Hi Hi I liaise w COOS. Just want to vocie out to share our experience with my contractor from COOS. The contractor that work w us was friendly and extremely helpful. Wonder why the concept of very kopitiam shake leg style come from. Anyway, We have very tied budget as we were also preparing for our wedding. The contractor actually help us to cut budget and he even appointed us to places to get cheap and good quality items for our house. As both of us are very busy with our works, my contractor can even accommodate our schedule to meet us late in the nights. Really impressed by his service. Frankly speaking if required to pay a bit more for such serivce. why not! The most important factor, he has done a good job for our house. Their workmanship is good which is important for us, as we are going to stay for long. Worth to pay. Better then later, get it renovate again. haha............. We are definately please with his service and will introduce him to others. If u like, I can introduce my contractor from COOS to u. Cheers!