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Everything posted by katvolution

  1. I'm going praying tomolo.. In fact, I go praying, every 1st and 15th of the month.. I ask you gers ar, are you all superstitious?
  2. What can we chat ar? Me also dunno leh.. got any interesting happenings lately anot? I only know that the 7th month is here tomolo... Right? I guess, that makes a topic..
  3. Good morning!! Is anyone home?
  4. Like more classy mah.. We cannot understand those bimbo's mindset one lar.. Wah, so fast think of babies' names liao?? You preggy liao ar? My boy and I also discussed before.. But wait till pregnant then say lar.. Now, everything still early lor.. You even think of the hokkien names.. Since got ppl take french names liao, you take italian names lar..
  5. Zao zao... Me very busy again... Sian leh..
  6. I tend to disagree with you.. Everyone go for PS for a reason or another.. But no one actually has the decency to lie about own heritage.. Is there a need to? I don't see the shame in looking like a pure Chinese.. She just want fame.. Trying to look, talk, dress and behave like an Eurasian.. That's what she claimed she is.. Eurasian..
  7. Yup.. I used to be quite neutral about her.. Till they posted evidence of her using 2 different nicks in CC, say all the nice things about herself, then slam many REAL pretty girls of being ugly, fake loose etc.. How turn off is that? Buay tahan.. If she never attempt to sue ppl, no one will go and dig out her dirty deeds.. She can only blame herself.. Anyway, her voice is disgusting too.. Fake, high and kns accent.. I heard it live on 98.7f.m the other day.. Cannot tahan.. She was pretty sweet back then.. I guess, PS is really addictive.. It surely made her tonnes worse.. She's barely thinking with her brain now.. It's all stated in the blog mah.. I meant, another blog that ppl set up to expose her of her lies.. She gave herself away in 1 reply where she quoted her email.. Then, ppl actually found out it's the same email under her own friendster account.. Err xin right? Then she went to delete that 2 nicks accounts.. Is that guilty or what? Sigh.. It's never ending.. Gonna be happy with what we have.. After all, at least ppl can tell I am my mum's daughter..
  8. Yup.. I also spend my weekends reading while my boy is washing his car.. That blog just goes to show how disgusting she is.. No sense of integrity anymore.. Shameful..
  9. Yup.. That 700++ pages, I read from page 1 and followed up every now and then.. Cannot believe that there is someone like her in REAL life.. That's scary and crazy.. You also read up? Nope.. that katkatgal is fierce.. They actually dig out evidence of her doings.. I am not so IT-savvy.. Somemore, I have to rush my work, at the same time read in CC and reply in here...
  10. She reminds me of the infamous DY.. Got busted for her 'copying' of works in her personal blog as well as her Stomp blog.. People slammed her like mad, she actually create multiple nicks in the forum to act like her own fans to defend herself.. That's pathetic right? Lucky country not as mad as her...
  11. Wah lao.. Like that also can??
  12. Wah lao.. Low pay leh.. I am those low pay, gian ben common people.. I need to slog my guts out everyday.. Not rot at home like Country leh.. I cannot afford.. Still need to keep a job in order to keep myself alive & kicking.. I know why her brains so kok yup liao.. She must have not enuff $$, then starve herself by eating air.. No nutrition.. That's why abit sok sok liao..
  13. Nope nope.. Coz I have seen too many examples in my office.. All high flyers, but all buy HDBs.. Save $$ mah.. I guess, those are smarter rich people.. Or the, less than F rich people.. I don't belong to this category at all.. If yes, I no need to gian ben Fifi's small discount for a 50++ bucks privacy filter.. I am someone who buy from the distribution warehouses from China, someone who don't eat at those exp restuarants in order to avoid the hefty 7% GST.. In fact, I welcome discount coupons or vouchers anytime, anywhere.. Although I will really love to be part of the not-so-F-rich people...
  14. Sigh.. She very poor thing.. Kept on getting slammed by us.. But hor, I beg to differ on the part of staying in HDB flats.. Landed property can be passed down from grandparents or parents.. Does not directly indicate that one is rich.. Unless you are talking about the real F rich ppl staying at Sentosa Cove.. There are also hidden rich people who stay in HDB too.. Just that, they might choose to invest their $$ in other areas.. My senior assistant to C.E.O is 1 good example.. His monthly pay is already 16k. Not to mention his incentives, which is quite often, can easily hit 6 digits.. But he stays in a 3-room hardly renovated flat.. God knows where all his $$ goes to... But my guess is, she might be slightly better than average income familes.. Thus, able to be a stay home wife..
  15. Orh..I saw.. But she only post 1 post nia right? What's wrong with that post of hers?
  16. What's with the COUNTRY & LL??? Am I missing out on something?
  17. I think the green looks really refreshing.. Keep it bah.. After seeing so much of white and black, it does makes me feel fresh seeing green.. Very cheerful tone..
  18. Expensive supermarket? Only going down when we need to go town.. This week, nothing in mind to buy leh.. Also finding some excuse to go.. Okok.. I will sms you on the day itself.. Tks gers..
  19. Friday, I will be going down to buy groceries.. How about I call you on the day itself?
  20. Oh!! You can help me get it? Really? That's so nice of you.. Okok.. You really need to.. Always complain of tiredness.. I don't even stay back in office.. I am a home person.. Work comes last.. You are going to White Sands to buy issit? Do you need me to meet you there? Geez.. I am blur now.. I might face problems if I only have his I/C number right? Or you are buying for me? Why not we meet up over the weekend? I might be going to White Sands on either Friday night or Saturday morning..
  21. Ooh.. Maybe lappy's filters are more expensive? As long as it's is not those 70 80 bucks, ok lar.. Have to get it.. For the sake of surfing RT.. Is it possible if you can sms me your daddy's I/c? Will they need his name to verify? Sorry and tks for the trouble..
  22. Sigh.. I opted for a desktop instead of lappy back then.. Coz my boy says, if get lappy, my manager will expects me to do unfinished work even on weekends at home.. Unwritten rule in my company : All laptops go home with the owner on Fridays.. Orh.. So, we meeting next week? Sim Lim abit far.. I think go Challenger at Simei is better.. Nearer leh..
  23. IC number is = membership number? Is it nice? I mean, I feel bad to trouble you for it.. Coz I/C is something quite personal... You sure it's ok? Btw, you won't be meeting up with us on Thursday le issit? Yup.. Like what Fifi says.. Gonna make a trip down to challenger and ask.. Hopefully, it's not too expensive.. 50+- is ok to me.. So, are we meeting up this Thursday? Is P online is msn already? And where is Air?
  24. Ooh.. Mine should be 14"... I don't have membership there.. Err.. I hate my desk to be messy messy.. I prefer it to be clean clean.. Very hard to look busy leh.. Maybe by surfing more forums? Mine is desktop.. I don't need for my home lappy.. Only in office.. Yup yup.. I think that is what I am looking for.. You got it too? Meet lar.. Ask Uncle P.. Air and Fifi ok right? I am on leh.. Already told my boy liao.. Should be different for lappy and desktop right? Cham ar.. I don't know leh.. Anyone knows whether it is univversal? I need it when I move next week..
  25. Ooh.. You call that thingy filter device.. Does it also helps to reduce the 'rays' from the screen? Paiseh.. I am a kuku when comes to IT stuffs.. Appreciate if you can enlighten me.. Size ar? Hmm.. Normal size lor.. I think it's 14 inch leh.. That's the standard size right? Btw gers, are we still meeting up this Thursday? No one talks about it...