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Everything posted by vicenzo70

  1. On the contrary, your bad experience is due to hearsay from friends that Osram is better than Phillips. Ive recently made some purchases from Lights Arcade, (served by Jane). Their service, knowledge & pricing is one of the better ones around. This is my 2nd home, and I have no complaints about Phillips bulbs. Cheers Vince
  2. What amp did Dennis recommended for your Tannoy? Its a **** good system. Suggest you change your sub to Velodyne CHT. That will give your movies a run for your money! Cheers Vince
  3. Greycat hi, can share where did u get that extendable table? Thks Vince
  4. The market forces of resale properties are driven up by RICH PRs. Its a lose-lose situation for Sporeans. They cannot afford resale units coz the COV is exorbitant. If they want new flats from HDB, they have to wait it out. The winners in this situation are prop agents, the sellers & the govt. Vince
  5. Atcually i empathize the younger couples who just bought HDB at such an exorbitant price. That means a couple have to continue to work & upgrade (skill & pay) for the next 20 years or so just to pay off the flat. Rumor has it, its the Govt's long term plan to ensure no one get's to migrate & have to slog the best part of their productive lives here to feed the flat. Cheers
  6. **LATEST UPDATE 31/1/08** I went down to 734 North Bridge Road yesterday. To my horror, Doors Plus is no longer around. Instead i saw a Nasi Briyani shop. James HP no also cut off. The high rental must've chased him off. Cheers Vince
  7. Wow! To pay $97K reno, its a wonder if an ID or for this matter any ID would be impatient!! No sarcasm intended but the way all this hulla bellowing on Peter is way too much of an advertising. Vince
  8. Hi My HDB also belongs to the jurassic age. I wonder can we change the main sewage pipes? The old one is made of ugly steel. Do we pay for the pipe (if change is allowed) or HDB will subsidize them? Thks & cheers Vince
  9. Correct. The difference has to be paid in cash. I would be stumped if any young couple who thinks this is a good investment. That means they have faith in the economy & they can earn $8K per month (& more) for the next 30 years plus cash to pay the diff. Im beginning to wonder if most of us are incapacitated in financial management. Cheers
  10. Hi Ive told Patrick that our reno can begin AFTER CNY. Cheers
  11. Hi Yap. It comes with the works. Is yours a 4 room unit? Cheers
  12. Kitchen cabinet works out to be $100 per ft run. Is that on the high side? All the wardrobes are essential, but is $200 per ft reasonable? As for the parquet flooring, we'll get a 3rd party to do it. Lastly, 4 pcs of Veneer doors cost $1,400? That's $350 each. Another ID quoted me $280 per door. Same product. Thks again Mace.
  13. Bro, MT20 & MT30 easily set you back $3K & above liao lor. Now Im thinking of whether should I upgrade my old yammy amp to the Onkyo 805. Blardy HDMI technology always forcing us to upgrade. Haizzz..... not to mention Im converting my DVDs into Blu Rays now.....double haizzz.......
  14. Please help comment on Ho Bee's quote. My place is a 4NG 92sqm flat in AMK. General Works Hack off existing kitchen & 2 toilets floor tiles $350 Hack off existing kitchen & 2 toilets wall tiles $700 Hack off existing living, dining & store floor tiles $480 Hack off existing 3 bedroom ceramic skirting $120 Discard existing kitchen cabinet & clear off site $180 Supply sand & haulage material to doorstep $650 Clear debris $150 Acid washing X 2 times $150 Masonary Works Apply 3 layer waterproofing - kitchen & 2 toilet floors $300 Supply & lay kitchen ceramic/homo floor tiles $800 Supply & lay 2 toilets ceramic/homo floor tiles $800 Supply & install s/steel rubbish chute $180 Construct kitchen cabinet base $180 Construct fridge & washing machine base $180 Supply & lay kitchen ceramic wall tiles till ceiling height $2,600 Supply & lay 2 toilets ceramic wall tiles till ceiling height $2,400 Patch up & make good 3 bedrooms skirting area $120 Supply & lay living, dining & store - 600mmX600mm homo floor tiles c/w skirting $2,200 Plumbing works Rerun whole unit cold water copper piping $580 Labor fee to install sink in/outlet piping $120 Labor fee to install washing mach in/outlet piping $80 Labor fee to install 2 set instant water heater $120 Alter squatting to sitting sewage pipe line $150 Labor fee to install 2 set WC bowl $180 Labor fee to install 2 set wash basin $120 Labor fee to install 2 nos spray tap $60 Labor fee to install 2 set toilet accessories $60 Fibre Board & Plastering Works Construct living/dining 9mm thickness fibre board ceiling $750 Plastering whole unit wall & ceiling $1,550 Painting Works Supply & paint 1 layer Nippon Vinilex Oil base sealer whole unit $350 Supply & paint 2-3 coats (ICI/NIPPON) emulsion paint whole unit $1,250 Supply & paint whole unit door frame & piping in gloss paint $150 Alum & Door Works Fabricate & install 2 toilet adjustable lovure $400 Fabricate & install 2 top track alum bi-fold toilet door $520 Fabricate & install WPC alum casement window whole unit c/w blue tinted glass $2,600 Fabricate & install WPC alum grilles whole unit $900 Supply & install 4 pcs solid timber flush doors (Veneer) c/w lockset & stopper $1,400 Fabricate & install wrought iron main gate $420 Carpentry Works Fabricate top & bottom 28ft laminate kitchen cabinet c/w ABC trimming, handles,s/steel dish tray & 2 panel frosted glass $2,800 Supply & install 16ft solid surface kitchen worktop $1,280 Supply/Install 900mmX700mm s/stell backing $180 Fabricate/Install MBR 7ft FH laminate casement door wardrobe $1,400 Fabricate/Install bedroom 1 6ft FH laminate casement door wardrobe $1,200 Fabricate/supply bedroom 1 5ft laminate study table $700 Fabricate/supply bedoom 1 5ft mount cabinet $500 Supply/lay parquet flooring on 3 bedrooms $2,800 TOTAL = $35,160 less discount $160 NETT PRICE = $35,000 Have not even include electrical works yet. Estimated $1,500. Thks for everyone's feedback.
  15. I doubt you can get a good satellite HTS for $400. Unless you wont mind off-the-shelf brands like Samsung, LG or Toshiba. A good HTS will set u back at least $1K above. It also depends wether you a movie or a music lover. My setup cost me $3K liao. Cheers Vince
  16. OCBC...hmmm......Its a bank well known for their high handed ways of dealing with small fries like us. Had a brush with them not long ago. Its a bank NOT acquainted with their policy of customers' needs first. I'll never use them again. Hope you'll resolve this niggly problem with their inefficient bankers. Cheers
  17. Hi all Thks for the replies. Ive check with the electrician personally . Its for ELECTRICAL WIRING WORKS only. EXCLUDING down lights which I have to purchase myself. So is it still a steal? All along, I thought that re-wiring comes as a package cost NOT per down lights. Correct me if I wrong. Thks again Vince
  18. Mace Hi An ID company is charging me "LABOUR TO INSTALL 25 NOS DOWN LIGHTS" - $1,125-00 . Is this the market rate of $45 for installation of 1 down lights? Thks
  19. The reason one dont see much comments about LegoHouse is because they dont seem to bother to reply to potential customers. For my case, me & my spouse took time out to visit their Hougang branch & was served by a promising yet no substance ID. I'll leave his name out to save him from more embarassment. That was 2 months ago. Just last week, I made a call to this ID to remind him to send me a quotation. Mind you, we're redoing our whole place. And till today, no news from him. If the ID or LegoHouse isnt keen to take new projects, they should have the courtesy to tell us. We intend to showcase our new place in a Designer Magazine if my chief editor gives me the greenlight. And for sure I would be quoting LegoHouse in full for their bad humour in keeping customers dancing on the pole. Vince
  20. Applefreak, can pass me the contact on ware I can get this type of nostalgic table & chair? I wonder if they have a smaller version with just 4 chairs? Thks Vince
  21. SpikeDoll Hi No, me not staying in Punggol. Used to know the couple staying at your unit, no wonder so familiar. Lost touch with them after they both got divorce. They didnt stay long, thats why the reno still look quite good. Shall not dwell much in public forum. Vince
  22. Spike Doll Hi Your unit looks very very familiar. Your block is 637C between 12-15th floor rite? (Dont want to make it so obvious) Happened to know the previous couple who occupies the place. Regards Vince
  23. Some contractors/ID says they use GRADE A HOMOGENEOUS tiles. What is GRADE A Homogeneous tiles? How does laymen like us knows the difference between the various homo tiles except thru pricing? Thks & cheers Vince
  24. Your AMK flat is $153k. Rule of thumb of COV = dont exceed 10% of valuation; $15,300. Your COV is $12K. So rest assured you made a well informed purchase. Regards Vince