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About PrincesLandscape

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  1. Garden Turfing Is this sight of overgrown grass familiar to you? Have you neglect your lawn and not putting much attention when you walk past everyday? Well, this homeowner had enough of it and got us to weed-it-up! Benny Community Manager
  2. What To Expect of ? Homeowners believe the benefits of bringing nature to home however when you talk about managing "nature" in your ideal home, you may have no clue in it. Here this is one article that we have co-created with RenoTalk to help you to understand better. http://www.renotalk.com/blog/bringing-nature-home-859 Hope is a good read for you. Thank you very much and don't forget to keep your questions coming in! Benny Community Manager
  3. image source: http://landscapearizona.com/wp-content/images/AFTER-west_side_2small.jpg | http://www.plastolux.com/blog2/tfadcoogie9.jpg Appreciate Your Property by Renewing The Unsightly Side Yard Side Yards are often neglected and used as a storage area to house additional stuff. Cramped area, frequent traffic and with only a little walkway to the back of your home can result in an unsightly view causing depreciation to your property. Do you know that you could appreciate your property by renewing the side yard with many affordable solutions? Get it Appreciate soon! Thanks! Benny Community Manager
  4. There are more than 250 companies listed in Building and Construction Authority (BCA) providing landscape services to their customers. Here is where you could access and view their status. With such a big number of landscape service providers in Singapore, finding a reliable one take the same effort as what was described earlier in this Renotalk’s article – How to Protect Your Renovation: Get a Reliable Renovation Contractor I hope the above is a good reference for you. In the meantime, keep your questions coming in so that we could tailor better topics benefiting the community! Happy Landscaping! Benny Community Manager
  5. .me Recently, the above site has become my top favourite site for inspiration and creativity. I believe they are genuine provider piecing genuine advice to many of us. Here is one summarized piece that i thought is good to share with you guys. 101 superb pieces of interior design advice Thanks. Benny Community Manager
  6. Hey Imss, Thanks in advance! Creating a cluster-free space with little dolling of landscape, uniquely yours is what we homeowners are looking forward after a day's out at work. Have you created yours? Benny Community Manager
  7. Image Credit: http://design-milk.com/ukrainian-apartment-vertical-wall-gardens/ It is really nice to have one at our home. Imagine when we get home, we see the vertical space filled with healthy living plants, do you agree it refreshes you straight away and gives you a peaceful sense of serenity for urbanites like us? Cheers Benny Community Manager
  8. Image Credit: http://plantsonwalls.blogspot.sg/2011/08/low-light-tropical-living-art.html Keeping Your Home Naturally Cool with Vertical Green Wall The heat trapped in our concrete jungle and over-reliance of air conditioning have made homeowners unbearable and poorer recently. As such, the ideas of having vertical green walls in the home has become very fashionable. Let’s look into these benefits of having green wall. They are environmentally friendly, it controls temperature, mitigates urban heat island (UHI) effects, conserves energy and improves air quality, it also helps to reduce noise and retard fire. It increases aesthetic value of your property, beautifies the bare wall and improves livability in your home. Vertical green wall is not only a great space-saving way to cool your home naturally but also it helps to reduce your reliance of air conditioning. Isn’t it wonderful to have it at your home? For a more in-depth and other advantages of having green wall, take a look at this pdf. Thanks again! Benny Community Manager
  9. You Are Involved! It is important to us a service provider that we involve you in our topics selection. This will help us to develop a series of landscaping related topics specifically tailored to the needs to the local community. As such, if you have any burning questions related to landscaping, please feel free to drop a note or PM me. We would try our best to address it. Thanks! Benny Community Manager
  10. Dear Homeowners & Renotalk Team, Greetings from Prince's Landscape! Understanding homeowners' needs has always been Renotalk priority and knowing that many new or existing homeowners may not know what constitutes good quality landscape in your home. Often, many homeowners have to rely on their limited knowledge, family & friends, existing homeowners or people in the industry to find out the standards. The advice he receives sometimes can be inconsistent leaving him frustrated and confused. To bridge the gap, we decided to come on this interactive platform to share the best practices, exchange of ideas and create group offers exclusive for the Renotalk homeowners. Once again, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to Renotalk Team for having us here. We hope the learning journey will enable you to make a better informed decisions in Landscaping! Benny Community Manager
  11. UrbanGreen, a service of Prince's Landscape & Construction Pte Ltd, is empowered to provide comprehensive landscape services and solutions to the new modern homes by designing and creating conducive and sustainable living environment. One of the oldest nurseries in Singapore, Prince’s has 50 years experience in the industry. Started out humbly as a flower shop, Prince’s has evolved into a full-fledged landscape design and installation specialist. Presently blessed with 2 nurseries and a headcount of more than 400 professionals, horticulturists, designers, engineers, florists and support staff, Prince’s success is attributable to this dedicated and qualified team which also undergoes a rigorous training and development program, allowing us to be uniquely customer and product oriented at the same time. At the international front, our global connections ensure that Prince’s meets the needs of our customers. Strategic alliances with Europe, Australasia and Asia have been a boon to our service-oriented culture. With success comes responsibilities. Our company believes firmly in CSR and we are a conscious participant in environmental conservation as well as an active institution for the disabled, reformed and older workforce. Prince’s Landscape and Construction Pte Ltd (Landscaping | Landscaping Maintenance | Events Plant Display | Corporate Plant Rental) Address: 53 Sungei Tengah Road Singapore 698998 Contact: 65 6763 7000 (Benny - Community Manager) Portfolio: http://princelandscape.com/portfolios/