let go and try to slowly accept the fact and tell myself the uncompleted items not tat major treat it as a lesson learnt glad to hear tat urs has been settled
  14. hi BunBun, nope we haven paid the last 10% or so. hmm there is a contract.. but actually juz hope to get the outstanding items settled and hopefully dun have to resort to tat. cos i tink there's only a few items which are more major.. hmm tat's y when we wana engaged others to finish up the work, gota make sure it's within watever the balance is. thks.. but so far not much response. reali regret tat time din insist on gettin him to refund us on the spot.. not only this. tat time durin reno, his workers dented 2 of our livin room tiles. wanted to get him to re-tile. but he proposed tat we get a huge rug to cover tat 2 "holes" as it's quite near our sofa and coffee table area. promised to pay $200 for the rug. end up, we din get even a cent! hee yap u're the one.. ok when i have the time to take pic of it, wil post it to show u. tat's wat i'm worried abt.. i'm afraid if we hold on to the heater for too long, the price might drop and we'll b penalised for a mistake which we din make. juz cos of ID and plumber, we gota waste such money
  15. icic.. hmm but gota wait for a yr? tat's pretty long.. but i guess tat might b the time when most of the units would b occupied. hopfully they'll do somethin to it. yap, we went to pray pray on the day we shifted in. elders reminded us to..as a form of respect and oso to pray for safety, everythin to go smoothly etc hi commando, yap precisely.. i tink the highest we parked was level 2 which was when we returned durin wee hrs on wkend ya we know there's no free parkin in any of the carparks in our estate... hubby was also sayin most likely cos of the temple opp.. tink hdb already knew abt these tat's y din allow free parkin. haha u r rite man.. but i tink carpark attendants not tat active in our carpark? last at my MIL's place.. carpark attendents come like everyday nope, stil withhold abt 10%.. tat's oso y i gave up tryin to contact the ID. worst thing is he din even contact me since then.. OMG.. i reali duno wat he's thinking... rumi, even without free parking, the carparks are so fully occupied.. cant imagine wif free parking wat wil happen. i tink we wont even have lots to park.. tat was the prob at my MIL's place carpark.. even though there wasnt free parkin either, but some residents reali had no place to park tat they did "illegal parkin". perhaps after u've shifted in, u'll know wat i mean.. it's not juz the parkin lots being occupied.. but it caused quite a long jam all the way from entrance of the carpark to whichever level where there are stil available lots.