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Everything posted by vicenzo70

  1. Why throw good money at lousy items? Its, after all, a one time well worth investments. And I believe that one should enjoy life with balance.
  2. Get the OPPO83 & you'll probably solved your upgrading itch for the next 2 years or so. The OPPO83 (S$999) has been benchmark against hi end BR players (Denon, Lexicon) that cost in the range of S$3,000 above but OPPO still outperform them all. That is why, the OPPO players (DVD or BR) is value for money & highly recommended. In fact Im using the OPPO 980 as my CD transport. The player cost me $250 & its been benchmarked against high end players like the Bel Canto (S$1,200) Cheers
  3. http://www.oppodigital.com/blu-ray-bdp-80/...80-Compare.aspx Scroll down to bottom page. "Home Theater with large screen" (Not Recommended) You may want to view first & see if the pix quality is acceptable to you before deciding. Cheers
  4. I would strongly recommend the OPPO83. The 83 uses a more superior ABT chipset, much much better than the faroudja chipset. Cheers
  5. OPPO80 cost $588 & its good for TV up to 46". Anything bigger, you may consider the OPPO83 ($999) which can redefine the meaning of High Definition Picture. Do take note that OPPO BR players are the only BR players in the world that is region free. Some BR from UK are cheap & can consider buying. Cheers
  6. Hi May I know how long have you had this HTS set up? I dont see why should you upgrade unless its for better performance (change of speakers and/or other receiver models) If you asked me, do try the Onkyos or Yamahas receivers. I have a thing against Denons. Or you may want to upgrade your bluray player at this stage. How does the OPPO80 or 83 sounds to u? Cheers
  7. Hi Do try a few other HTS set ups before deciding. As for the DefTech setup, no need to upgrade as the LCR speakers are good enough. Do change your sub as suggested. Yes, even amateurs will tell the difference as both Velodyne & SVS subs are capable of producing full bodied bass that is warmth & clear without being too boomy. Youre right again being Tannoy Arena is an old model but a solid model that until today there's still a demand for it. same goes for the B&W MT20/25/30 series. I would suggest you try the B&W 1st, there's a shop at Adelphi called E77 #04-01 (next to KEC). Look for Keith. Nice chap. Cheers
  8. Hi Congrats on checking out this great combo. A word of advice, top up the difference & get a better subwoofer. Velodyne or SVS are great subs. OPPO BR player you have to get it from Audio Iconic. Its in the basement of Adelphi. Lastly, the Panasonic Plasma is one of your better investment. IMHO, its pix quality is much better than LCD or LED. Try watching the movie Pitch Black or AVP in Bluray & you'll know why Plasma will come up tops. cheers
  9. Hi Importantly is to get a good Receiver & speakers first. Procinema 600 or 800 will suffice accompany by Onkyo 608 (good to future proof your equipment). It would set u back around $3K plus cables. Then again, some shops offers instalment payments, so take advantage of that. As for BR player, the OPPO 80 ($588) will suffice if your TV is no bigger than 46". The OPPO83 will cost you a hefty $999 if you can afford it. Settle for cheaper BR player unless your finance allows you to upgrade. Cheers
  10. Hi jazz. Whats a better compliment to a perfect home than with a sounding HTS? Hi Def - Most receivers are HDMI compliant. Meaning it can decode superior quality audio (True Hd & DTS HDMA) & improves your pix quality quite substantially. The source has to come from say a Bluray disc or a HD format instrument. HDMI receivers are not expensive as the older receivers (that uses RCA, Component) are phasing out slowly but surely. If youre a movies person, I think the DefTech or paradigm speakers will surprise you. As for pairing 685s, you can consider the 686 or the M1 (both B&W) as rears. The Experts Group (B&W retailer) as a Cinema HTS package. You may want to check them out. Cheers
  11. There you have it. Visit KEC to look at Definitive Technology either Mythos or their proCinema series. Think they also market Mordaunt Short speakers as well. For B&W visit The Experts group at Lavender St (Nxt to imminient Plaza) For music lovers, the B&W will impress. Cheers
  12. Search for my previous postings. Questions involved - 1) Budget? 2) Floor standers or Sat speakers? 3) Hi Def or Not? 4) Movies or Music? 5) Size of living room? 1 forummer here asked me if its ok to pair Pod Speakers (very chio & high WAF) with Def tech center speaker. Its a no brainer. Pod is good for music listening but its a 4 Ohm impedance speaker while the DefTech's are generally 8 Ohm speakers. I do hope that joker took my advice & decided against this pairing. Would you like to wow your guests with chio-ness of speakers or the audio quality of your speakers? Cheers
  13. If u like mini speakers, there's the B&W MT20/25/30 series. Bookshelf speakers 685 & 686. I would suggest the latter. Do audition before deciding. Cheers
  14. Tannoy Arena is not cheap but quality is quite solid & has lots of WAF. The price without receiver & without Tannoy stand is about $3.5-3.8K. At this price, I may suggest you try the B&W 600 series set up before committing. Cheers
  15. Hi Fi mag are good for reference check but a lousy indicator. Its best you audition them. KEC has moved to a bigger space in Adelphi (4th floor) & it has all the amps you can audition. From my experience, Denon's manual can really test your patience. Ive a friend whom until today, has not bring the best out of his Denon amp. Cheers
  16. Im using the 1065 currently. Going to change to Onkyo 708 when its out. The Onkyo 608 is not bad, in fact better than my 1065. Denon can dump it. Already got a buyer for my 1065. Cheers
  17. 685 is a book shelf speakers leh while Mythos are floor standers. You sure you not talking about the B&W 800 diamond series? Cheers
  18. Bro I notice you havent decided on your HTS yet (between Mythos & the B&W MT30) The MT30 consists of M1 sat speakers & the very brilliant but expensive PV-1 sub. PV-1 sub can be easily replaced by a velodyne Minivee (slightly cheaper but better performance) or a SVS PB10. I suggest you go for the B&W 600 series & replace the B&W AS602 sub with any velodyne, paradigm or SVS sub. IMHO, Mythos is good for movie watching but a bit "thin" for music listening. B&W speakers tends to be quite warm for music. Cheers
  19. Kindly seek out advice at the various AV shops in Adelphi. Do have a budget in mind too. Cheers
  20. Im afraid the salesman's statement is true. Motion Flow (if im not mistaken, was 1st developed by Sony on thier Bravia series) boasts amongst the best pix esp for fast moving pictures. As for the other models Im not sure. But ive seen samsung & Sony, esp the newer models & Im pretty impressed. Cheers
  21. Full HD is only applicable if you have HD source ie Bluray player or Mio/Singtel HD box. But for everyone's sake, get a Full HD TV as HD Readt TVs are being phased out. In Spore, Full HD is compliant to 1080p not i, again its very dependent on your source. Hope this clears things up. Cheers
  22. OPPO80 is $588 & OPPO83 is $999. Can get it at Audio Iconic. Think its at basement Adelphi. Look for Patrick. Please note that only OPPO players can play Region A & Region B Bluray Discs. The other brands cannot hor. On another note, both these model plays SACD as well. Other models are just frill free BR player. Cheers