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Everything posted by katvolution

  1. LOL.. Ok, since you are unwilling to be ma huan, then you gonna put up with the side effects now.. Ooh.. Of course, if want baby, c/d is out of the question.. Seriously, when do you intend to try for 1? Errr.. When I say feel the difference does not mean that he need to try with others to find the diff.. It's the closeness that he feels with his wife.. Something that he will not share with others.. Don't really know how to explain, but hope you get me.. I find that c/d acutally kills the mood for that thing.. It does not really works for me.. But of course, it might become a norm to others.. I am just saying for my case.. As for family planning, for me, we are ready to have 1 if it really happens.. But again, there are some ways to prevent without c/d, even if it is not exactly 100% safe.. It greatly reduces the chances..
  2. Wah.. Then better stop taking lar.. Take just before the holidays cannot meh? Just to prevent it from coming during that period mah.. Eeerr... I always think that once married, do away with c/d.. Arbo, the man don't feel the difference between wife and others.. That was what 1 of my guy friend told me.. But to me, I really felt the same too... But of course, practise other ways lar.. Not haywire lar.. Just tummy upset this morning.. But only let go after lunch..
  3. Doctor? OMG.. Did he/she gave you the wrong medicine? Think you better check with another doctor.. Meanwhile, if it is really contraceptives, don't waste it.. Do it without any c/d.. But on a serious note, better stop taking it.. C pills have many side effects.. Errr.. Alr unload liao, felt better and slightly hungry.. So thinking of otah lor..
  4. I have never ever taken any pills before.. Becoz.... I cannot swallow pills at all... But, I thought you got the pills from your doctor? Or you buy them off the shelves?? No lar.. This morning already feeling unwell.. Then unload all at 1 go right after lunch..
  5. I am craving for otah suddenly.. Just been to ladies to clear my load.. Now abit hungry liao..
  6. Me change the 1st min we move in.. Beri kiasu..
  7. Get back where?? I don't see $$ coming in at all.. There is the figures saying that we get bk 5k per year... Is it true?? How come I only remember a few hundreds nia ar???
  8. Sigh.. Yup.. About the ERP issue.. Saying that even though we paid alot of $$.. But we get it back at the end of the day.. Got meh? If that is the case? why in the 1st place enforce so many $$ paying things? Waste time and waste $$ nia.. Just bull****ting..
  9. I think we are already bua tang sai liao.. No need future.. Coz it's too hard to survive here lar.. Everything also talk about $$$... Who no scare???
  10. How much is the govt giving per medal? Aiyo.. Haven have kids, already started to think about their future.. How many ppl can actually qualify in the event? Hard lar.. Take the safer bet.. Study hard.. Ya lor.. It's true leh.. But we are a small country.. Cannot help in being kiasu..
  11. Aiyo.. Then how come I read papers saying that Singapore Sports is getting on well now, and govt is encouraging on arts now?? Maybe they think by having a silver medal is good enough..
  12. Yup.. Exactly.. Abit lame right? Seriously, I think the China ppl also laughing at us lor.. Take our citizens to fight against us, end up still lost to us.. Sigh.. That's why my question is, which are the real local breeds participating in the event??? End up don't have... -.-"
  13. That was what I told my boy too.. Although they represent Singapore, they are still from China.. But they are Singaporeans already right? Btw, do we actually have any representatives who are actually true breed Singaporeans? Aiyo.. Should make it 3 days.. Sat to Mon.. Or Friday to Sun...
  14. Morning morning!!!!! So fast Monday again.. Super blue today..
  15. Huh? Those pills must take in advance one ar? I thought take like before you fly?? OOh.. So, how many days must you take? Then after you stop taking, it will come le ar?
  16. Errr.. I start to think its is quite fat for my body, after I failed to fill in a size S.. And my colleague who is heavier than me, can actually fit into it without any issue.. That's when I know the fats at my hips are building up.. Actually, my thighs also abit fat.. It's just that overall, I look slim.. But the fats are just hiding somewhere.. Reconsider? Errm... But I will lose sleep if I don't makan supper when I am hungry.. Not hungrt nvm leh.. Hungry have to eat.. Arbo I will end up sleeping at 2 or 3am..
  17. OMG.. You sound like a doctor here.. I am seriously consider fat at my hips leh.. No joke.. Sometimes, I have problems squeezing into size S.. Height and weight don't really mean a thing.. It's more of the proportion that matters.. I can be light for my height, but my flesh are all quite concentrated at the hips area.. No leh.. I have supper, but I don't really get nightmares, or loss of sleep.. I can sleep like a log till the next morning.. I cannot go hungry before sleeping.. I will just open my eyes wide.. Nope... I don't mean I am fat overall.. Just at the hips area.. That's why I prefer low waist tight jeans.. Can make me look slimmer.. I am abit different.. I cannot sleep at all with empty stomach.. Will take me at least 1-2 hours before I can drift off to a deep sleep.. But if I eat something, I can sleep almost immediately.. Of course, that's when my tummy starts to creep onto me.. I only have 1 pair of white bottoms.. From levis.. Also tight hipster jeans cutting, but pants material..
  18. Aiyo.. Coz you slim mah.. I am fat, that's why need low waist tight jeans to make me look slimmer.. My 1st 3 days cannot wear white at all.. I feel super insecure.. Not that will stain.. But just feel very uneasy.. Hmm.. I take supper.. Even on weekdays leh.. If my dinner is digested before I sleep, I will have supper.. I cannot sleep with empty stomach leh.. And I sleep super soundly with full supper..
  19. How come? When my menses come, I felt best with jeans.. Coz I felt more secured with tight bottoms.. As least I know that the pad won't go crooked.. Weird.. Guess I am the only one who love to wear jeans while period? I hate to wear skirts or dresses.. Feel super insecure.. It's good that we can chat about something informative that people can read about and don't feel that we are talking rubbish.. It's all about the daily lives.. Very good.. We should keep it up.. Btw gers, do you take supper?
  20. Yup.. That's why, not many ppl I know actually use Focus.. Me too!!! My 1st pair of monthly lenses were from Sequence too!! You are god damm right.. Then lenses seemed to be of lower quality.. Very rough and dry..
  21. I also cannot tahan Focus lenses.. It felt like sand paper to me.. In less than 30 mins, my eyes start to tear.. and cannot open properly..
  22. I heard of this brand.. I worked in a specs shop for 3 months.. After my O levels.. This brand is good for people who don't like the common brand like Acuvue or Focus.. Zao an!!! I also felt that today is not Friday.. But to me, it felt more like Thursday..
  23. Not exactly.. I used to wear lenses everyday.. Until I got married.. Then I wear specs to work liao.. Already auntie liao.. Unless weekends or got go out, then I will wear lenses.. Let my eyes rest awhile.. Which brand of lenses you using now?
  24. To be true.. No amount of cleaning and disinfecting can cleanse the lenses really throughly.. I had view through the scopes of a throughly clean lens.. It doesn't really make much difference.. And it doesn't allow more air to go to the eye.. That is also the reason why daily lenses can be so welcomed even though of the high prices.. There is a significant difference between wearing daily and monthly lenses.. It's much thinner and tonnes more comfy.. After getting used to dailes, I can never go back to monthly again.. My eyes feel damm naked.. Furthermore, I save on the solution and cases too.. Although not alot, but I feel that the prices of daily lenses are quite justified.. I manager to convinced my boy to change last year..
  25. I used to use monthly lenses too..Expensive but tonnes more convenient.. Not becoz I am lazy.. Becoz it's cleaner.. I used to wear monthly lenses too.. Until they put a monthly lens under the scopes, and compare with a daily lens.. I saw the difference and I swore off monthly lenses ever since and never look back.. You only have 1 pair of eyes.. If you save those $$ and spoil ur eyes, it's not worth it.. Especially if you have the habit of wearing long hours.. Zao zao!!!