Hi, this is a illustration of what is going on. |R| is resale hdb flat, |BTO| is BTO flat.
Me, no contra, sell↑ buy↓
X, contra, sell↑ buy↓
Ý, unknown sell↑ buy↓
Z, unknown sell↑ buy↓
When I first exercised the option to purchase, I told X to please find a flat asap so we can proceed with the sale asap. I had not planned on using R1's CPF refund money because I didn't expect my R1 to be sold so quickly.
We had agreed to submit resale application within 60 days, and just as the 60 days was about to be up, X exercised R3 and is ready to submit. I then realized that if we book our first appointment on 23 August, I will be able to use the CPF refund from R1. Currently, 1st appointment dates are available from 29 July - 24 August 2016.
X is ok with 23 Aug, but Z say cannot. Y's property agent claims that 23 August is too late and Z will not be able to buy her BTO. If she cannot buy her BTO, she will not sell her flat to Y, Y then cannot sell his flat to X, then X cannot sell his flat to me.
After talking to Z, she said my delay will cost her 2k+ per month holding cost and if hold too long she will lose the BTO. She also said she got a schedule to follow and also want to use the CPF refund money from R4. Finally she agreed my first appointment must be no later than 15/8.
I'm feeling quite scared, because this is my first time buying a HDB flat and I don't have much money left for any legal cost or compensation. Please tell me what you think!
Good question, I think should call HDB to ask. But I think it's probably on completion or a few weeks after. I know CPF refund is 2 weeks after completion