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Everything posted by fbvp

  1. hi Aron kindly quote for the following HDB 4 room Starmex (kindly give option for 2 ticks and 5 ticks) - 3 x 9,000 BTU, 1 x 18,000 - 1/2" Armaflex class "0" insulation- G22 copper pipe with PSB Tested- 16mm diameter with ¼’ thinness insulation
  2. hi there ... can you kindly pm me your id's contact many thanks
  3. hi max can you kindly om me J&E contact .. many thanks!
  4. can you kindly share your contractor's contact. many thanks!
  5. can you kindly share your contractor's contact ... much appreciated
  6. i would appreciate if Lucidacid or anyone else can share J&E contact details many thanks
  7. your place looks really nice and homely ... we're in the process of selecting an id/contractor, can you kindly share your contractor's contact details. many thanks