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Everything posted by TinyEyes

  1. Hi poppytree, sorry to hear wat has happened. I came across Life Story advertisement in ST and i went down to take a look. Very nice designs and layout indeed.Almost wanted to order the sofa from them but because i have nt decide on the house colour theme yet so i didnt place any from them. Then recently I saw an advertisment on Life Storey. Split moment i thought its the same company but i see the address again.Its totally different. Could it be an imitation? Did u manage to claim back 2k? why these people so despicable? take away people hard earn money!!
  2. any idea wat is the dimenison the nw nr-b403v?is it the same as nr-b402v?
  3. rav3n, may i know the grouting is referring to the gap in between the living room tiles? If yes then mine is 80 % black !
  4. I think somehow the round about is quite dangerous especially when you are driving out.. cos there are 2 more directions (1 is coming in and the other is going out) and there is no concave mirror ( for blind spots).. Dun know if anyone knows wat i am trying to say ?
  5. By right, it should be something like the 4th picture. It shouldnt be the big hole.If its big hole, think they 偷工减料 last time. I haven seen the replacement kitchen tiles and i saw the replacement kitchen wall tiles. Its the same as the original ones
  6. Proudly presents my 'perfect' kitchen tiles tiles near the kitchen pillar at the side of the kitchen below the window tile near the toilet kerb.can u see the big hole of the top right? this is the beginning of my nightmare....... !! !!
  7. How about yours? have u submit? i think we cant finish defect the defects withing a day one. gt to go few rounds.bring along more people so tat they can help look around also. Please also check the walls. some of the walls are crooked or gt holes
  8. the first submission i didnt include the skirting problem cos i didnt realise it!! till this morning the HDB contractors spotted 2 cracks n they pasted a masking tape.then after they left we checked and paste our own masking tape. i think we can submit more than once if there is any new area of defects. i have not submission the 2nd round yet. tink tomolo i called the person n checked with him.
  9. I submitted my defects last saturday online then this monday they called me up and arranged an inspection. so i suggested today (weekend). i have not gone back n take a look. also nt sure hws my kitchen now. but i guess probably after cny they will then continue Hi Gracie, i submitted last saturday thru online submission then monday they called mi up to arrange a joint inspection so i suggested saturday lo. I think more n more defects are coming up. practically the skirting are so jialat till my hubby was suggesting to change all the skirting
  10. The hdb contractors came to do a joint inspection just nw ard 11am then just nw ard 2pm he called n said his workers are coming over now to do my hollow kitchen tiles. Quite surprised also. then i realise the skirting around my dining and living areas have cracks. and basically all my bomb shelter tiles are hollow. He managed that they wil not replace the parquet.they will only inject more glue into the paruqet to make it more solid. later tonite i will be going back to take a look.
  11. Any idea where we can get those large wall stencils to draw on the wall? mi nt as creative or artistics, therefore need to trace
  12. i am thinking .. if i will to move out next time, i cant bring over the feature wall also.. even if i do feature wall, the bomb shelter is still there.. if only i can hack !! now in dilemna. Somemore i discover hollow tiles in my kitchen.. quite a number and also bedrooms. My main door has a long long crack..
  13. Any ther idea how to conceal a bomb shelter besides using a feature wall? i gt a quotation n it cost 1000. so ex?thinking if there is a cheaper way to do so?my bomb shelter is protuding out in between the living room n dining room.. anyone has the same headache??
  14. I got it at $3498. dun know whether i got kenna chop or not....
  15. Dear all, any idea wat is the market/standard pricing for chemical washing our units?including the bedrooms n the living room n kitchen?
  16. i went to AllBest today n asked about the aircon. The sales man quoted me mitsubishi starmex inverter system 3 ( 1 big one for living room) and (2 small ones for bedroom) $3149 and toshiba inverter system for $3225. cos he was saying if want to install one in the living room, we need to get a bigger set or else ' no wind'.the pricing is inclusive of installation, 5 yrs warranty and the 1/2' of the insulation n 24 swg.any one has approach this store?
  17. i have bought a mattress (Slumberland Royal Excellence) yesterday.There are several Royal series for Slumberland.But when i went home n searched the internet, I couldnt find this model and also the other Royal series. Any idea why is this so? the reason i can think of its maybe they used a different name for Asian market??
  18. i predict its end of jan lo.scali still need to wait for cpf to deduct money etc...then drag here drag here.in the end after gong xi fa cai then can get keys
  19. Hi Shutiao, Apparently they received my 3mths payslips which i mailed last friday and they called mi saying they have received it and they are processing my HLE so by nxt week my HLE should be approved. then i say how abt my AHG?she says different dept in charge.so they need ard one mth. that means the earliest i can get its end jan?? she says she will expedite for me. well. ZZzzzz .
  20. I more hot. i mailed to them on the 7th dec then 15 dec then my hdb page indicated that they are processing my application. then this monday 17th dec i received a letter saying they need my original payslip for the 3 three months. n they give mi a deadline. if i dun mail back by 24th dec they will forfeit my chance. what the **** man! i only recieve the letter yesterday. if i mail out on fri, will they receive on sat or monday. even if the mail arrived on mon to hdb, will they open my letter on monday? wat if they open on tue and deemed tat they receive on tuesday, will they forfeit my 2000bucks. very ****ty leh argh argh!! pardon me .......
  21. I send the email on thursday asking them if they have received my documents or not and they didnt reply me. then today i went to my hdb page n see. its says its processing my HLE application. tat means when i mail my documents over last wednesday they didnt look at it till i email them on thursday then they get their butt moving?? or gosh my documents have been pending for one week?!?!
  22. i went to check the websit and it says :'The status of your HLE application is not available at this moment'. how ah? very worrying. think i call n ask if they received or not
  23. me also request quotation from Impress 21 (henry). quite efficient received within 4 days. found that his price is reasonable. but of cos I wanna compare more contractors. email H* Be* but no response. Any one here has any other contractors recommendation/quotation can PM me?cos i only know of these two names. Thank you all !!
  24. I also applied for the Additional Housing Grant. just mailed back the forms last wed. waiting time is 8weeks?? So as to say its possible that I will get the keys after CNY. Gosh! that is very long. after renov and shifting, tat means the earliest I can move in is April?? super duper long .... Anyone have idea if even if the HDB has received the HLE and AHG application, under my HDB profile page it will still indicate ' no status for application' or it should say ' we are processing the application'? me paranoid. scare the letter does not reach HDB
  25. Heyhey! Can I add in ? !! 675B : Spotkev 676A : ilovecoffee, kiki2004, tinyeyes 676B : crazygirl48, roseberry, shutiao06 678A : teodami 678B : rav3n 678D : dar80 cheerz