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Everything posted by vicenzo70

  1. Hi 2 things which i can think of that causes this device to be not so popular in densely networked Spore, - 1)drop out in your sound if your neighbors or your phone rings & 2) Not powerful enough to do any justice to your speakers. Why dont you use brick-and-mortar cables? Get your ID to do some creative tubing to hide away the cables. Cheers Vince
  2. Hi M8 only $2,150 from neighborhood shops. N8 reso only 10,000. M8 is at 15,000. Never heard of the auto wall mount. Is it at an additional cost? If you have a better budget, I can suggest you a good HTS that does a true conversion of HD content to your picture & sound system. Meantime, enjoy. Cheers
  3. Hi U can go check it out in Sim Lim Square. I think its no longer available in Spore. Maybe you can try buying online. U looking for the Rocketfish wireless kit izzit? Cheers Vince
  4. Hi Have you considered the Samsung M8 instead? The specs is much superior than the N8 though. If your DVD player can only upscale to 1080i (60Hz) instead of 1080p on a full HD display panel, I think its good enough unless you are using Bluray players. On another note, does your Pioneer system comes with a amp that can decode DOLBY TRUE HD? If it does, then you be prepared to be blown away by the colors of your Full HD display. And yes, normal cables are those red, yellow & white ones. p/s have you by any chance audition on your HT system before? Cheers Vince
  5. Hi Permit me to ask you some questions & some comments. 1. Does your DVD player has HDMI output? If it has, then it makes sense to connect TV to DVD player via HDMI. HDMI will certainly increase the pix quality. 2. You can hookup your HT to TV via normal cables since you mention youre not fussy over sound quality. 3. Where's your speakers located? Cant see it in the 3D layout. Good HDMI cables are not cheap. We're talking about $70 onwards per metre. Though its more practical to hide away unsightly HT equipments, certain functionality has to be compromised. In your case, the HDMI cables unless you want to pay for it. The only solution i can think of currently, is to get a good audio/video cable. Another note, if speakers cables are too long, expect some sound loss over time. Cheers Vince
  6. Hi Avoid RITZ RYMEN. Ive personally heard first hand stories of their lousy after sales service (my bro-in-law & my 2 Uni mates) They may have some good salesperson, in particular this lady called Rosalind & they over-promise & under-deliver. Shipment delayed (up to 2 months!!), offer another different set as replacement (different color & type altogether!!), etc etc On the positive side, the sofa is really comfortable. Price wise is reasonable. But do take precautions. Ask them for a recourse should there be any change of delivery dates or the type of sofa. Cheers Vince
  7. My personal view (as echoed by some forummers here as well) - If theyre already good, they wont have time to set up booth to advertise their business & wares. All these "free gifts" are just gimmicks. Its in place to lure unsuspecting consumers. Ask yourself this question - what is more important when renovating your home? Their workmanship or their free gifts? Cheers Vince
  8. Hi, let me give u my humble opinion. All the models you listed, are basically HTiB, iB stands for In a Box. Consumer Electrical companies, like Phillips/Panasonic/Samsung are jumping into the HT wagon. And its value for money for the budget conscious & non fussy consumer. As for reviews or feedback, i guess theyre all sound the same. You get what you pay for. Dont expect too much. They may look nice, and that's the only plus point. Hope this helps. Cheers & happy hunting Vince
  9. If the POLICE cant do anything to protect innocent house owners or give legally correct advices, I wonder who can? Geezz..... I suggest you do not collaborate with the loansharks. Ask them to go AMK police station to seek the previous owners' whereabouts. If you get involved & suay suay some people are hurt, you may get implicated for aiding in an illegal activity. Vince
  10. Yammy 663 in Spore already meh? What's the price, anyone knows? Cheers Vince
  11. Red, Congrats!!! And welcome to the world of HTS!!!! How much did you pay for your setup? Did KEC recommended you the Def Tech Pro Cinema 600 series? I think the Onkyo amp match somewhat adequate with Def Tech speakers. My personal choice would be yamaha but theyre a bit pricey. But to each, his own, as long you like what you hear. DVD players, i think there's plenty in the market. Just ensure that its multicoded or region free. And since you have a full HD TV, ensure your DVD players can upscale to 1080p. Then you'll be talking about real quality grain free picture. But i guess the Bluray will sort out all these shortfalls. Blurays disc are not cheap though. Give it a few more years until the price bottoms out. Oh ya, use good HDMI cables. Dont stinge on that! Cheers again! Vince
  12. Hi Red Allow me to advice you on HTS pricing. Did my HTS shopping 2 weeks ago. $1.5K entry level may not get you much. I suggest you increase it to $2K & i do recommend that you listen to the MS Genie set-up. A good amp to compliment this system would be the Denon (with HDMI 1.3 port) or Yamaha. A friend got this set up with a denon 1508 recently & cost him around $2K. The shop threw him a free HDMI cable as a gesture. Alternatively, you could try the Definitive Technology pro cinema series. Highly recommended! I can vouch for this brand as I was a Def Tech user for 3 years before I upgraded my HTS. Bluray player specs & price, Im not sure as i intend for Sony to "finalize" their bluray firmware b4 I jump into this wagon.. Im using a OPPO 980 DVD player which to me is more than good enough to watch DVD with high reso pic quality. Remember, its your ears that determines which HTS to buy. Cheers & happy hunting!! Vince
  13. Cantona Hi Do you need SPL meter for your sub? Where & how much did u get your Velo CHT? My sub is really underpowered. Someone recommended me the Definitive Cube. Thks mate Vince
  14. Hi I try & give you the best advice possible. There's many 5.1 HTS in Spore. Your budget will determine what you get. Bluray player is an optional & stand-alone item. For me, a good DVD player will suffice. Unless you have a FULL HD TV, then i would recommend Bluray. Bear in mind that a bluray disc will set you back $30-50 per disc. For $1.5-2K budget, one can get a good entry level HTS. Go shop at Adelphi to check it out. Cheers Vince
  15. Dear HTS experts, I need your advice. Ive ordered a B&W MT20 with Denon 1908. Im not too satisfied with the AS2 amp. Lack the punch & low frequency bass. Any recommendations for sub replacement? Was thinking of Paradigm PS1000. What do you guys think? Cheers Vince
  16. Hi, welcome to the world of HTS. Below is a link for HTS newbies. Quite a long read but its very rewarding. Dont spend unnescessarily on a HTS with features u dont need. Such as the BOSE system(Youre paying extra for the sleek design plus their advertisement fees & their showroom). If you think Bose is good, you aint hear nothing yet! No prejudice against Bose, but at the end of day its your ears & wallet that decides which HTS to purchase. For that price (or even cheaper), you can get a better system. http://www.xtremeplace.com/yabbse/index.php?topic=48382.0 Cheers! Vince
  17. Jamez Mind sharing where did you get the shower head & price? Thks! Very nicely done up house u have!! Regards Vince
  18. Applefreak, To watch bluray on Full HD TV can be costly. Bluray disc also not cheap as compared with DVD. Plus one has to cough up additional $2K above for a good HTS. If not, there's no point having superb images w/o the sound effect. Its like driving a Porsche Cayenne with a Proton engine.... My advice, dont be hasty to catch up with technology. Prices will fall esp bluray players & full HD tVs. Cheers Vince
  19. Errr...not exactly true. I managed to find 2 other household who needs to fit up aircon in their place. All 3 of us managed to get an additional $250 off our purchases. (all of us getting Mitsu system 4 inverter) We did ask the aircon guys to upgrade the pipings to Armeflex. Now, we'll have to see if their workmanship is up to mark. Aircon guy is a friend of my contractor. He's independent, maybe thats why can get it cheap. Cheers Vince
  20. Curious, why strongly recommend 40/42" TVs & why bluray player? What about HTS?
  21. CaDaver Hi Good call to have your windows subcon out. I did the same BUT there's fortunate & unfortunate elements. Unfortunate = its not cheap! (Mine is white powder coated with green tinted glass & grills. All casement. 4ng Resale HDB unit. Damage = $3,200!) inclusive of toilet louvred windows as well. Fortunate = Ive learned a lot from this window installer. Some unscrupulous installer will give hollow bars for grill (mine is double hollow). Some will provide sub standard rollers for grills. And of coz, workmanship & warranty after installation. The ID's quoted me was around the $2.8-3.2K range & a quick check with them, its confirm they dont provide anything more than you need. In the end we paid more as we wanted peace of mind & not worrying about rusty window, faulty hinges & rollers stuck. Cheers! happy Hunting.
  22. Please count me in for bulk purchase. Ive decided on a Mitsubishi System 4 Inverter. Atcually, even if your compressor is made in Japan or Thailand, there's a 5 year warranty against defective parts. My only worry is the workmanship. (22K + 12k +10k + 10k BTU) The shops Ive inquired (brackets inclusive) - Allbest - $3,749 (X 2 installation + commissioning) Kun Seng - $3,750 (X 2 installation) Tai Wah - $3,693 (didnt ask) Hong Tar - $4,070 (GOSH!!!) My ideal aircon installation would be the week of 24-28 Mar if possible. My reno is in progress now. Can someone collate the names of those keen on bulk purchase? Cheers. Vince
  23. Florabliss Hi Lucky? No lah. Believe me, we have been searching for a suitable unit in AMK for about 1 year. Why AMK is becoz my in-laws stays there. So I fully understand why you & your HTB wanted AMK as your first choice. During our HDB hunting, we have eliminated AMK blocks 350s, 700s & 596s as the valuation is staggering. The COV is also mind boggling We decided that we shouldnt pay $350k & above (valuation only) for a 4 room. So we focus on the outskirts of AMK. And truly, we did come across some decent units (clean, well kept & most importantly, seller not asking for the sky) but the door direction dont compliment our Bazi. So, dont give up. There's some good units in AMK. Your time will come. Patience is the key here. Happy hunting!! Vince
  24. As Applefreak put it so starkly clear, ARE YOU ABLE TO AFFORD IT? I dont mean to belittle anyone, but if you think its a worthwhile investment & the price reflects the true value in the area, by all means, buy it. Note of caution, ensure you have enough cash/CPF to fund your purchase for say, next 20 years? Im also staying in AMK. Just bought an unit in Sept07. 4 bus stops from central. Cost = $275K incl COV. High floor & corner. Downside, its an old flat. Upside, we fully paid for it using CPF & cash. My advice to would be HDB buyers, esp hot units, do your maths!!!