U have since edited your post with images to supplement your supposed claims. I do not have facts, but my comment was based on what i deem as legit deduction and that was my opinion. I resent the "mindless brain" comment. Because I'm in fact, choosing not to blindly believe in probable false reviews in this thread. (See screenshots of previous posts that are oh-so-similar you would believe they came from the same template)
Also, planting a blurred image of a person as avatar display does not instantly make any posts miraculously legit.
Having seen a fair bit of suspiciously fake posts, it's only natural to deduce that yours was fake too- accompanied with the fact that it seemed like you were highly compelled to sign up at this forum, post a rather blurred picture as your display pic, then proceed to write a good review in late July when your reno was alr completed in mid-March and there were no prior posts to that one good review. you have to admit the timeline is dubious. and the motivation to go thru all that trouble is kinda odd.
But, seeing that you've posted images of your renovated home, that raises your credibility so I'm inclined to believe your post more now.