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About seanchan

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  1. Having the mirror reflect the dining table is a misconception actually. If you're not careful in placing the mirror it might bring in what we call 白虎煞 which represents 小人s etc. And everyone's right not having the mirror reflect the bed - it's touch on in the Chinese classics 『黃帝宅經』。=)
  2. If you go by the 『阳宅三要』method, technically speaking your change in layouts won't make a difference as it looks at the position of the main door, kitchen and master bedroom which remains the same in all your options. If you use the Flying Stars method, things will be different though. Other things such as the internal layouts are touched on by 『黃帝宅經』。 Also, before any fengshui practitioner can comment, you need to provide the compass bearings first! =) -Sean
  3. Yes, I remember of course. I was curious how what they were going to answer. =) I've come across that article you posted before. This topic first appeared on articles relating to Western astrological and horoscopes and it was really hyped up and went viral back then, so I'm not sure if that person just used extrapolated it from there and applied to the Chinese metaphysics and the Zodiac without considering it's relevancy. There are also plenty of articles out there that are against this whole Earth 'wobbling' and error in astrological signs issue so I'd strongly suggest you check your facts before believing whatever you see on the internet and jumping to conclusions. The reason why I don't want to engage you is you seem to take whatever sources you can get your hands on which support your stand and you post it without understanding it yourself. I don't even know what you're trying to ask; the questions you asked in the thread I started clearly shows you've never read a single Chinese classic before if you can say something like, and I quote: "Metal produces only water? Can't it be part (can be ke or sheng) of earth? Can't it sheng wood (Wood needs NPK to grow. Nitrogen,Phosphate,K for Potassium. P & K are METAL!)? Obviously the sheng/ke effects interpretation among the 5 elements yet to be fine-tuned !" Like I said, if you really are that interested, the books available - I have my own challenges synthesizing the depth and breadth of this field of study, let alone trying to explain it to someone in one forum post. I've read hundreds of charts, and if whatever the article mentioned is true and I plotted my charts wrong, a lot of people would be asking for refunds. -Sean
  4. I was just randomly browsing the website and I suddenly saw my name being mentioned so I thought I'd jump in. I mentioned on my website that I do not have everything memorized in my head and I will not pretend I do, and I definitely need to refer back to my books once in a while like how lawyers need time to build their case. I've already done quite a few audits and built my own case studies to observe the impact of a house while referencing it back to people's BaZi charts to identify a correlation. I can point out which book and which chapter (I lost the floor-plan of my old place though). I've dissected my own BaZi and the house I was living in previously and I was surprised at how the BaZi and analysis of the house paralleled each other. It said I will have a horrible relationship with my mother, which I do because my mother was abusive - she has a severe 傷官見官 in her BaZi chart and any genuine practitioner will tell you it's a huge taboo and one of the worst 'clashes' you can see in a BaZi chart, especially a female one. I'm very open about my past and what got me into this and I don't think there's a need to shroud myself in mystery. I came from a difficult family and it led me to this path eventually because I spent a lot of my time reading to guide myself and so happens it included Chinese classics. My promise is that everything I say I will have a basis and can be referenced back to a Chinese classic and if I quote it, I make sure I really understand what's going on. Foe example, if you ask me why each Period is 20 years, I definitely have an answer for you. Also, I don't believe in items and charms as remedies - there's no mentioning of such cures in the Chinese classics and no author from the dynastical times advocated this (at least I've not come across any). I definitely understand people's concerns about engaging the wrong person. It's an esoteric field with hardly anyone understanding what's going on and people tend to feel this profession is easy money for very little work. I hate to say it, but yes, there are a lot of con-men out there or people who shouldn't be in this field in my humble opinion. It's easy for me to identify to who really knows his/her stuff and who doesn't because I've studied it and I know what questions to ask to test the person, but most people can only rely on referrals at best. @PIKAANG - kalimantan didn't get a FengShui audit done from me but he did engage me for a BaZi reading. Anyway, just to clear clear up some misconceptions: A lot of people will buy the house first and then get a FengShui person to come in to do an audit hoping to remedy the house, but the thing is renovating the house doesn't change the sitting and facing direction of the house which is required if you use 玄空飞星. On top of that, it's hard to change where your main door and and kitchen is - that's the 阳宅三要 method which I use in conjuction with 玄空飞星. The overall 格局 of the house will be extremely difficult to change especially if you're living in an apartment, which is why I usually feel more at ease asking my clients to engage me to 'hunt' for a house with them. Doesn't feel nice when you have to tell someone they just bought a bad house - I've done it before and told my client to move out the moment the Minimum Occupation Period is up. Only landed properties, in particular those built from scratch, have full flexibility when it comes to altering the structure of the house. @kalimantan - Hope you don't mind me mentioning that you engaged me for a reading. =) @bepgof - Regarding the questions you ask on the thread I started: I didn't answer them because, if you don't mind me saying, I don't think you know what you're talking about. I'm also having a very tough time trying to understand what you're trying to get at. If I were to engage you in that debate, it's going to spiral out of control. I can't possibly write the full history and timeline of when our ancestors decided to combine Yin-Yang theory and 5-Elements theory in one forum post. It's already very difficult to synthesize the information in your own head, let alone explain it to someone who doesn't have a background in this without creating further confusion. Asking me to explain why they exist is like asking me why does gravity exist. Yes, scientists can now observe gravity as a wave but it still doesn't explain why it exists. I don't have an answer to your questions, only that it has been observed, theorized and recorded by those who came before us. What I know comes from the books I've read that are easily accessible and my thoughts and comments won't differ from what I got from there, so if you wish to get answers you can get it from the same source I did! Sincerely, Sean
  5. Hi Kalimantan, Thanks! Am glad you like it! =) And yes, I definitely agree with you that man should take action to control their destiny. 八字 and other methods serve as a guide - nothing is set in stone. =) Sincerely, Sean
  6. Hi Newnuay, Apologies for the tardy response due to the festive season. If we applying the Flying Star school of FengShui, having the toilet right in the middle of the house will affect the quality of the house based on the theory found in the Chinese classics. We're currently in Period 8, so the element of the star in the middle of the house belongs to Earth; the upcoming period 9 will have a Fire star that's dominant. The elemental clashes are definitely there. With regards to the 财位, honestly speaking I don't recall reading something like that in the Chinese classics (perhaps I've missed it out) but I know it's a popular way of identify the 财位。 There are definitely better and more advanced ways of identifying the 财位 and enhancing the house which looks at the 'sitting and facing' direction of the house. In general, as a rule of thumb, I generally look at the whole house, it's structure and whether it's favourable in the current Period 8 or upcoming Period 9 phase before going into the smaller details like where the 财位 is. Hope this helps. =) Sincerely, Sean
  7. Hey bepgof, Thank for your post. I'll give some my brief comments on your questions. Do note that my knowledge is not perfect or all-encompassing, so it's more of my opinion than a factual representation. Based on what I know about FengShui and it's history, it has nothing to do with divination or supernatural forces. The earliest practice of FengShui actually dates back to the hunter-gatherer period where people needed to avoid the harsh elements of the environment they were in. They developed an understand of nature's forces and patterns and adapted accordingly to how it would best suit their survival. The theory and study of it was later further developed during the dynastic periods to what you see today. My reply will be the same for BaZi. There's nothing 'supernatural' about it. It is the way the Chinese ancestors viewed the world and the so called 'science' of the olden days. They saw that everything was governed by some natural law and it manifests in mother nature as well as in human life. As to what drives people crazy about it - well, there can be many reasons. To name a few: 1) Case studies of how BaZi can be accurate about certain things in life 2) Human nature and their desire to know the unknown 3) Hopes of being born with a good BaZi and knowing you life would be better after a rough page From what I've experienced so far in my forum engagements and my clients, there is an obvious and severe lack of understanding of the history and culture for sure. But it's normal as this field of knowledge dates back to a few thousand years ago after all. We view the world now in atoms and believe in the theory of the Big Bang etc, whereas in the past it's the Yin Yang and 5 Elements. I'm not sure what you mean by 'combined effects' of the fundamental components though. Well, people can provide their BaZi accurately if they adjust it for Solar Time and understand that where they were born will determine the birth chart. BaZi is astronomy after all. As for what 徐子平 missed out - I'm not one to comment or challenge the theory, but I guess he didn't foresee BaZi being used by people outside of ancient China and that adjustments would be needed. =) And just to add on, 徐子平 came from the Song Dynasty, and that's way before the Ming and Qing Dynasty. BaZi theory reached it's peak during 清朝 and 明朝。So the theory and study is developed, enhances and rectified over the years, so what 徐子平 wrote is not conclusive although he did lay the foundations. Hope this helps! Sincerely, Sean
  8. Hi everyone, First of all, do forgive me for the self-promotion. I'll keep it short. =) If it interests you, do visit my website here: http://www.seanchan-bazi-fengshui.com/ and also a case study I posted up here http://www.seanchan-bazi-fengshui.com/case-study-one.html. My background, how I got started and my experience are all stated in my website. My knowledge on FengShui comes directly from reading the Chinese classics such as 《沈氏玄空学》,《八宅明镜》,《阳宅十书》and《黄帝宅经》just to name a few, so it's not the usual things one can find him/herself on the internet. Meanwhile, if you have any questions on FengShui, do feel free to post them here and I will get to them as soon as I can! Looking forward to hearing from everyone! Feel free to get in touch! Sincerely, Sean
  9. Hi 168 Fengshui Gallery, I see that you mentioned that the 20-Year cycle is not questionable, and I agree with you. But do you care to explain why and how is it derived? Why 20-Years and not 30 or 40? I would be very interested to hear your version of the explanation and theory. Looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Sean