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About yakult

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  1. Thank you! Hehehehe. Faster go buy! Our tree alone cost $177 (1.5m height) after a 15% discount (original $208 I think). We chose this type of tree leaves that looks more natural & does not "shed". They have other types of leaves that are cheaper...around $90+ I've sourced out IKEA & Giant Christmas trees. No doubt it's cheaper...but they look very sparse aka botak ><"
  2. Bought our 1st Christmas tree for our place! Last year we moved in during late December so not enough time to get it. Just to share, we bought our tree @ Daco in THE VERGE shopping mall (former tekka mall). Entire 5th floor are shops that sells everlasting flowers & plants, together with Christmas trees & decor of all sorts. They have so many nice plants & flowers that look so real! If I've known it earlier, would have go there earlier for everlasting flowers & plants to deco our place. >< Hope this info helps those who are moving in to your new home!
  3. Oh yea. Thanks for the heads up! I don't put food directly onto the sink though.
  4. Wah really shiny! I'll give it a try! Thank you for introducing it to me!
  5. WOW thanks Kara!!! Just to confirm, it's this right? http://www.selffix.com/store/products_details/120/3M--Stainless-Steel-Cleaner-and-Polish-14002 Do i have to spray on a completely dry sink? Leave it overnight and wash it down the next day?
  6. @Catt The book cases were empty when the IKEA guys fixed up...and it's already slanted. When we put the books in, it slant even more obviously hahaha @kstoh yes it does come with the bracket. But we didn't want to drill it onto the wall as we want the flexibility to shift them if we need to. If not for the flexibility needed, we will have just do build-in cabinets le...which will be sooo much nicer. Maybe next time... upgrade haha.
  7. We didn't drill the bookcases together. ><" Didn't thought of that also haha.
  8. So beautifulllllll!!!Love the color combi & everything! Look like some atas hotel with homey feel!
  9. I also liked how Billy bookcase looked at IKEA showroom! So we bought 2 sets for our new home, got IKEA to deliver + install the bookcase for us. Lo and behold... the 2 sets of bookcase slant away from each other, leaving an ugly gap in between! The IKEA guys told us if we want them to stand straight, need to drill the bookcase with its bracket to the wall If i want to drill it to the wall...i might as well do customize cabinets right? anyway just FYI... hope it helps.
  10. Cordless Vacuum Update Last Friday we went to buy our wireless vacuum! After reading some reviews, besides Dyson which seems to reign in the cordless vacuum world now, Bosch seems to be another good brand that have positive reviews for their cordless vacuum. When I reach Courts Megastore, the Bosch counter sales person was doing a demo for another couple looking at their handheld vacuum. That particular model's suction power looked fantastic! It's Bosch newest model... and so... the price is pretty steep too. Think it's a better model if you need it for more heavy-duty cleaning? I just need something basic that can do it's job well as a vacuum. Anyway, I've done some research & narrowed down to a particular model and straight away asked for a demo on that. Asked the sales person to pour out those dust/hairs/rubbish many times and tried the vacuum on both power mode 1 & 2, as well as the small handheld -> which can suck up coins! We were pretty happy with the demo and it felt right. So we bought it I've read / heard of bad reviews that handheld vacuum doesn't "work" = not powerful enough to do it's job. Pretty bad uh ><" Thank God this Bosch model turned out greattt! It picked up whatever that needed to be vacuumed... hairsss, dust, particles, hay (rabbits' room) etc. I'm SO HAPPY it worked so well for us!!! Paired this vacuum with Magic's Clean (wet wipes from JapanHome), my floor is now FINALLY dust free! I love squeaky clean floors!
  11. I think the cleaning & buying of stuff never really ends ><""" hahaha...