Grey tiles( imported from Europe ) from reputable Supplier . Left over from recent renovation .
Size 600x1200x10.5mm ( large pcs to minimize joint line good for a room )
7 packs of 2 in original package
estimated area -0.6x1.2x14 =10m 2
50% reduction from purchase price $22 per pc total = $308
Very good value for European imported tiles
Original receipt can be produced for verification
Good choice for contractor to work on . Can get contractor to collect at Old airport road
Best choice to stimulate screed flooring look to reduce worry of crack line on screed flooring in long run . Very good choice for a room.
PM me for details
Beautiful wall tiles ( Bo Gesso ) in white for feature wall size 7.5x30 cm per pc . Refer to image .Left over 5 boxes of 48 of each from recent Reno . Letting go at 3.50 per sqft ( a 30 percent discount for good quality tiles ) Very good deal for feature wall of bathroom or kitchen (counter backing ) Original receipt can be produce for verification .All tiles are in original package . Self collect in east can help to bring to carpark . Quantity Can fit well into the car booth .( can email package size to you if are keen )
Estimated area cover is abt 5.4 m2 (58.1 sqft ) but do take into acct of wastage for your contractor to lay . Should additional quantity required can always check and top up from Hafary .
Price 3.50x58.1=203 sing
Pm Me For details