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    Ideal House - Johnny
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  1. Theme ah..... i guess its sort of modern + abit of pub feel and a slight retro hint with mosaics. So there isn't any full theme but thanks for the compliment. Wahahah i guess so, She very arrogant now, don't want come near us whenver we actually call her. Sigh, guess she cannot understand that we have to work. Gotta bring her out swimming soon. So sorry BunBun, but both of us recently got very heavily tieed up at work so didn;t evemncome in forum. Is summer ok? What did the doc say about the fits?
  2. We're good, Ginger's fine too. Yeah, we just woke up and saw ginger destroyed all the coasters on the coffee table. So i guess you can say she is still pretty healthy and active. How you guys?
  3. Hi Magnito, Its reali sad that there is yet another unsatisfied customer of J....at the same time quite surprised too. i understand some id might have the "drop of standard" thingy. but when i write in, i have absolute confidence for J as the last time he help us on our hse issue is maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago. that is 9 months after we moved in. he been doing great after sales service that i reali kudos to him. but dun worry, our house issues have nothing to do with his workmanship, its just the change of minds on some designs and the destroys from my doggy. (he didnt earn a single cent from this after sales as we only paid once for the change of bed head which is direct cost from carpenter. others are completely FOC) that is why i write in with so much confidence on him. i cant believe an id with such great after sale service will be doing a poor job with his exisiting customers. conflicts or disagreements are reali common between ids and owners. at the end of the day, the most important is still the end result. like i mentioned, we do have some conflicts and disagreements with J during our reno. but we managed to solve every each of them. in the end, we are satisfied with the results and we got all praises and compliments from our relatives and friends on the workmanship and designs. ids are also human beings like us. we cant expect 100% from them. somemore we are not their only customers. we can't expect 100% good attitude, workmanship, after sales service, agreements, time, communication, etc..... this not only apply to J but to all ids who are trying their best to help create a dream house for us. we need to understand that they always have a tight schedule to meet. although we are paying customers but they are not superman too. which owner doesnt have any disagreements or problems with their ids during the whole reno process? we do have disagreements with J too. and i would always complaint to my hubby bout J. but that is all i did. afterall there are all common and minor ones. i can't be telling the whole world all those little disagreements i have with my id and forgetting his hard work in helping us on our dream house which now we are staying in. that will be very unfair. afterall those disagreements only reflects J is trying to provide us with other ideas and alternatives instead of just waiting for instructions. end of the day, we got ourselves great workmanship and better designs which is most crucial. I feel its really polite to consider when u gonna call an ID, besides being your designer. he is also designer for many others and a father to his family. We do the same for J too, in most scenarios, we drop him a msg and have him call us back when he is available to talk. Even for friends, colleagues, we consider if its the right time to call them hence don't think its right to say since you're paying, you can call at anytime u want. magnito, if u truly is a customer of J, maybe you can try to talk to J on the problems. i'm not being offensive here. its just make me wonder from your first read in this forum to gettin J as your id, you have never once posted in the forum until now. so its kinda strange to me...
  4. Super Super Sorry, We have been to packed up with work to logged in let me see, since september??!!! Hope all you guys are still around. The economic recession finally free up our time. Nothing to be happy about but nothing we can do to it. Anyway, how you guys been? Anymore recent meetups, keep me informed k? And so sorry because never got a chance to show Ginger in her lion cut, All grown back already. Alrighty, just call me or pm me if you guys still around. See Ya
  5. Hi cereal killer, Reali sorry to hear your experience with your id... i think i know who you referring to. he is also our id for our home few mths back. although i agree that we will have some minor conflicts with our ids, but come to think about it, if we don't, its only shows that the id are just doing what we have instructed him instead of giving us ideas to create a better home. then i don't see the point of getting an id. during our reno, he also provide us other suggestions and do not agree with our initial ideas. but all we did is to sit and discuss with him and consider whose idea to take. so during the reno, we took quite a few ideas from him and end up we reali feel its better taking up his ideas. Regarding him keep on dabbling with his phone during discussion, i believe every owner has the same experience with all the IDs. If that does not happen, I think it only shows that the ID is really free. So gotta agree with what yen ming said. With regards to rectifications, i think there might be a communication breakdown somewhere. Even though he seems distracted during discussions but the truth is even until now, i could not even remember how long since we moved in, we still call him for modifications and rectifications. He still respond to us with urgency. Oh ya, one more thing, i always sms him the rectifications needed to be done. He can better keep track of it in his sms rather then talking to you and forgetting a big chunk of it ain't it? We got problems with his payment issues also, because i was the one chasing after him for the final bill and he keeps on dragging me cause he is concentrating on the on-hand projects, Hahahah. So finally paid him the full sum like 1 or 2 month after we moved in. Like what Rumi said maybe different IDs suit different people. I think most importantly is what when you seek for a ID, you look for some one who is willing to share his knowledge and provide suggestions. We do have little bickers about decisions but our ID only says, quoted directly, "I can only provide you with suggestion, decision is up to you to make". although he sometimes may sound harsh, but i know that he is tryin to do his job well. also he been helpin us to save money during reno by offering other alternatives too. So far he always make an effort to come to our hse whenever we need him on our hse issue. and until now, he had never fail us on that. me and my husband reali feel fortunate in gettin him as our id. he reali done far beyond our expectation. like i always mentioned, his workmanship is good and his after sales service never disappoint us. tat is something i really need to emphasize. and i must admit that i am reali a fickle minded owner but he always show his patience towards me. I believe the best thing to do is to communicate with him and get the house done, as when its on-going, is a stressful thing for everyone. And when everything settles, I believe you'll be in the happy owners group like most of us. try to communicate more with him. i'm sure he is a nice person to work with. Cheers and best of luck to your new home. P.S. Actually we have recommended the ID to quite a number of forummers to date. And i believe most of us are now happily staying in our new house. So just try to work this out and stay cool. It'll be fine.
  6. whahaha....now even worse liaoz. my hubby just shave her again. this time is lion cut. can you imagine now oni left her head n legs with hair. oso he shaved her tail like a lion. see when i free i post a pic of ginger new hair cut. veri heart pain whenever i see her with tis cut. anyway decided to change a bit design for my bedhead. would like to change e Lshape at my bedhead to curved one. n oso dunno why the mirror in my master toilet started to hv black patches. so hv ask johnny to my hse again to see. johnny told me he will change the mirror for me and change e Lshape to curved one w/o any cost. coz it a easy job. but if i want to change cushion at bedhead then he will need to charge a bit. but at least he willing to do some items w/o charging us. oso he said he will be asking ppl to come touch up for us the paint and some little things my ginger destroyed.wahahha. okok....will log in again some other days. n post pics of ginger n the bedhead. take care everyone!!
  7. hi viper, sori to reply so late. i got this swivel tv done by my id. there's a rod in the middle of the swivel tv but its hidden. it can be swivel to 360degree. i dun tink it can be get from outside. tink got to ask e reno ppl to do it for you. the cables are hidden all the way down to the console and you cannot see any cables.
  8. thanks apple and bunbun, will tell ginger that u all miss her. see if we can arrange another meet up. she getting fatter each day. n oso hv shaved her hair short coz she keep shedding hair. look forward to meeting u gals again.
  9. hi, finally got time to log in. was busy with my new job and reali sorry that i missed the baking session with u all. anyway just here to see see look look..... n to make sure all of u are getting fine. everything goes well for me except for the recent black out at my hse. but everything fixed. all thanks to my id for his immediate help. okok.... any gathering pls let me noe. i will try to log in more often. at least once a wk bah. would reali like to see ya guys again.
  10. hi all, just here to share my experience with ideal house... my id is johnny and overall i'm very satisfied with his work and also his after sales service. been living in my new hm for 5 mths now. recently last week my house got a black out out of a sudden. dunno izzit if i switch on too many electrical applicances at one go? so i called up SP services and they direct me to the town council. was promised that an electrician will be here to help me. but then after an hour i got a call from the electrician and was told that he is not able to help me. so i immediately called johnny and he was very helpful to get his electrician to my place ard an hour later. so everything was fixed and i got my electricity back. was very grateful to him so i sent him an sms to thanks him. this is how he reply: "no worries, any problem with ur hse u can jus give me a cal anytime." i was reali grateful to him throughout the whole reno and even after the reno. when my dog bite off my laminate skirting, he will get his men to fix for me. he is reali a responsible and helpful ID and i would definitely recommend to every new hm owners. hv read quite a no of posts bout him and i reali appreciate his help despite his busy schedule. as i have not been logging in since my new job bout 3 mths, i have got quite a few pms from some of the forummers here askin for johnny's no. hv already pm a few... so if anyone would like to hv his contact, perhaps u can pm me and i will try to log in at least once a wk bah. n oso sorry for all the late replys. can also click below to view my t-blog. i hv posted my whole reno process with johnny and pics of my home. hope that it will be at least some help to some of the hm owners here.
  11. hi tears, i hv pm u johnny no. check ur pm. hi DSA, i hv pm u johnny contact.
  12. bunbun, she noe how to fetch but she jus wont give the thing back to u. maybe we can meet up one day.but definitely got to be a wkend. apple, can see the way u hug ginger... u r surely a animall lover. i would reali like to come but hubby on biz trip. so goto confirm wif u all later.
  13. hi all, sorri for replyin so late. been busy wif new job lah. anyway its reali great to see u all. luckily i make it in time. nearly miss out the gather... cantona, we sure can meet again one. actually my fault lah. i came too late liaoz. greycat, pls dun feel bad... dogs pee mah.... anyway my ginger oso enjoy herself. can see tat she reali like yuki alot. skywolf, u sure are welcome to my place. pool table should be less than 1.5k. dun reali remember the price liaoz. bunbun, u can come over anytime mah. we so near...would like to meet u oso. ranval, dun mention.... i enjoy myself too. apple, my hubby said tat u are like those ppl workin wif animals. if u noe wat i mean...u hv gd knowledge wif animals. so he wonder wat u workin as??? anyway hope to see u all again.... n all ur furbies....
  14. hi everyone i'm back again! paisei reali tired after work so hv not been log in. my shelves bought fr ikea... big one cost $199(4 rows) n the smaller one is $99(2 rows). if i'm not wrong it comes in a few colors. can go take alook. different types of shelves there. btw babytan, where u got the storage for ur bombshelter? kastlekonfusion, mine is homogenious tiles... been dropping the balls onto the flr for a few times but luckily no damage leh. thx ranval for the concern...quite enjoy my new job. just tat hv to wake up veri early. so not reali used to it yet. but so far so gd. just tat i may hv lost my perfectionist attitude. knock off liaoz oso quite lazy to do hse work. so hv to tahan the mess for the whole wk. just finish my hse work not long ago. haiz...gotto set alarm to wake up to do hse work tis morning. as for my poor ginger, she still ok lah. jus tat when we come back after work she will start to become whiny. then we goto pacify her loh.
  15. welcome babytan! guess i'm a bit late.... anyway i faced the same prob like u few mths back. i oso hv a dog n hv sold my flat. so during the reno period i gotto move back to my mum's place which is not reali convenient. coz i got a cat there n there's oredi 6 ppl in the 5 rm flat not including me n my hubby. but no choice coz i can't find a better solution. somemore my dog quite big size so not easy for me to find a place to stay n we oso cant bear to leave her in the pet hotel. so e 3 of us gotto squeeze in my mum's place for the past 2mths. are both sides of u n ur hubby family allergy to dogs? if not then tink u gotto place ur 2 lovely doggies to pet hotel bah. but i noe its will definitely be the last resort coz i hv gone through tis b4. its reali heartbreaking to stay apart fr them. as for ur quote, tink maybe u can try to forgo some items which u tink its not reali necessary like the doors n plastering of the wall. maybe can just paint over the door? is the wall condition veri bad? we did not do any plastering for the wall n still it look quite gd to us. maybe u can forgo tat? or maybe can cut down the carpentry? the things u list is quite similar to my reno. btw which id u approach? if not convenient maybe u can pm me.