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ChrisTanNK last won the day on June 30 2018

ChrisTanNK had the most liked content!

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About ChrisTanNK

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    Bronze Member

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  1. @paddy84 u able to give me your email or she send me an email @ denialchris32@gmail.com I unable to pm now
  2. @Andrew96 last time I nvr face such error but ya my inbox function got removed! But no worries! I’m sure chew will get what he deserve as he is **** nice can! He come repair my tap foc after it spoiled after 1 yr +
  3. Hihi, I had the same contractor as dinopaw & Jeanette, your can email me at denialchris32@gmail.com or left your email for the contractor details. Recently renotalk function abit weird unable to find the pm button
  4. @SYZ, @GLKT the PM function was remove for older member, please kindly email me at denialchris32@gmail.com
  5. Hi @Lexi, would you like to use my contractor? I believe u will get a better experience using him plus no harm getting another quote:)
  6. @mmlist, you want to try approach my contractor to compare? You can provide me your email for me to send u her contact as my pm function was removed.
  7. @Vans hi vans, I couldn’t pm due to some reason they remove the function. Is it ok if you provide me your email to send you the contact?
  8. @Chen Kailing can I also have your email pls? Can’t seems to pm
  9. Hello! I’m using the same contractor as vayenang, not sure why he’s not replying anymore but your can continue to reply this thread & I will give your the contact:) the contractor is Uncle chew:)
  10. hello, had pm your the contacts! Thanks! Hope you have a nice hse to live in
  11. This contractor is very good! Very sincere and full of responsibility! Never regret selecting him
  12. Just got my bto recently, like everyone, i was having a hard time to decide whether should i hire a contractor/id. Approach different contractors & ids, I finally settle down with this responsible chinese contractor. He meet me for more than 8 times to explain to me the different materials & works that will be done as I am rather fussy He had work in the industry for more than 30 years, done hdb, condo, commercial & landed and is very patience to source for the stuff that i wanted. He does not have a hdb license but the materials he used is all according to hdb laws & if hacking is involved, his partners (hdb licensed) will be the one doing the hacking to ensure all will be fine. He had send me some pics of his previous work done which i will share below. For a 4-room flat, a 33k+ quote is reasonable to me as I had choose some good materials for my housing. Would definitely recommend this contractor as he will provide some cabinets drawing and give good advice which i think is better than some ids. Can pm me for his contact!