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Everything posted by jaCKY777

  1. - got disco party, pls invite mi. - how much psf is e pergo laminated flooring? - wats e colour code? looks kinda appealing 2 mi. - izit e same feeling s other brands of laminated flooring, wif e 'kok kok' hollow sound? - looks gd. - ceiling was painted orange or e T5 is warm light? - e overlapping of e T5/flourescent tubes at e curvy cove light, above e dn light, i think can b improve. (looks kinda uneven distribution of lights) - e curvy false ceiling, i think can b improve. (looks kinda not smooth enough, kinda suddenly go straight after e curve, going 2wards e door) - e wardrobe looks awesome. - ur ID designed & done by his carpenters? - solid plywood w/ maple colour pvc carcass or veneer finish? - or solid wood w/ smooth or painted finish?
  2. - i like dis pull-out table. - how much is dis pull-out table alone? - a similar type which slides frm 1 end 2 e other, either near e sink or e fridge, i was quoted $600. - how much is ur kitchen worktop? - india black galaxy?
  3. - OIC. - then how? - who so careless? - definitely u gona bear e cost of rectification on e gas pipe part. Y? b.cos e Citygas bill is billing 2 u, not ur ID. - mayb u wana check wif Citygas see how much u gona pay for rectification. - if its kinda high a price, mayb u wana negotiate wif ur ID, ask him 2 pay u bak dis additional cost. - e possible easiest rectification method i can think of is 2 cut-off e tampered portion. - reconnect by a 90deg elbow, then a short straight pipe, then a adapter. - every joint is 'white taped' then screw tight. - unless Citygas guys willing 2 replace e whole pipe length, then its perfect liao. - u can olso use e extra portion (e part frm e t-joint to e storage heater pt) 2 replace dis tampered pipe. But u wil stil need 2 90deg elbow & 1 adapter. Provided u not using gas heater. - basically, lesser connection pts, lesser possible chances of leakage. - most of e time, hacking at main door is done by e haulage worker. - they hack away e cement door kerb so dat its easier 2 push in e wheelbarrows of sand & cement & tiles. - if got hacking works involved, dat means e reno co need 2 apply permit. - e reno permit hav 2 b pasted at e front door 2 notify neighbours. - after e permitted reno working hrs, (1) u have e rite 2 demand them 2 stop. (2) take dn e particulars stated on e Notice of Renovation. Call e person-in-charge, make known 2 him ur unhappiness. (3) inform hdb e nex working day. They wil take note. Accumulative complains will reduce their chances of renewing their license. (Think there is a tel 2 call after office hrs regarding reno matters) PS: i dun work for any of e agencies involved & mentioned above. Jus my 2 cents of gossip.
  4. - havnt lei. u got lobang? - 2 wks liao, hdb havnt finish rectify my defects. - mainly is wall with crack lines. - e most serious is watermark in one of e bedrm ceiling. It stretches frm 1 end 2 e other, divide e rm in2 half.
  5. - y carpentry halted? - shdn't e gas pipe b xtended long time ago? - dun tel mi u had jus xtended ur gas pipe jus b4 carpentry gona install or is installin? - e possible scenerio i can think of is false ceiling at foyer affected, not carpentry. - once tiling complete, carpentry can take measurement liao. - wen taking carpentry measurement on-site, cooking hob & hood, oven, kitchen sink position, elect pts, gas & water piping gota take in2 consideration. - preferably, gas & water piping, electrical wiring shd b xtended & laid b4 carpentry measurement. - market norm is 2wks 2 fabricate carpentry in factory. (depends on amount & complexity of carpentry) - carpentry installation 2-3 days. (depends on amount & complexity of carpentry) - once bottom kitchen cabinet is up, then take worktop measurement on-site. - another few days - 1wk for kitchen worktop (solid surface / granite etc) fabrication & installation. - after top & bottom cabinets & kitchen worktop r installed, then take glass / stainless steel backing measurement. - another few days - 1wk for backing fabrication & installation. Gossip of e day, read at ur own discretion Below is extracted frm earlier post with modification, e timeline for reno a typical hdb New Standard Flat, fyi - design consultation. - design proposal. - design & reno agreement/contract. - 1st payment, 5-10% of reno contract upon signing of contract. - reno permit application (needs apply permit if got hacking. b4 permit is approved, no hacking works is allowed. -- If hack b4 permit being approved & found out by hdb, ID reno licence WILL BE SUSPENDED & FINED. -- If accidentally hack or tampered a Structural Column or Beam, then ID reno licence WILL BE REVOKED + reinstate e hack areas 2 its original state & fined. -- Other structures which canot b hacked r rc stiffener, rc lintol, precast/prefabricated wall. - 2nd payment, abt 40% of reno contract b4 commencement of works. - 'specialist' (electrician, plumber & aircon-men) will go 2 site & discuss with ID & 'U' on e best posible layout. -- Once dis 3 items r finalized base on e proposed design, proceed reno. -- Once dis 3 items r finalized but gota amend design, then amend e design. Overall design gota blends in. - if no hacking, proceed reno. If got hacking, gota makegood affected areas after laid e wall & floor tiles then proceed reno. - elect works (no concealing of wiring in structural members, max. digging is 40mm depth in2 wall & not whole stretch of wall). - plumbing works (no shifting of original floor trap, discharge pipes. Except extension of pipes 2 original discharge pts). Either ID physically there or marked b4hand. - air-con works (no concealing of trunking in false ceiling & L-box, esp water pipes). - ceiling works (effective headroom frm finished floor lev to underside of false ceiling is min. 2400mm). Basically, raised platform shd b only 100mm high. False ceiling / L-box shd b 100-150mm in depth. Hanging & pendant lights, hdb cant control its length. - masonry works (tile + cement = max 50mm thick. Internal wall only can use hollow block wall, gypsum board partition. NO brick wall). -- toilet wall & floor tiles can b hacked only 3 yrs later, after Flat completion date. -- kitchen floor & wall tiles can b hacked. - gas pipe extension by Citygas. Norm is call 2day, appt 3days later. By rite, ID shd make e necessary arrangement according 2 e reno schedule. -- either he is there during citygas guys r xtending e pipes or he do marking b4hand. -- after e gaspipes is xtended, they wil test e pressure in e pipe, this is wen any gas leakage can b detected. e gas supply is then temp. cut-off. -- after or near handover, arrange 4 connection of cooker hob & gas supply activation, this wen e gas meter is fixed & ur bill starts 2 tick. -- xtension of gas pipe, activation of gas supply is charge in2 tenant's SP Services bill, not included in reno contract. -- olso no unauthozise dismantling of gas pipe. Fined $5000 if found so. -- Citygas tel = 1800 555 1661. - if using cylinder or LPG type of gas, then no need xtend pipe. Need 2 hav a compartment in e kitchen lower cabinet 2 hse e cylinder. - carpentry measurement (2 wks to fabricate in factory, shorter time if lesser carpentry). - 3rd payment, abt 40% of reno contract + additional items. - during e 2wks carpentry fabrication period, proceed with other items. - paint works. - installation of accessories. (lightings, bathroom accesorries, window grilles etc) - clearing & washing works. - 3rd payment can b payable here olso, depends on e ID co.'s practice. - installation of carpentry. - defects checklist (if any. Some ID co do hav). - rectification works. - handover. - final payment abt 5-10% of reno contract. - warranty cert (if any). - feedback form (if any).
  6. - if i'm not wrong, e ID co u'd ngaged is Homesucess at Beauty World Shopping Center? - dis shd b e way if all nice words fail. Aniway, below is n xtract frm my earlier post fyi -> extracted frm Toa Payoh Blk79 kakis pg138
  7. Hey, - i olso wan. - but i havnt move in yet, actually havnt even started my reno. - how shd i go abt it huh? Hey, - if ur unit is stil under reno or in e carpentry discussion stage, mayb can ask ur ID 2 get it F.O.C. - but e so called F.O.C. is by means of tranfering dis 'shelves' cost in2 other items. - dis theory olso applies 2 other F.O.C. items. eg. aircon & electrical appliances etc. - in reality, e ID co had signed a 'Term Contract' with e respective suppliers. Dis suppliers wil then supply e ID co with e 'goods & services' at a rebated price. - if e recess area under e window is 1.2m wide = approx. 4ft - solid plywood shelf or ledge in laminate finish, market rate is abt $50pfr. - therefore, selling price = 4ft x $50pfr = $200 per shelf or ledge. - y a small pcs of wood is so expensive? - reason being -> -- suspended shelf or ledge is made up of layers of solid plywood, compressed 2gether by high pressure. -- it is finished off by laminates on 3 surfaces, namely e top, front & bottom. -- metal rod/bar/bolt is drilled in2 e wall 2 support e shelf/ledge. -- labour cost. - another option is 2 D.I.Y. - can try IKEA's pine wood with smooth or painted finish kind of shelving. - get e required length & depth. - powered-drill, wall-plug & stud is needed 2 finish e job.
  8. - no probm. - i oleady took 1 left-swing door frm seaswirl. Quite heavy, gota be carried by 2-men. - u'v been helpful - e 'glass' stil in my store. Most likely can store til end july. - if u wan take earlier, olso can. Wil sms u dis few days. - olso depends got veins or patterns anot. - plain or single tone tile w/o veins r easier 2 match s they can b laid in all direction, rotate here & there if its uneven. - tiles w veins or patterns gota lay according 2 e flow, dat means only a fix direction even e tile is uneven. - then isit better 2 apply Singtel interms of pricing & bandwidth? - i'm planning 2 apply Singtel's MIO plan lei.
  9. Hey JM forumers, - yes, there is such a hole in every unit. - YG's pix, can see, pointed out by msbean. - e hdb officer's reply 2 e queries r correct. - base on my understanding, e ID olso at fault, not solely hdb's. - hdb's initial layout planning was 2 place e washing machine there, dat is y e water supply tap is on e same side & same pcs of wall. - ID/contractor who noes wat 2 do, wil saw/cut away e small protruding pipe & seal it up with cement. - ID/contractor who do not noe wat 2 do, shd hav check wif his Senior or Manager. But not cover up dis pipe in e kitchen cabinet. - who wil bear e rectification cost? well, i gues 50% each. - yah, by going 2 e MP is e correct step. Ur GRC is under Snr Mnstr, sure got power. it olso depends how u complaint e matter. - but wait & see wat's e action taken by hdb under e 'instructive letter' by e MP b4 u publicize e matter. - i belief ur complain wil stop here, dun hav 2 go further up & more. - Water Closet Cistern overflow? It can be adjusted by e mechanism in e cistern. Open up e cover at e top, look inside e cistern, study how it works wen 1 flush & water refil, 1 wil understand. - basically e mechanism inside e cistern can regulates e amount of water during flushing. - Water Closet choke? Most likely it is caused by too much toilet paper in e S-trap. e S-trap diametre is standard size, it works by siphonic action. - if 1 WC olways choke, then e whole JM WC olso wil choke. PS: i'm not a gov agent, jus wana share my 2 cents of gossip.
  10. Gossip of e day Hey ryuki, - 2 mi, i find e hinges not necessary. - if e 'burglar' can remove e existing hinges, technically, 'they' can olso remove e new hinges. - basically, e principle of e existing & new hinges is e same. - btw, u stil wan e 12mm thk. 4ft x 2ft black tinted tempered glass? - its stil in my store rm. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey Dracula, - u stil wan e 'hello kitty' softtoy? - its stil available. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey neighbours, - any1 free 2mr? - i need 1 man + me, carry a bedrm door frm blk D to blk E. - its a kind gesture frm a fellow neighbour. (sea....l) - i 1 person canot carry lei. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - normally, main entrance timber door directly facing lift lobby, <3m distance of fire-break, is a 1/2 hr fire rated door with door closer. - by rite, fire or non-fire rated door, 1 shdnt 'modify' e main entrance door. - 2day i saw a unit with its main entrance door cut with a opening at e top. - e opening is approx. 3ft wide x 1ft high, infilled with clear glass. Dat means wen 1 stands at a few metres away frm e door, can see e internal of e unit. - mayb 'rules' had changed, mayb my info outdated liao. - 2day i olso wen 2 a unit at 11th storey, e ceiling is sooo high. - after some hacking, e unit looks very e big. Condo olso no fight.
  11. - if e unit above havnt lay e flooring, additional water on e raw concrete wil somehow find its way thru & dn e reinforce concrete slab. - in meepok's case, there is already a crackline but not visable or mayb covered up oleady. It was only visable after e 'flooding' test was done by e neighbour above. - if e unit above hav done or is doing e flooring, e moisture content in e cement & sand & water composition, wil somehow find a space 2 escape. Basic knowledge is water will flow dnwards. - if there is a crackline in ur ceiling, then water droplets or watermark wil slowly appear at e cracked location. - if there is no crackline in ur ceiling, then e floor tile's cement base of e above unit wil takes slighly longer a time 2 cure & harden. base on my knowledge, - for dry areas, e rectification is done by plastering e affected areas & paint over. - for wet areas (toilets), rectification is done by means of P.U. injection. (inject chemical thru e cracks, once chemical dries up, it seal up e gaps). - for resale flats, some units opt not 2 redo e waterproofing & relay e tiles as it is very expensive. - e waterproofing cost is bear by both top & bottom unit. - in our case, it is new flat which is stil within e 3yr restriction hacking period, watever water seepage/leakage, we do not hav 2 pay a cent. Unless e waterproofing membrane had been tampered with.
  12. - think i belong 2 e 1st half of e phrase 'kiang du hoe', cos i havnt do my reno. aniway, - after finding out abt meepok's 'water seepage' thingy, i wen 2 double check my own unit. - 2 my horror & surprise, i saw a watermark on e bedrm ceiling stretching frm 1 end 2 e other. Basically, it divides e bedrm in2 half, jus inches beside e light holder. It starts frm jus above e window pane 2 e ceiling then all e way on e ceiling 2 e other side of e rm, it stops exactly at e beam. - without hesitate, i do a thorough visual & physical check on all ceiling & walls. - all bedrms got cracks in e wall, e worse is middle bedrm with walls & ceiling affected. - immediately, i wen 2 e HDB Service Centre at 79C. - add e items of cracks & watermark in2 my defects list. - their reply was dat they wil check & do e necessary rectifications. - i demanded them 2 get it done asap & they had better 2 do a gd & clean job. - if there is stil watermark & crackline in e walls & ceiling after rectifications, base on my construction knowledge & level of understanding, 'hdb' had not done a proper & gd job. - i wil then hav 2 go in2 higher authority, which i hope i do not hav 2. - cant imagine we lesse of hdb affordable public housing, who pay such high a price for a unit, get 'such standards of finishes'. - after this incident, i had some chat with my contractor frnds who had done quite a nos. of units in 79. They r not surprise by my complain. Told mi dat they had came across alot of such cases on walls & ceilings with cracklines. - if photos were 2 publicize, think e value of e flats wil drop. Its best 4 mi not 2 post.
  13. - like dat huh, then i dun wan go liao. - mayb my own bar-counter, though smaller, but i belief its much nicer & cosier than e 1 at 79C. - somemore can ladies nite every nite. - las nite rain was really e heavy. - i was with some frnds at e foodpark, then suddenly thunder & lightning striked then it rained heavily. - all e patrons who were seated outside, all shifted in2 e inner side of e foodcourt. - though shifted in, stil can feel e tiny droplets of rainwater blew in by e strong wind. - e tables & chairs outside were all wet. - i think its e 1st time 1'v seen e inner seats were fully occupied (full hse). - later after midnite, wen i go up 2 my unit, my front gate & door, common corridor were olso wet. - lucky neber open window. - for those units, who's main entrance door is beside e perforated panel railing, wil definitely kana rain. (i experienced it myself liao) - mayb sombody wana write 2 hdb, request them 2 install awning or sunbreaker above e railing, directly below e small beam, not totally cover up e opening. - an example of such scenerio is at Bukit Panjang, Senja Rd. - e phrase 'hdb certifications' sounds kinda vague 2 mi. - basically, hdb do not give certifications 2 ID/Contractor co. - hdb only issue Renovation License to ID/contractor co who had passed their test. - licensed ID/contractor co do not mean they r able 2 conceptualize ur ideas & realise it, non-licensed co do not mean they r not able to either. - big & reputable ID/contractor co do not mean they r gd, small co do not mean they r bad either. - it breaks dn 2 wat type & scale & diversity of reno u r looking at. - u r rite. but 2 certain extent.
  14. Hey meowie49, - gd analysis u wrote there. - mayb those who hav more hands-on (esp hsewife) wil hav a more in-depth explanation on e different types of backing. - aniway, can i order 'black pepper chicken chop' & 'whiskey on-e-rocks'? - while u all play ur majong, i njoy my food & drink at e bar-counter. i dun mind self-service.
  15. Hey ryuki, - jus submitted my defects list 2day. - hdb takes abt 2 wks to rectify my defects. - afterwhich, i'm gona start my reno liao. - meantime, e pcs of 12mm thk 4ft x 2ft black tinted tempered glass is currently in my HHS. - let mi noe wen u wana cum & take it. - colour glass backing at kitchen shd use Tempered Glass, 6mm or 8mm. - s e term suggests, it is tempered glass (withstand heat) with color spray paint behind. - other options r -> -- stainless steel backing. (practical) -- wall tiles (glas mosaic, ceramic etc), jus overlay between e top & lower cabinet. (modern, futuristic) -- normal glass (float glass), not advisable, s it canot withstand heat & impact. Once broken, it wil shatter in2 big sharp pieces. -- if stil wana use float glass, then gota stick a color film behind (laminated glass). Heat & impact resistence stil e same but once e glass breaks, e film wil hold e glass in place, not scatter all over. - pricing & durability for float glass, laminated glass, tempered glass, stainless steel backing, glass mosaic tiles can check with ur ID/contractor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey neighbours, as i did not start any T-blog or blog, i gota temp. post here regarding my defects list (submitted 080609 1700 hrs) -> - cracked walls (>1.5m) in Master Bedrm & Bedrm 3, - 2-gang socket oulets canot plug-in in Master Bedrm, - shower head leaking & rusty/dirty in MasterBath, - shower hose rusty/dirty in Common Bath, - hollow tile in Common Bath, - window latch stucked in Living Rm, - rusty HHS door frame, - common corridor wall (directly facing main entrance) plaster peel off, can see e raw concrete beneath. - other items like chips & scratches in sanitary wares, rust, white cement in floor trap cover, cement at window latches, i close 1 eye, did not report.
  16. Hey neighbours, - if i'm not wrong, dis kind of 'free gifts' gimmicks oleady in existence for quite some time liao. - if i'm not wrong, they had been in operation in Orchard Rd area many yrs bak. - it had since quiet dn after many complaints & reports. - if i remember correctly, las time they wld 'tout' ppl on Orchard Rd, particularly along e pedestrain walkway outside Wisma Atria. - they wld 1st 'appetize' u by talkin abt 'freebies...' but u mus follow them 2 their office, listen 2 their talk which takes hrs. - e talk wld say abt joining dis & dat, buying dis & dat. Particularly, joining s a member wif their 'flying club'. - s a member of e 'flying club', 1 wil njoys cheaper rates in airfare, in addition, 1 wil get 'freebies'. - e catch is, there is a 'member fee'. - how true e cheaper in airfare rates, how gd e freebies, i'm not sure. - wat i'm sure is dat, i was meeting a frnd in Orchard Rd but he turned-up only few hrs later. - told mi, he had reached b4 mi but was 'tout' in2 e talk at a nearby building & ... - he managed not 2 commit anything & managed 2 get out of e 'talk venue' which was kinda hard. - eversince dat incident, we wld 'siam' any 'strangers' along Orchard Rd. - oh, i remember liao, it happened during my sec sch days, wen handphone havnt even came in2 e market. Only got pagers. - how long ago was it, well, u calculate urself.
  17. Hey Seaswirl, - u got sms. - 2mr i'l only b free after 2pm. - see how then, wil sms u again. Hey ryuki, - yah, ask ur neighbour 4 mi. - if e lockset can turn-around & re-use, then mayb i can reuse back my right-swing door. Jus dat i need 2 buy new hinges & nytoh door frame. Existing door frame is metal. - e glass is a 4ft x 2ft 12mm thk black tinted tempered glass. - can use s glass worktop wen place on-top of any table. - u can have it if u wan. - pt. 2 note is dat -> tempered glass canot b cut, it can withstand high temperature & impact. - more info on tempered glass can b found here -> What is tempered glass? Extracted -> Tempered glass is one of two kinds of safety glass regularly used in applications in which standard glass could pose a potential danger. Tempered glass is four to five times stronger than standard glass and does not break into sharp shards when it fails. Tempered glass is manufactured through a process of extreme heating and rapid cooling, making it harder than normal glass. The brittle nature of tempered glass causes it to shatter into small oval-shaped pebbles when broken. This eliminates the danger of sharp edges. Due to this property, along with its strength, tempered glass is often referred to as safety glass. The thermal process that cures tempered glass also makes it heat resistant. Tempered glass is used to make the carafes in automatic coffee makers and the windows in ovens. Computer screens, skylights, door windows, tub enclosures and shower doors are more examples of places you will find tempered glass. Building codes also require the windows of many public structures to be made of tempered glass. Disadvantages of tempered glass Extracted -> Toughened glass must be cut to size or pressed to shape before toughening and cannot be re-worked once toughened. Polishing the edges or drilling holes in the glass is carried out before the toughening process starts. Due to the balanced stresses in the glass, damage to the glass will eventually result in the glass shattering into thumbnail sized pieces. The glass is most susceptible to breakage due to damage to the edge of the glass where the tensile stress is the greatest, but shattering can also occur in the event of a hard impact in the middle of the glass pane or if the impact is concentrated (for example, striking the glass with a point). Using toughened glass can pose a security risk in some situations due to the tendency of the glass to shatter completely upon hard impact rather than leaving shards in the windowsill. Hey Dracula, - ur news kinda outdated liao. - it had oleady been implemented, phase by phase. - btw, e 'hello kity' r those Macdonalds' era type loh. - if u wana see, i'l email u e pix. - PM mi ur email addy. - Hows ur reno going? - Seems like ur upcuming hm got sort of wavy & extraordinary designs? - loking 4ward. - can go kpo? wana copy ur designs, can? Hey groovygenie, - i was there jus now, chating with some workers. - e Uncle on e scooter came & walked 2wards mi. - he asked 'is dis ur lorry?', i said 'No'. - he asked again 'which 1 of these illegal parked vehicle is urs?', i said 'i dun drive lorry'. - then he showed mi a list of complaints by 'somebody'. Told mi he got no choice b.cos of e complaints. Anyway, he's a nice Uncle doing his rightful job. - i told him, 'u klkk & relak 4 awhile lah, if stil nobody cum drive away, then go ahead do ur job loh'. - after awhile, he reluctantly did his job. - then he told mi abt e fines for illegally parking -> ->service driveway to MSCP = $50, ->service driveway to centralized refuse centre = $100, ->infront of CRC roller shutter = $1000, ->in e yellow-box meant for fire engine, obstruction to fire hydrant & breeching inlets (anything related to fire-fighting) = $5000. - oh yah. e Tel 2 call for illegal parking, blackout, lift break dn etc is e same. 1 Tel no. directs all.
  18. Case study of a 4-rm 90sqm unit with entrance foyer -> - base on my unit, foyer area = rectangular area between main entrance & household shelter wall-line, HHS door on 1 side, kitchen entrance on e other. - tile needed at foyer area = foyer floor area + skirting area + 10% wastage = 5.797sqm. - 5.797sqm = 5.797sqm x 10.765 = 62.40sqft aprox. 63sqft. - tile priced by supplier = $3.00 per sq feet - cement & sand = $1.50 psf (approx) - labour to lay = $1.50 psf (approx) - profit by ID/main contractor $0.50 psf (approx) - cost incur to layman to lay $3 psf tile at foyer = ($3 + $1.50 + $ 1.50 + $0.50)psf x 63sqft = $409.50 approx $410. - supply material & labour including sand & cement to lay pebbles wash = $350 approx (lump sum normally). Also depends on size of area to be laid. - if initially was to lay pebbles wash, subsequently replace with $3psf floor tiles, my method of calculating -> = total unit's flooring cost - foyer area pebbles wash cost + foyer area tiling cost = $5000 (approx) - $350 (approx) + $410 (approx) = $5060 (approx). - e difference between e new tiling cost & pebbles wash cost wil b e additional amount 1 needs to pay. - it olso depends on how much e pebbles wash was quoted in e 1st place. It may end up do not need to top-up. - if e difference is very minimal, e ID/contractor may choose 2 absorb it. - theoretically, $0.50 x 50 pcs of tile = top-up amount is right. - practically, its wrong. - cutting tile $150, labour for workmanship $50, 70 pcs of tiles $50 DO NOT MAKE SENSE TO ME - 1 cant control how e ID/contractor gona charge u, but 1 can bargain with them 2 reduce e amount. e above is base on my knowledge, prices r indicative, not reflecting current market value or representing any ID/contractor co.
  19. Hey neighbours, - any 1 got a bedrm dr (left swing) 2 let go ? - i need 1 s i'm relocating my master bedrm dr. - orig is right swing, if can turn e lockset arnd, then e dr can b reused liao. - any 1 is still a fanatic of 'Hello Kitty' ? - i got a big box of 'hello kittys' & 'soft toys' 2 let go. All stil in plastic wraper. - if nobody wans, then gota donate away liao. - i olso got a new pcs of 4ft x 2ft 12mm thk tinted tempered glass 2 let go. - selling at token amount. If nobody wans, then gota throw away liao. - i olso got a wash basin with tap-mixer (pre-installed by hdb) 2 let go. - if nobody wans, then gota throw away liao. - i olso got 2 shower head with hose (pre-installed by hdb) 2 let go. - if nobody wans, then gota throw away liao.
  20. - dat is y, new items shd not b brought in2 e unit too early. - best is near or after handover. Except those necessary items which wil speed up e whole reno process. - if gota bring in e new items early, then gota plan properly where 2 temp. store them. - eg. is 2 hav a room solely for new purchase items. Lock e rm at all times. - best is arrange a delivery day wen no sub-con is working. Nobody noes abt e items in e rm except owner, ID & deliveryman. - lock e bedrm of new purchased items with e installed lockset. - lock e metal gate with thick chain with lock if stil got some outstanding works. - if not, makeuse of watever lockset 1 can use, metal gate, main door, bedroom door + chainlock/padlock at metal gate. - Castle, Yale, Duro etc r some of e better known brands of locks which hav a high security rating for locks. - it pays to buy a lock which is more expensive. - do u wana spend slightly more now or loose even more later? e above is my personal views, it stil gota depends on 1self. Gossip of e day - Dog outing? - mayb can organiz a 'doggy beauty pageant', dress up e doggy in bikini etc - so many dog owners & luvers in 79, y dun some1 b e chairperson, organise 1 lah. Neighbourhood - paint shop dnstairs got sell ICI & Nippon paint. - for those neighbours who wana touch-up e paintworks in ur nice hm, can try getting frm them. Friendly uncle, reasonable price. - 2 massage & foot reflexology parlours had somehow invaded in2 e 79 neighbourhood. - 1 is beside e small ID firm, 1 is beside foodpark. - 'special service' anot, i dun noe. Those who had tried, mayb can update. - peak hrs, driveway beside foodpark, illegal parking had resumed again. My unit - my unit got a crackline in 1 of e walls, frm floor 2 ceiling. It was not there during day 1. - its not hairline crack, its those ugly snake look-alike 1-2mm crack. - if i had done my reno, most likely my contractor wld b e scapegoat. - gota ask hdb Building Services Centre 2 rectify ASAP.
  21. Hey neighbours, fyi -> - SP Services is e entity dat supply Electricity & Water. - 2 open an hsehold account, new owner nids 2 register at SP Services counter at hdbhub, 2nd sty. - GIRO anot, depends on individual. Both payment methods olso got 1 time deposit of $70 & $100 respectively. This deposit amount wil b reflected in ur 1st bill. (shui dian fei) - Electrical wiring oleady done concealed. - if not relocating any switches & socket outlets, do not touch e casing. - $ involve is buying of lighting fixtures & labour to install. - if relocating any switches & socket outlets, pt 2 note is dat frm e existing casing location 2 e new casing location, there wil b a exposed pvc trunking. - by rite, licensed contractor r not allow 2 conceal e wiring by means of embedding it in e wall or ceiling. - there is oleady 1 set of 2-way switches controlling e living rm lighting. Additional set of 2-way switches means 2 more expose trunking wil b seen. - there is only 2 lighting pt in e livin rm (4rm). If 1 switch contol foyer lite, 1 switch control dining lite, additional switches is needed 4 units with false ceiling & L-box design. Dat means additional of 1 casing of 2-gang (2 button, with backside) is needed to control a set of cove lights, a set of PLC downlights. 1 expose trucking is inevitable. 3 or 4 gang depends on lighting layount. Dis new casing most likely wil b beside e existing casing, commonly at foyer, b'cos it nid 2 tap e live wire frm e existing pt. - electricity turn on by technician, anytime by their arrangement, owner do not need 2 b arnd. - Water piping is oleady done concealed. - extension of water supply piping is needed at kitchen sink area. - extension of sullage water drainage piping is needed for kitchen sink & washing machine. - if not intend 2 hav hot water supply for kitchen sink, then 1 do not need 2 extend e hot water supply piping. (marked red) Wen buying tap-mixer, normal 1 wil do. - if intend 2 hav hot water supply for kitchen sink, then 1 need 2 extend e hot water supply piping. (marked red) Wen buying tap-mixer, need 2 buy 1 with hot & cold supply, lever selection type. - water supply can b turned on by 1 self. Tools needed is a + screwdriver & e tap-head (in letter-box). - b4 turning on e water supply, e water oleady in e piping is sufficient 2 test watever test 1 nids 2. - Citygas is e entity dat supply Gas. - it is e same hsehold account as Electricity & Water. - during reno, b4 kitchen carbinet is up, e ID/contractor wil arrange Citygas guy 2 cum dn & extend e gas piping 2 ur new hob position. - a short portion of e pipe in taken out, left in e service duct. - after reno, e ID/contractor wil arrange Citygas guy 2 cum & connect e hob, reinstate e gas supply, fix e gas meter. Gas supply is temp. cut-off during reno s a safety precaution. - Telecommunication is another entity. - eg. Starhub, Singtel, M1. Dats all folks. Pls update mi if i got e wrong info.
  22. - dis fair gona end dis cuming Sunday. - every other 1 2 mths, there wil b a fair at SG Expo, on Interior Design & Renovation, Home Furnishing & related products. - e regular exhibitors wil b there. - those who r there may not b bad but they may not b good either. - all gota depends on 1s standards & requirements. - most importantly is not 2 sign any 'promotional package' etc on e spot even e promotional deal is very attractive. - fyi, e deposited amount can b refunded or exchanged 2 voucher in e future if 1 decide not 2 proceed with their service. - unless e 'sales ID' & 1 got dat chemistry & comfortablity, 1 can go ahead & sign. - remember, they wil only get back 2 u after end of dis wk, after e fair is over. - y?
  23. Hey Dracula, it had been awhile i had not seen such design liao, wavy pattern kind of false ceiling. e floor tile olso cut curve 2 fit/blend in e feature wall & pebbles wash finishes. Aniway, lok 4ward more of ur reno pix.