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  1. hi!, sorry can you pls pm me master chang's contacts. thank you very much!!

  2. bro urs is BTO? if so usually got a lot of flyer...i realize their price usually quite good coz the target BTO in same area profit margin can lower abit and earn by bulk (economics of scale). Of course there could be cheaper item sold outside but usually without installation so add installation (ie: guy travel to your place to install just 1 tap so frankly u are paying for his labour and transport and time to travel). but than again i might be wrong. just thinking of this from their perspective.
  3. i personally dont like next to chute area. Maybe u can do what i did. find feng shui master see which 1 fengshui better for you
  4. Actually best to find MP. Ask them write letter for you. The reply from hdb would be faster. The way some of the office there work is bo chup but got mp letter think they will take more interest liao. all the best bro.
  5. wondering is should engage inside living or should i not after reading this thread....think there is quite a few fake reviews. but again this in my opinion nia....finding a id sure is hard man...
  6. can share the id contact? shopping around for 1 now. mostly going for the feel i have for the id and the design concept they can recommand
  7. wah the picture very small lei..... Personal experience: i did my own office fengshui and there are lots of sites that would give you basic advice. If you got the time, look up flying star fengshui. What i did was 1. find out my kua number 2. plot the bagua than arrange my stuff to the bagua for example: which corner should use for study, which corner water etc etc 3. Last but not least, remedy those issue that i have eg: my sitting area behind is a window. etc Basically if you are not engaging a fsm, than google is your best friend so put some effort into reading them online
  8. o yeah missed out. after selecting the 3 designer in step 4 i assume i should visit project they are currently doing to see the workmanship standard?
  9. Reading your blog and this thread made me regret a little for the EM i saw and loved. =x Like you TS, after visiting EC, Condo and EM, we decided that a EM is much more worthwhile but as mentioned a lot of EM are in a pretty bad condition and are mostly 20+ years and above so do expect to spend quite abit on reno. The owner of the EM i saw probably spent approx 6 digit on his reno and i can see why he refuses to let his flat go unless a bid much higher than the market value comes in. Ps: fate works in a weird way. End up i bought a EA (which was something i never even considered at first).
  10. Hi all, Have been visiting a few id firm and just realized that i lack the basic knowledge on the procedure of engaging a ID firm. As such would like some advice from the seniors here. Base on my feel after visiting the few id firm, the steps would be: 1. pass them floor plan and inform them of any requirement 2. basic quote would be given base on the requirements 3. since i would have quite a few quotation on hand, i would probably have to narrow down the list based on the feel of the designer and the pricing 4. once narrow down to say 3 designer, do a onsite survey and get a more detail quote + ask them for 3d drawing concept? ( i do think that the reason why you engage a designer is still at the end of the day for their creativity wouldnt it?) 5. base on the 3 design select 1, sign on dotted line + pay deposit 6. work starts, liaise with designer till work end Would the above be correct? or is there a better way to go about doing it?
  11. wah i see also tempted...but still i think cheap and good does not exist.....how anyone got feedback bo?
  12. bro can share the list? i also just bought a resale. starting to look for id liao
  13. Hi all new here as i am preparing for my new flat which i should get my keys around the end of the year. Just to say this thread is really useful and thought i should add on base on my experience. 1. Toilet bowl: . cemented or just silicon - makes a difference. cemented if choke need to take out and clear would cost you more. but sometimes no choice as the floor uneven without using cement your toiletbowl ends up shakey . if 2 piece set try to use the plastic screw...the older models uses metal which rust. end up you want to change the cistern etc would be harder. 2. Aircon and false ceiling . ever heard of a aircon that cannot be serviced because the design of the false ceiling block the access to the aircon end up got to cut up false ceiling just to do a simple servicing 3. taps, toilet bowl etc: avoid regal (not sure if brand spelling correct not) heard from those whom use to be doing such work told me that regal parts are very different from those used by other brand. end up you got to buy from regal only and their pricing is higher than normal. Some more one guy told me he hate dealing with them cause they very stuck up. disclaimer: not trying to say regal is lousy just base on my conversation with people in the industry. 4. piping should always run below trunking, joints should not be above power point. 5. if doing water pipe work behind false ceiling, do the patching the next day after the work is done instead of on the spot. rational: night time no one using water, thus pressure builds up. From there you can see if the joints are tight enough. else u patch liao leak u open again hum bin... 6. for carpentry work etc always take into account if it is possible to access potential repairs needed in the future. eg: rollers of sliding door. thats why good to avoid those build finish in factory and go for those set up on the ground. (got way to put in means got way to take out.) mms i try to think of more if can..... my family a lot used to work in construction or as contractor but mostly retire liao....so usually cny than hear their stories