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About Cokiee

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  1. Hi Cokiee, 

    I am Jayzee, freelance interior designer specialize in 3D visualization, it would be great if we could sit down and discuss more of your daily life needs before starting to design. I hope that my works do help on giving an impression for your sweet casa.

  2. Very nice work with the sketchup, as well as the planning! Hope this works out well for you!
  3. This thread was started in March 12 - not sure if TS is still here
  4. Bold idea (: I hope this works out well for you! Keenly watching this space.
  5. Hi! Having booked our BTO in the middle of 2012, we are scheduled to receive the keys to our BTO in 3Q this year. I intend to engage a contractor and incorporate ideas from various sources, and have been looking around here as well as on the general interweb. Did up a 'moodboard' by picking pictures that we like, and realised recently it's been a while that we looked at the floorplan. Horrors - the floor plan is nothing like what I expected it to be, which was one in which the bomb shelter was next to the kitchen. Not sure if my apartment has got an odd layout, but this changes everything from the semi settled idea we had in mind. So we're back to square one - thankfully with some time in hand - and have to relook at ideas. Does anyone have an apartment with this layout, and if so, do you think you could share some pictures of how you made the place up? Better if you have a t-blog (which I have been reading with keen interest recently)! Thanks! (ours 4 room, and is facing the other direction - sorry, don't have elsewhere to host the actual floor plan picture)
  6. Hi there! Just wanted to say it's quite refreshing to see a plan like yours amidst all the newer 'in' designs. We're looking to receive our keys 3Q this year, so starting to look into what we'd like etc - so many choices! Haven't the foggiest idea what apartment therapy is, but your kitchen moodboard gives me a cottage-y feel, and that's quite nice. Looking forward to see how this pans out, and good luck!
  7. anyone has had the vinyl flooring for > 1 year? How has it been so far?
  8. Hi there! Thanks very much for sharing the details to your renovation. Looking at the way you planned the thing left me wondering if you happen to be a PMP! If you're still active, I'd like to request for your contractor's contact please? Also if convenient, how much did you pay for the whole works? Thanks!
  9. Turning out to be a handsome house! Looking forward to seeing more pics. Also never knew that the aircon pipes went through the toilet like that. Thanks for sharing!
  10. Hi there! So then as with the million other people I've read your tblog and would like to request for your contractors' contacts, please? From the description of the pair, it sounds like at least one other poster here has written about them, including the fact that they've raised their prices - Wonder if it still keeps their prices fair, heh. How have the stuff been holding up, one year on? On a related but separate note, thank you for taking the time to pen down your journey. Certainly not easy to be committed to update amidst all the madness and whilst still holding day jobs! (this post here also means I tried PM-ing you but couldn't get through) TIA!
  11. Hi! My fiancee and I will be picking up the keys to our BTO late 2016 (On plan its 3Q 2016), and we're starting to plan to renovate the place. We sorta thought of doing the 'design' ourselves, i.e., pick and choose from various sources (pictures etc) then incorporating it into our home. Has anyone done this before? If so, could you please share how you started / did it, and things we should look out for? Thank you!