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About floppy

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  1. Item as per pictures attached. Brand new and never used before. External box may be damaged but item is in perfect condition. Price: $150 Interesed party kindly email me at obliquetravel@gmail.com.
  2. Item as shown per attached pictures. Items are brand new and have not been used before. Approximately 25cm wide and 25cm tall for the lamp. Will include 1x LED bulb for each lamp. Total: 2 lamps for sale and I intend to sell them together as a set. Price: $30 Interested? Please drop me an email at obliquetravel@gmail.com as I may not log in here often.
  3. The Smart Herb Garden works. I had the plain white original version as I was one of their Kickstarter backer. Sadly, not all their herbs / plants can grow well in our climate.
  4. I would have thought this is smart as the quality of HDB sanitary fittings really CMI. For my BTO, I've actually removed and replaced all the provided HDB sanitary. Well worth the $$$ spent IMHO.
  5. Sorry for late reply. Bring it back as check-in luggage if you are not buying a lot. For bulky items, they can help with the shipping (at an additional cost).
  6. Utensils, lightings, furniture etc very cheap and way nicer that what you get in Singapore. In fact, you probably buy everything in a house (except for the house) there.
  7. Brown - warm colour. Hence, more cozy. Grey - cool colour. Hence, more cool / cold. Both combination will do fine. However, the colour will also depend on the theme of your decor and /or colours of your living room / bed rooms. The colours have to flow and the house has to look coherent as a unit. Otherwise, you risk the whole house looking very tacky. Based on the rest of your 3Ds, I would say brown kitchen fits in better.
  8. It's important to have a place that you like and can live with. No point buying because of price but dissatisfied with the surroundings. Guess you will have to change the title of your thread
  9. Option B. The pros outweigh the cons. Don't use the kitchen cabinets to hide the pipes / trucking.
  10. Can PM me your contractor contact? Need to start planning for the next round of t-Blog
  11. Still sticking to the northeast, in the new town next door. Limited choices and budget highly constraint
  12. Revisiting this t-Blog and oh my, so many queries that I have not answered in the past While I love my place... it is, unfortunately, time to move on. Guess that mean I'll get to start another t-Blog in the near future